The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3603: Extra Shen Yuan (58)

   Chapter 3603 Fanwai Shen Yuan (58)

   He Yixia didn't come to Wensheng Group, although it's a pity, but it's not a big relationship.

  Tang Wen pursues girls with patience.

   He sat silently for a moment, the secretary's phone flashed a few times on his cell phone.

   "Tell me, what's the matter." Tang Wen pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Tang, I just learned that the doctor who examined Mother He was not the one we arranged before, but the most famous Doctor Gu in another hospital. The ward that Mother He used was not arranged by me. ." As soon as the secretary learned of the situation, he immediately called Tang Wen.

   "Huh?" Tang Wen wondered, who would it be?

   He said lazily: "Understood, you don't have to worry about this."

   After He Yixia came back, he was much more awake because he washed his face with cold water.

   After she was seated, Tang Wen said, "Yixia, I didn't make your mother's admission arrangement today."

   He didn't do it himself, of course he wouldn't bear such a false name.

   "Isn't it you?" He Yixia clearly had a huge question mark.

   So if it's not even Tang Wen, who else can it be?

   When Tang Wen saw her expression, he knew that the road he wanted to chase her would be long and difficult.

   The person who can arrange for Doctor Gu is definitely capable.

   Shouldn't it be... the one he thought?

   That man has always been sullen, is it so low-key when chasing people?

"Although I arranged it, I thought it was in place, but I just received a call from the secretary. The ward where your mother lives, and the doctors I contacted were not those arranged by me. Sorry, I made a mistake before. ." Tang Wen confessed frankly without reservation.

   He Yixia hurriedly shook his head: "It doesn't matter. Even if it's not you, your arrangement and intentions are also very good, I'm very grateful."

   It's just that she is even more confused, who would do this?

  I owe someone a favor for no apparent reason. It's a lot of pressure.

   After the meal, Tang Wen arranged for the secretary to drive and insisted on sending He Yixia back.

   When he paid the bill, he realized that He Yixia had really bought the order long ago, and it was out of gratitude to him that he proposed to come for this meal.

   is very clear.


   He drank wine the night before, and when he woke up the next day, He Yixia felt a little groggy.

   After a brief wash, I remembered that I hadn't called Tesuke Cao about going to work.

   After breakfast, she dialed Special Assistant Cao's mobile number.

   "Assistant Cao, please tell Minister Shen that I have promised to come to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work. Please make arrangements. Please also tell me the arrangements of your department at that time."

   Cao Tesuke was very happy: "You really agreed? Welcome! I'll report to the minister now!"

   "Well, please, please." He Yixia smiled.

   "No trouble, no trouble. It's too late for me to be happy that you can come to work with us. Speaking of which, the minister must be happy too. After all, you are very capable, and he likes people with a good work attitude."

"hope so."

   After He Yixia hung up the phone, she suddenly had a vague idea, shouldn't Shen Yu'an arrange for her mother's hospitalization?

  As Tang Wen said, in order to solve the worries of his subordinates, he will help solve some family problems?

   It's just that Shen Yu'an is watching, he really doesn't look like such a careful person.

   (end of this chapter)

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