The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3654: Extra Shen Yuan (109)

   Chapter 3654 Fanwai Shen Yuan (109)

   "Soup for hangover? Where did you get it?" He Yixia didn't think there would be such a thing in the cafeteria.

   There wasn’t one in the cafeteria before.

Yi Xin said: "Yeah, I think it's very strange too, so I asked specifically. Guess what? I heard that Minister Shen specially ordered it, saying that the department leaders often entertain themselves, and everyone's stomach is not very good. They will ask the cafeteria to supply the hangover soup in unlimited quantities. This millet porridge is for nourishing the stomach, and I heard that it was specially requested by Minister Shen. In the past, it was all rice porridge."

Someone next to    is also whispering: "Millet porridge is more nutritious and healthier than rice porridge, and Minister Shen's arrangement is good for those of us who want to lose weight."

  It turned out to be so.

   He Yixia didn't expect that she would be so coincidental, and she just made do with Shen Yu'an's request, so let's just drink a bowl.

   She picked up the hangover soup, which was not too unpleasant to drink. It was hot and hot, and it was just right and comfortable in this late autumn, which had cooled down.

   Yi Xin sighed: "It's better to say that you have power and power, you can really do whatever you want."

   "It's also for everyone's benefit." He Yixia didn't think that Shen Yuan was the kind of person who used his power to do evil.

   He Yixia could see it from the time he seriously bowed to her and apologized for her grades being taken up.

   Yi Xin laughed: "He Yixia, didn't you get captured again because of a bowl of sober soup?"

   He Yixia didn't want to pay attention to this sentence, and lowered her head to drink the soup.

   Cao Tesuke heard that the cafeteria only served hangover soup, but it was changed because of the minister's words. He thought that the minister must have had other entertainment after he went back last night, and he didn't drink less.

  Conscientiously, he went to the cafeteria to bring a bowl of sober soup and went straight to Shen Yu'an's office.

   "Minister." Cao Tesuke knocked on the door and walked in.

   Shen Yuan saw what he was holding, and said directly: "I've eaten breakfast, no need."

   "It's not breakfast." Cao Tezhu said with a smile, "This is hangover soup. I heard that the minister specially ordered it to be served. I went and got a bowl to help you hangover."

   "I didn't drink yesterday either. Take it away." Shen Yu'an had a kind expression on his face.

   Cao Tesuke was surprised, he took a serious look at Shen Yuan's face, looking at it like this, it seemed that he really didn't drink.

  But the minister didn't drink alcohol, so why did he suddenly prepare a hangover soup?

  Especially I heard that this order was given in the middle of the night last night, so the cafeteria was able to serve the prepared hangover soup as soon as the meal opened today.

  I didn’t drink alcohol, and I gave the order in the middle of the night, so what is the minister doing?

  Assistant Cao thought for a while and then figured it out. I heard that last night, there were several departments who entertained a few guests who like to drink, which made the people in the department want to die.

   The Minister must have heard about this, so he asked people to prepare in advance.

   Saying that he is sympathetic to his subordinates is indeed not wrong at all.

   Cao Tesuke brought out the hangover soup. Although the minister did not drink it, the minister's attitude towards his subordinates also made him feel warm!

   Therefore, we must work harder in the future so that we can be worthy of the painstaking efforts of the Minister!

   With the hangover soup and millet porridge for breakfast, He Yixia finally got through the pain caused by the hangover last night, and his mental state was much better.

   When she was almost at work, she saw a call from the hospital on her mobile phone, so she quickly stood up and went to the balcony to answer the call.

   (end of this chapter)

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