The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3647: Extra Shen Yuan (102)

   Chapter 3647 Fanwai Shen Yuan (102)

  Like when she was in Egypt, she actually called his least important number.

   Shen Yuan originally thought that her private number should be told to her seriously.

   He hooked his lips mockingly, because he was self-indulgent.

   Cao Tezhu hurriedly put it away, heaving a sigh of relief.

   Before Shen Yuan kept all three cell phones, he thought the minister had any thoughts on his work.

   Now it's finally handed over to him again.

   No, not only gave him the unimportant number, but also gave him the mobile phone with the work number.

   It seems that this is another increase in the trust in yourself.


   In the evening, He Yixia called Shen Yuan's number again.

When    reported work before, she called his work number.

   So when I added WeChat later, I always added his number.

   This time, after she dialed, she was quickly connected.

   "Hello." He Yixia was a little nervous and clenched her phone tightly.

   "Hello, Isha? Are you looking for Minister Shen?"

Special assistant Cao's voice came: "Is it a report or something else? I'll transfer the report to you. If it's anything else, Ixia, I advise you to give up your mind. The minister is very worried now. I'm busy, I don't have time to listen to some of these."

   After so long, Special Assistant Cao thought that He Yixia had given up on the minister.

  I didn't expect that she would have the guts to call the minister's job number.

   Special assistant Cao also admires her.

   He Yixia didn't expect that it would be Cao Tesuke who received the call. Usually, Shen Yuan herself answered the call when she made this call.

   She was embarrassed of being caught, and said, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

   Cao Te said with a serious tone: "Yixia, as I said, the minister doesn't like this way. Besides, isn't this a mess? Let me tell you, even if you want to pursue the minister, you have to pay attention to the basic law..."

   "Okay, Special Assistant Cao, I'm hanging up."

  He Yixia just hung up the phone.

   Cao Tesuke glanced at the phone and muttered, "What kind of temper is this? Even with this temper, I want to catch up with the minister? It's tooyoung, toosimple!"

   Shen Yu'an's mobile phone was on Cao Te's assistant, so He Yixia not only could no longer make calls, but also could no longer send WeChat.

   hung up the phone, and she quickly retracted the line of text she just sent.

   Fortunately, the hands are fast.

  Otherwise, if Cao Tesuke saw it, he would be told again.

   She hugged the pillow and rolled on the sofa. She was very flustered, and felt a little indebted. She felt terrible.

   The line of text she sent was: "Minister Shen, can we talk? I can explain what I confessed that day."

   She could explain that the confession was an oolong, but then he liked his... but it was not adulterated, he accepted her confession.

   She also accepts his acceptance.

After    is withdrawn, the dialog becomes empty.

   Cao Tesuke naturally saw the news she sent and removed, but he didn't see the specific content.

   He shook his head secretly, it's a good thing for a little girl to have the courage to pursue true love, but it's too clingy and can only arouse the minister's disgust!

   No wonder the minister was so annoying, he even gave the phone to himself for safekeeping, leaving only a private number with him.

  Look at what the Minister has been forced to look like!

   Therefore, Cao Te-assistant did not report to Shen Yuan about He Yixia's call and retraction of the news.

   (end of this chapter)

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