Chapter 813 is just a name

   "Okay." Shen Jingyu lowered his head and said, "If you don't put so much attention on him."

   Anyway, even the son can't preempt her too much, he is also very jealous.

   Neither can my son!

   "..." He Ning's lips twitched slightly.

   This man's monstrous jealousy can really set up a vinegar factory.

   He can make concessions to others, but he just refuses to make concessions to An An. How can He Ning really care less about An An?

   That is the child she bought with her life!

   is their child.

  The air pressure on his body was a little low. He Ning thought he was jealous, but he didn't expect that there was a very important thing behind it, which might cause earth-shaking changes to their future lives.


  The Duke of Phoenix shares interests with the American side.

   In addition to using US threats.

  The Phoenix consortium is also extremely suppressing the entire Shen family's family business.

  The business of the Shen family is all over the world, but so is the business of the Phoenix consortium.

  The Shen family has an absolute advantage in Asia, but the Phoenix consortium also has great advantages in Europe and the United States. As a result, the branches of the Shen family in Europe and America began to experience frequent crises and difficulties.

  If it is not resolved, there will be major crises in the future, which will be even more difficult to handle.

  Shen Jingyu wants to meet Duke Phoenix in person.

   However, the other party refused, showing no mercy, and there was no room for mediation.

   They don't want anything except He Ning or An An, or both.

   "Since it's gone, let's spend it." Shen Jingyu said coldly, even the lines on his chin were chilling.

   The entire Shen Group did not understand what happened.

The Duke of Phoenix directly released news to them, telling them: "We only need He Ning or An An, if the third master is willing to give up any of them, we will not only give up interference with the business of the Shen Group, but also cooperate with everything of the Shen Group in the future. "

  The sincerity of the other party was very strong, and they even felt that Shen Jingyu was unwilling to agree, just wanting to exchange for higher and better interests.

  The matter of women and children is not a decisive matter for the powerful classes of any country.

   They didn't believe that Shen Jingyu would refuse such a temptation.

   As for the news to the shareholders of the Shen Group, it is to let them work together to persuade Shen Jingyu to make a decision as soon as possible.

   The entire Shen Group was in a frenzy.

The decision of the    department also gradually surfaced.

   Their common decision is to give up He Ning.

   After all, compared to the interests of the entire company, He Ning is too insignificant.

   She does not have the ability to influence the overall situation of the country, and she has no shrewdness to control the economy. For them, she is just a name and a symbol.


   Shen Jingyu was called to hold a high-level meeting of the department.

At the    meeting, Fu Hongxuan was also there. He sat on the chair. Obviously, today's meeting is not only a departmental meeting, but also the meaning of the presidential palace.

  Shen Jingyu was dressed in a suit and was very professional.

   Under the well-fitting trousers, everything is so high above, which makes him look more imposing, and he is a head taller than ordinary people, which also makes him stand out from the crowd.

   Even if all the people here are high-level people, he still stands out.

   (end of this chapter)

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