The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3552: Extra Shen Yuan (7)

   Chapter 3552 Fanwai Shen Yuan (7)

   On that day, her world completely collapsed.

   Fang Yunqian saw her, and the guilt in his eyes just flashed.

   That time, she chatted with him for a long time, and then realized that although she and he grew up together, they never knew him.

   I don't understand his desire to be competitive, to strive for excellence, and to become a superior man, but he is just stepping on the shortcuts that others have taken, and 20 years less struggle.

   These are He Yixia who was born in an ordinary family. He couldn't understand them, and couldn't give them to him at all.

   He Yixia slapped him and broke up decisively.

   Thinking of this, He Yixia felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

  Like a person seems to have become a habit, the pain of sudden peeling, even after so long, it still hurts faintly.

   There is unwillingness and resentment.

   But it is more of a strong powerlessness.

   is not for the other party.

   But what I paid for myself felt worthless.

   After not seeing her for nearly a whole year, she thought she had completely forgotten and gave up.

   But Fang Yunqian's return brought waves of waves to her life again.

   Originally, she had just graduated from college, but she felt that she had lived through the vicissitudes of life.

   was too tired, but she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned on the bed for a long time before she finally fell asleep, but she had a strange dream all night.

  When I woke up in the morning, it was inevitable that there was a little bit of dark blue under the corners of my eyes.

   I worked overtime last night, but today I have to go back to work as usual. He Yixia covered her eyes with foundation and came to the company soon.


   When he was about to enter the company, He Yixia heard Fang Yunqian's familiar voice.

   After all, we've been together for many years, He Yixia could hear this voice even if it turned to ashes.

   He Yixia's face quickly put on alienation: "Mr. Fang is calling me?"

   Fang Yunqian's eyes flashed with disappointment and loss.

   He is wearing a high-level custom-made handmade suit, and the white shirt is very scratchy.

   set him off to be really high-spirited.

   He has just graduated, so he can make such progress and development, and his choice is really indispensable.

   No wonder he made such a choice in the first place.

  He Yixia thought, others say that although some women worship money, they actually still have feelings deep down in their hearts, but when men are realistic, women can only look at them.

   This sentence really makes sense.

   is reflected most vividly in Fang Yunqian.

   "Yixia, do we need to be polite like this?" Fang Yunqian opened his mouth, as if he didn't want to be treated like this by He Yixia.

   "I think it's still necessary." He Yixia said calmly, "If Mr. Fang has nothing to do, I'll go first."

   "Isha..." Fang Yunqian wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say to her for a while.

   Over the past year, he really missed her.

   "Fang is always good."

   "Fang is always good."

  Passing employees can't help but say hello when they see Fang Yunqian.

   He Yixia showed a bright smile, Mr. Fang!

   This is the future he wants.

   Now he has realized it, and has become the high-ranking President Fang.

   He Yixia whispered at him and said, "Congratulations."

   Hearing these greetings, Fang Yunqian should have been excited and proud.

   However, in front of He Yixia at this moment, all he was left with was embarrassment and discomfort.

   Especially He Yixia's words of congratulations made him feel like a beam on his back.

   He Yixia turned around and left.

   (end of this chapter)

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