The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3550: Extra Shen Yuan (5)

   Chapter 3550 Fanwai Shen Yuan (5)

Facing the window glass, he stroked his hair neatly: "I am also handsome and charming, everyone loves me, and flowers bloom, but those girls don't seem to see me at all! The fireworks, well, as soon as you came, I was set off to the point where only firefly-like light remained."

  Shen Yuan's fingers slammed heavily on the keyboard, typed the last word, raised his deep eyes, and said, "Mo Ziqi, who made me have to sit here to work?"

Mo Ziqi hurriedly covered his face: "It's not a slap in the face! It's my fault, my fault, I shouldn't have estimated the wrong time, so that your eldest young master can only work in the cafe first, accepting unreasonable various Kind of harassment of Yingyingyanyan."

   Speaking of harassment, since Shen Yuan sat here, it has not stopped.

   He originally thought that in an hour, there was no need to go around to find a special place to work, so he chose a coffee shop.

   As a result, at least seven or eight girls came over during the one hour of working here, some to deliver things, and some to ask for phone calls.

   The last one probably knew that he could not get his number, and it was impossible for him to add WeChat, so he even wrote the number and handed it over in an attempt to impress him.

   caused him to be interrupted countless times during his short one-hour working time.

   His mood will naturally not be less.

   When these women take the initiative to attack, don't they all look at the occasion?

   Shen Yu let out a sigh of relief, picked up the slightly cold coffee cup in front of him, and took a sip.

   Immediately, he stood up, picked up the computer, passed Mo Ziqi, and walked outside.

   He is a head taller than the average person, very tall and straight, and his suit sets off his shoulders and legs, making him stand out from the crowd.

  Mo Ziqi quickly took a sip of coffee and followed.


   When He Yixia rushed to the company, his immediate boss had already arranged the task.

   She didn't bother to organize her mind, and hurriedly threw herself into work.

While typing on the keyboard, Xu Meiyi's voice came: "He Yixia, are you the one working overtime tonight? I'm sorry, there are so many temporary jobs in the company that need people to do. You can only work hard. You! Come on."

   He Yixia felt something was wrong.

  In the past, although the company sometimes worked overtime, they were all pre-ordered.

  The work of translation companies is like this. There are many external jobs, so overtime is also the norm.

   However, it is not common to suddenly call someone back to work overtime.

   He Yixia had an inexplicable feeling of being targeted.

   Xu Meiyi's hostility that wasn't so obvious was actually very clear to He Yixia.

  Probably, this is the aura of the natural incompatibility between rivals in love, and they can clearly feel it.

   But how?

  He Yixia is just an ordinary family, so he can't just stop working because Xu Meiyi hasn't revealed too obvious targets, right?

   Besides, my mother is still sick now.

   After finishing this temporary job, it was already two o'clock in the morning when He Yixia walked out of the company's door.

   The immediate boss was a middle-aged man in his forties, surnamed Li, who was also busy at this point in time.

   "Isha." He walked towards He Yixia.

   "Leader Li." He Yixia greeted.

   "Yixia, let you pick up Miss Xu that day, shouldn't you offend her?" Team Leader Li asked.

   (end of this chapter)

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