Chapter 816 is a woman

   He was rarely so angry, used to be only when he was jealous.

   He Ning understood that the stakes were high, and he also understood that his worries were not without concerns.

   Her body really can't hold up so much.

   Sending her to the US is obviously sending her to a dead end.

   But what should I do?

   He Ning was lost in thought.

   Shen Jingyu kissed her, as if afraid that she would say anything about voluntary sacrifice.

   He will not allow anyone to hurt her again!

   Even if the whole world is against her, he will be against the whole world for her.

   Going to a special country team, going to a special empire's safety, nothing is more important than her.

   He kissed her frantically.

   He Ning understands his feelings, if she wants to let her give up on him, she can't do the same.

   As if this is the end of the world, as if this is the end.


   Shen Jingyu and He Yiming haven't set off yet.

   However, the shareholders within the Shen family were also arguing.

   Although they didn't know that the United States wanted He Ning, the Duke of Phoenix on the opposite side said that as long as Shen Jingyu was willing to give up He Ning, they would stop.

   Therefore, the entire shareholders meeting was the first time that the quarrel turned upside down, and the first time someone dared to quarrel in front of Shen Jingyu and loudly stated their purpose.

   Interest is really a magic weapon to deceive people, greedy human nature, at this moment, it can be seen at a glance.

Lin Dong, who is sitting closest to Shen Jingyu, has always had a position in the Shen family, and said, "Third Master, the Phoenix consortium has an American background. This time, the direct suppression of us has really made us a bit miserable. I think it's better to accept it. their advice."

   "Young grandma loves you very much. She loves you so much, and she must be willing to sacrifice for you and the whole company."

   Shen Jingyu glanced at them coldly: "How many people think this way?"

   A few people with their own identities stood up, others were a little hesitant, and some were firm Sanye faction, who would not waver no matter what happened.

"Third Master, we know that you have deep feelings for the young lady. If the other party has to force you, have you ever thought about it? Maybe the other party and the young grandma may have some private feelings behind the scenes? They forced you to divorce, did they just want to marry you? Young mistress to continue the relationship?" A shareholder surnamed Wang guessed.

   In addition, he couldn't think of more things.

  Although the physical condition of Shen Jingyu and He Ning is an open secret, it is only limited to insiders. People in the business field have not heard much gossip.

   So everyone guessed that the Phoenix consortium did this mostly for feelings.

Seeing that Shen Jingyu didn't speak, he boldly continued: "I'm sorry, since the young lady still has feelings for other men and is not loyal to the third master, there is no need for the third master to take care of her, on the contrary, it will hurt the company. fundamental interests.”

   As soon as he finished speaking, a cup of hot coffee smashed directly on his forehead, and he didn't even see how Shen Jingyu moved his hand.

   Wang Dong was startled, his face was full of blood, but he didn't dare to stretch out his hand to wipe it off, but said in a trembling voice: "Third Master, I'm just guessing, it's not accurate, I didn't do it on purpose."

   "Don't you, the one in charge of the United States, know that Duke Phoenix is ​​a woman?" Shen Jingyu's voice was calm.

   (end of this chapter)

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