The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3543: Not worth the original match!

   Chapter 3543 is not worth the original match!

  The outside world is not clear about their situation, and naturally there will be people like Fang Minghao and reporters who confuse them.

This reporter has an older sister who used to be a designer in a company. In a competition, that designer lost to Xia Jiu. Since then, she has been in a state of failure. She has become more and more sunk from the high-profile designer to the extent that she even suffers from the disease. depression.

   So the reporter blamed everything on Xia Jiu, and tried every means to find fault with her, and wanted to damage her reputation in order to get revenge.

   The "intimacy" between Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan was photographed, and the reporter was not afraid of Shen Muhan, and immediately handed over the content to his company.

   Who knew that the company would not issue it, and scolded him for creating something out of nothing.

   He couldn't figure it out: "Aren't you just afraid of Shen Muhan? If you don't post it, I'll post it myself!"

   This company is really afraid of Shen Muhan, and it also has some considerations of its own. Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu are not public figures, so why bother with other people's private affairs?

  No one wants to cause trouble to offend Shen Muhan.

   The reporter found a way by himself and posted it directly on the Internet.

   Soon, it spread all over the Internet: "The well-known designer Xia Jiu hooked up with a married man and a certain Shen surname late at night. No wonder he has been standing in the design circle for so many years."

  According to this scandal, everyone quickly followed the clues and found that the person who came to pick up Xia Jiu late at night was Shen Muhan.

  Shen Muhan's marriage is not a secret. For a while, there were countless people who talked about Xia Jiu being the mistress.

   "I didn't expect Xia Jiu to look so pure and generous, so unbearable in private!"

   "It's not worth it for the original wife! Is there really no good man in this world?"

   "Shen Muhan is really handsome, but the scumbag who cheated, I can only say to him faithfully, the scumbag will die!"

   "What's wrong with this world? Both of them are good looking, isn't it good to find a man and an unmarried woman?"

   "I used to like Xia Jiu's talent! I don't even want to wear Xia's clothes anymore, it's disgusting."

   "This kind of scumbag is really enough, can you not come out and pollute other people's eyes?"

   Seeing Xia Jiu being scolded badly, the initiator finally showed a smile.

After    this matter was on the hot search, the Xia family company naturally saw it, and came to Xia Jiu with trepidation to ask about the public relations strategy.

   Xia Jiu was scolded. It was not her business alone. The entire company was implicated. Naturally, the company would not watch things expand indefinitely.

  Xia Jiu laughed out loud when he saw the news: "You don't need to worry about it, I will handle it myself."

   The matter between her and Shen Muhan has always been very low-key, and she never expected to cause such a big disturbance.

   At the same time, Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen also found Shen Muhan's office.

   Shen Muhan has always been lukewarm, and Shen Fengshan and his wife don't mind.

   But when something like this happened, they couldn't sit still.

   Shen Muhan returned to the office after attending the meeting, and saw the second old man sitting in his office.

   "Anything?" he asked with a frown.

   "Didn't you see the news?" Shen Fengshan said straight to the point, "Xia Jiu was scolded badly."

  Shen Muhan: "What's the matter?"

   He was still busy with his work and did not pay attention to the news on the Internet.

   Besides, he has no interest in these.

   When he saw Xia Jiu being scolded, his expression suddenly changed.

Shen Fengshan was afraid that he would do something extreme, and said: "You and Xia Jiu's relationship has almost stabilized, and the marriage should be put on the agenda. If you continue like this, won't people talk about it? You don't care. , Xia Jiu is a girl and needs an explanation and a name. Instead of going to the reporter to settle accounts, it is better to settle this matter directly."

   He and Ding Qinen were just worried about Shen Muhan's temperament, and took things like getting a marriage certificate too lightly and didn't take it to heart.

  Xia Jiu is a girl again, so she definitely won't take the initiative to mention this matter, and the two of them will rush to remind her.

   Shen Muhan was reminded, nodded and said, "Got it."

   Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen were invited out, and I don't know what he meant by knowing.

  Ding Qinen asked: "You say, does our son know what to do?"

   "Should know... right?" Shen Fengshan wasn't sure either.

  Who made this son's mind so unpredictable?

  Shen Muhan sat at the desk, thought for a while, then got up and went out.

   The reason why he never mentioned marriage was because the last time he married Xia Jiu, it was the time she left, and subconsciously, he had been avoiding this matter.

  Although Xia Jiu's attitude of staying by his side is firm enough, Shen Muhan, who is not afraid of anything, actually has his own fears.

   But since the matter had already affected Xia Jiu, this matter really had to be put on the agenda.


  Xia Jiu has a fashion dinner after the fashion show.

  Compared with the fashion show, the fashion dinner scene is more grand, and the guests are more like clouds, not only the darling of the fashion show, but also the fashion people and business people from all over the world.

  Xia Jiu appeared in front of everyone in a haute couture outfit of the Xia family company that night, bright and moving, fashionable and beautiful, showing her style.

She has been famous for many years and has already given birth to children. Xia Jiu is only just under twenty-five years old. The advantage of her age makes her skin fair and clear, with natural brilliance. Far beyond the minds of his peers.

   As soon as she appeared, she was surrounded by people and greeted each other.

   It's just that some people who can't stand on the stage are talking about her being a junior. Although they don't talk about it in front of her, they also have a bad influence.

  Especially the reporter who initiated it, suddenly said, "Miss Xia is really admirable. She is notorious, but she can handle such an occasion with ease. It is really beyond our reach."

   Publicly embarrassing Xia Jiu on such an occasion, not only to slap her in the face, but also to ruin her reputation and her cooperation.

  Although the industry really values ​​her talent, but some wealthy and noble ladies, who can be more vigilant and look down upon her troubled face?

   "Reporter Chen Xin, do you know that defamation has to pay the legal price?" Xia Jiu's expression changed slightly, looking at him with a smile and asked.

   "Photos and videos are proof, I'm not slandering, right? You can do it, I can't say it?" Chen Xin was not afraid at all.

Fang Minghao on the side of    couldn't help but stand up and said: "Don't slander Xia Jiu anymore, Xia Jiu has already agreed to my marriage proposal, how could he still be with other people?"

   He just knew that Xia Jiu was facing the crisis of this matter, so he did everything possible to get the tickets to the dinner tonight, and wanted to relieve Xia Jiu when something happened to her.

   (end of this chapter)

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