Chapter 3545 A successful wedding

   "Ah? Congratulations!"

"Good man rewarded!"

   "Both of them are so good looking, I don't know how good-looking their children are!"

   "Yeah, it's really enviable!"

  Everyone's tone of voice is changed, not as mean as before.

   At this moment, a figure appeared at the door.

  The man who came from outside the door, wearing a high-level custom suit, was tall and strong, with sharp facial features, handsome eyebrows and cold and pressing eyes, with a chilling and daring aura, he walked towards the inside.

  Only the rose in his hand gave him a little softness.

   Everyone involuntarily separated a passage for him.

   He came out more and more, coming straight in the direction of Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu looked at Shen Muhan who was like a **** descending, there was nothing else in her eyes, only him and the starlight flickered, lighting up the bottom of her eyes.

  Shen Muhan walked towards her, knelt down on one knee, and said in a serious and pious tone, "Xia Jiu, marry me!"

   For a moment, the surroundings were quiet, and his eyes fell on Shen Muhan, who was following the flow, and on Xia Jiu, who was astonished and unparalleled.

  Xia Jiu stretched out his hand to take his rose, smiled and nodded at him, her voice jumping and soft: "Okay!"

   Shen Muhan stood up and took her into his arms.

  Fang Minghao was so embarrassed that his scalp was numb. He was so self-righteous that he instantly became a laughing stock. While everyone was laughing and applauding to bless Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu, he sneaked away.

  Chen Xin also hurriedly wanted to slip away.

   But Fengying grabbed him: "Why, you want to leave after slandering people? It's not that easy, is it?"

"What do you want?"

   "What do you think?" Feng Ying restrained him.

   "You can never lynch me!"

   Fengying disdains to do that.

   But the young master also said that those cruel methods cannot be used now, and it is best to hand it over to the police.

   But if it is handed over to the police, can Chen Xin escape what he should bear?

   Naturally impossible!

Feng Ying will do a little bit of tricks and let him and those who have been rumored by him and who have been separated from their wives and children will be locked in one place. At that time, how those people will deal with him is not something that Feng Ying can control. .

  Xia Jiu was brought back to the car by Shen Muhan, and the whole person was still light and unreal like stepping on the clouds.

   "Shen Muhan, am I really going to marry you?"

   "Well, it's true."

   "Then when will we get married?" Xia Jiu was full of anticipation and her eyes were bright.

   "It's already being prepared, it'll be ready soon."

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled: "Do you really want to marry me?"

   "I want to marry." Shen Muhan whispered with gentle eyes, "I just didn't dare before, I was afraid that you would leave, that you would not be there."

  Xia Jiu knew that he was hurt by the last wedding that was almost successful but was ruined. He would also be vulnerable and worried about this matter.

  These things about him, only she can see and understand.

   And she will try to resolve it, Xia Jiu grabbed his hand and put it on his face: "I will never leave you again!"

   "Well, can you say it again?" Shen Muhan's voice was low, his fingers stretched out, rubbing her face.

   "I said, I will never leave you again!" Xia Jiu shouted out of the car window, "I will never leave Shen Muhan again!"

  The sound of the wind carried her voice, spread far away, and scattered in all directions.

   "I will never leave Shen Muhan again." Xia Jiu reiterated, the sparkle in his eyes became more and more dazzling.

   She threw herself into his arms and whispered in his ear, "Shen Muhan, I will never leave you again."

   "Hmm." What responded to her was Shen Muhan's hoarse voice and a cherished kiss.



   Island surrounded by palm trees.

  The waves crashed against the shore, and the white seagulls flew far into the blue sky.

   Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu's wedding will be held on this island today.

   After preparing for the wedding for several months, it finally arrived at the expectation of Xia Jiu.

   All the Shen family members were present.

   Jiang Bai appeared with his parents and the baby.

Fiona also came. Although she was reluctant about Akins, she had no reason to blame Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu lost her parents who had loved her for 20 years. Fiona could understand her. practice.

   and some other relatives and friends also appeared at the wedding scene.

   Originally, the father or elder brother should give the bride's hand to the groom.

   In view of Xia Jiu's situation, Qin Zheng and Uncle Qin were the people who accompanied her on the stage today.

   She was wearing a wedding dress she designed, with white gauze on her head, and her long hair like a waterfall was tied into a fancy bun, which was beautiful and elegant.

  Sihan and Little Ten and Little Eleven held small flower baskets and followed Xia Jiu with joyful faces.

   They can personally participate in the wedding of Dad and Mommy!

  Many children are not treated like this!

   Really happy!

  Daddy even asked them to keep the ring to be exchanged. The three little ones, who are also responsible for the important tasks, are excited and nervous, and vowed to complete the task successfully today!

   "Here comes the groom!" someone shouted.

  Xia Jiu hurriedly looked into the distance, only to see the extremely handsome Shen Muhan, holding a bouquet, walking from a distance and standing on the stage.

  Xia Jiu immediately took Uncle Qin's arm and walked towards Xia Jiu accompanied by Qin Zheng.

  The sea breeze was blowing gently, and the early summer sunshine was just right. Shen Muhan looked at the girl under the stage, and there was a rare softness on his cold face.

   When did you fall in love with her?

   Maybe when we first met, I fell in love with her, loved her smile, loved her rejection, loved her coquettishness, and loved her cry.

   It's just that at the beginning, he didn't understand his own feelings, and he didn't know how to love someone and leave someone behind.

   He thought that when he loved her, he just gave her a check, and letting her spend whatever she wanted would make her happy.

   He naively thought that by letting her conceive a child, she would not leave.

   It was only later that he realized that he was wrong. Love is a very complicated and delicate thing, and it is not so easy to love and be loved.

   He has a lot to learn.

   But he also learned later that love is such a simple thing, as long as she is there, a smile and a smile are enough to satisfy him.

   She brought him a lot, and loved him a lot.

   And he also left all his tenderness to her alone.

   He watched Xia Jiu coming, and walked into his eyes with a ray of light all over his body.

The master of ceremonies asked with a smile, "Xia Jiu, do you want Shen Muhan to be your husband, to make a marriage contract with him, no matter if sick or healthy, or for any other reason, love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, and always be loyal to him Persevere until the end of your life?"

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and smiled, looking at Shen Muhan with stars in her eyes: "I am very, very, very, very willing! I am willing to marry Shen Muhan and go with him to the end of the world and life!"

  The crowd gave a good laugh.

  The master of ceremonies turned to ask Shen Muhan, but before he spoke, Shen Muhan said earnestly and devoutly: "I am also very very very very very willing! I am willing to marry Xia Jiu and go with her to the end of the world and life!"

   The laughter from the audience was even more enthusiastic.

  San Xiaozhi presented the ring and looked at Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu with happiness and pride.

  The two took the ring and put it on for each other.

   Shen Muhan hugged Xia Jiu and buried his head in her shoulder.

  Xia Jiu, my world used to be full of darkness, and your appearance brightened my life.

  【Shen Muhan vs Xia Jiuwan】

Written here, this article has already written about Shen Jingyu vs He Ning, Chu Zhuohang vs Su Mi, Shen Muhan vs Xia Jiusan (the rest of the CPs involved are not many and not counted), each pair has their story , also have their wonderful lives and happy endings. I especially hope and wish everyone who reads the book to have the same wonderful and happy life.

In particular, I would like to thank the readers who have been reading the original version for their support. Every time you support, the humble author has strengthened his determination to continue writing good stories. With you, this industry will be better, and the authors you support will also be better. thank you!

   This book, perhaps here, is already a happy ending. Maybe there will be inspiration in the future, and I will write some extras for the children. Let’s look at the fate and see the inspiration. But whether you write it or not, everything is complete and perfect, thank you again.

   The new book should be released in early September. If there are readers who like my words, you are welcome to continue reading at that time, and thank you again and again.



   (end of this chapter)

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