The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3574: Extra Shen Yuan (29)

   Chapter 3574 Fanwai Shen Yuan (29)

   The hotel where Shen Yuan stayed is one of the best five-star hotels in the city.

   When He Yixia was brought in by Cao Tesuke, Shen Yuan was on the phone in the room.

  The suite he lives in is divided into a room, a reception room and a dining room.

   He Yixia was left in the reception room, while Tesuke Cao stood by and waited.

  The suite is very big, Shen Yu'an's voice is calm, but occasionally a few words come out from it, which are also intermittent and indistinguishable.

   After a while, Shen Yuan hung up the phone, walked out, and said to Special Assistant Cao: "Team Cao, the documents will be uploaded right away, you can sort them out for Miss He."

The   conveyor was placed in the reception room.

   Assistant Cao took out the non-disclosure agreement first.

   In these days of work, because the content of each day's work is slightly different, a non-disclosure agreement is always signed.

   Because, as a simultaneous interpreter, He Yixia has been exposed to far more content than has been made public.

The content of    two days later has some secret existences.

The    conveyor starts, and the page-by-page content begins to print.

   Shen Yuan received another call and turned to go to the room.

  He Yixia stepped forward to help Cao Tezhu, sorting out the printed documents and sorting out the contents.

   Shen Yu'an was standing where he could see the movements of Tesuke Cao and He Yixia.

   was also able to hear them clearly.

   He Yixia bumped into a pendant beside the printer and moved it accidentally.

   Assistant Cao immediately reminded: "Miss He, that is Mr. Shen's favorite pendant. Don't touch it."

   "I didn't mean it either." He Yixia hurriedly said in a low voice, quickly and carefully wiped off the dust that did not exist on the pendant, and repositioned it.

   She was really fed up with Shen Yu'an's eyes, so she would definitely not leave anything behind.

   Lest she be mistaken for a stalking **** again.

   "Is this the original position?" After she put it away, she asked Cao Special Assistant a little worriedly.

   Cao Tesuke said: "It seems that we have to go a little further?"

   "That's it?" She moved another position with extreme care, "Will it be better? He won't be too happy because of this, right? I swear I really bumped into it by accident!"

   The little white face was already stained with a blush because of nervousness.

   There was also a little bit of fine sweat oozing from the tip of the very upturned nose.

   She pursed her lips, nervously waiting for Special Assistant Cao's response.

   It seems that he is really afraid of making his sweetheart unhappy because of the pendant, so every action shows some helplessness.

   Shen Yuan smiled silently.

   It may be that she is already pleasing to the eye at work, so looking at her now is not as dazzling as before.

   Cao Tesuke finally nodded.

  He Yixia breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay. I don't know if your husband can see that I've encountered this? Hope he won't be angry."

   "I shouldn't be angry. Mr. is not such a cautious person." Cao Te assistant glanced at her, "The premise is... you don't talk to him again."

  He Yixia's behavior, in Cao Tesuke's eyes, also became a clear proof that he didn't want to upset Shen Yuan.

  He Yixia: "???"

   She really didn't!

   She just didn't want to see Shen Yu'an's face!

  Shen Yuan smiled again, and was a little absent-minded towards the other end of the phone.

  Fortunately, the phone was turned on at home, so he was just chatting about everyday things. Even if he was distracted, it didn't matter.

  【He Yixia: Sweetheart? Excuseme?

  Shen Yuan: I attack myself. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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