The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 811: They want He Ning and An An

   Chapter 811 They want He Ning and An An

"Jing Yu... The next thing I'm going to say is very important. Whether you agree or not, I have to tell you." Fu Hongxuan's face took on a serious look, and the whole person seemed extremely heavy .

   Shen Jingyu looked at him.

  Fu Hongxuan's tone was extremely slow, but every word was so solemn: "The virus you have contracted has also been infected by someone in the United States."

"Professor Liang and Gu Yunchen are already developing drugs, and soon, they will be able to come up with corresponding solutions." Shen Jingyu's eyes narrowed slightly, "At that time, as long as the United States can provide a suitable exchange, there is no reason for us to hide the drugs. Tuck."

   "No, the virus they infected is a variant of this virus, which is more serious than you." Fu Hongxuan said in a deep voice.

   "So?" Shen Jingyu asked rhetorically, the faint bad premonition in his heart gradually expanded.

   "They want He Ning!" Fu Hongxuan said this in a very slow and heavy tone.

  Shen Jingyu's face was instantly tense, and there was even a hint of mockery on his thin lips.

   However, he knew that mocking was meaningless, so he lowered his lips: "Then have you told them that it's impossible?"

   "They even want your child, Jing Yu. Because the healthy birth of this child has exceeded expectations, they have a strong research interest in this."

   "Then have you told them, it's impossible!" Shen Jingyu stood up suddenly, put his hands on the huge desk, and looked at Fu Hongxuan with a cold gaze.

  Fu Hongxuan did not speak, and silently turned on the button beside his hand.

The   3d holographic screen appeared in front of Shen Jingyu.

  The United States has mobilized all advanced modern combat readiness that can be mobilized.

   They already have the best reserves in the world and a higher defense force than the entire world.

   So far, no country can compete head-on with it.

  Dragon Empire is also slightly inferior.

   Besides, once the disputes in modern society are opened, the losses cannot be underestimated.

"The son of the Duke of Phoenix, who holds the power of the Phoenix Consortium, the largest supporter of the United States, was infected with a variant of this virus during his mission. The entire company has been infected with countless people. The Duke of Phoenix has reached an agreement with the United States... They want to congratulate Ning and An An."

   "Then tell them, it's impossible! I'll tell you, too!" Shen Jingyu said these words, turned around, and walked out of Fu Hongxuan's line of sight with heavy steps.

The news of    quickly spread throughout the department and the presidential palace.

  Since Shen Jingyu's condition became an open secret and He Ning's physical condition became an open secret, the catastrophe finally came.

  According to the department's practice, if the people in the United States were not He Ning and An An, they would have already sent them there.

   In other words, if they didn't want He Ning and An An, they would have taken them away without a sound.

  Because of He Ning and An An, no one dared to despise this matter in the presidential palace and departments of the entire Dragon Empire.

  No one dares to offer their own suggestions and opinions.

   Sending innocent people to eliminate disasters for themselves is not what people like them do.

   But the current situation has nothing to do with their identities, because it concerns the fate of all citizens of the entire country.

  Fu Hongxuan knew that they didn't say their decision.

   But in my heart, I have already made a choice.

   (end of this chapter)

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