Chapter 844 Changed an identity

   "Why?" Chu Zhuohang asked immediately, a trace of obvious nervousness in his voice.

   Fortunately, he immediately made up: "I mean, if you go past, there may still be danger."

   "I found a message..."

  Chu Zhuohang's heart is about to be lifted, she found a piece of news?

  What news did you find?

   Could it be that she heard the rumor that Shen Jingyu had another woman and son?

   Chu Zhuohang did not believe that rumor. He knew exactly what Shen Jingyu was like.

   However, after elle said this today, he was a little worried again.

   It has been almost four years, and Shen Jingyu has no news at all. He promised to come to pick up He Ning, but there is no news.

   If there is anything else, he should finish it.

  The so-called concern is chaos, and Chu Zhuohang also felt that his reason and emotion were alternately engaged in a tug-of-war.

   "I found out that someone saw Big Brother." He Ning said.

   "You mean Yiming?" Lan Xi suddenly became nervous.

   "Yes, I only said that the eldest brother is missing, not dead. So the eldest brother must still be alive, but we have not found him. Since he is still there, we must find him."

   "Besides, it's been four years, no matter what happened, I want to go back and have a look." He Ning said softly.

   Everyone understood her idea.

   I didn’t want her to go back two years ago because I was afraid that the United States was still looking for her.

   Now that time has passed for so long, many things must have faded.

   With some things provided to them by Professor Liang and Gu Yunchen, they must have developed a way to save their lives.

   Having said that, He Ning is relatively safe now.

  Lan Xi glanced at Master Chu: "Well, let He Ning go back first."

   She has her son in mind and will never give up when there is news.

   "Then we have to go back with He Ning too!" Ping Ping said in unison.

   Having grown so big, they haven't left He Ning yet, and now He Ning wants to leave, they will definitely not agree!

   He Ning whispered something to them, and they nodded reluctantly.

   I am afraid that only He Ning himself can convince them.

   "Zhuo Hang, let's go too. Help find Yiming and protect He Ning by the way." Master Chu said.

   "Okay." Without having to say anything from his father, Chu Zhuohang had already made preparations.

  For convenience, elle also followed along. It is not easy to inquire about news in some places, and it is only convenient to go through elle's identity.

"It's inconvenient for He Ning to go like this. Although the United States has temporarily controlled the disease, with their ambitions, they know that He Ning is still alive, and they will definitely take it back for research for other purposes. He Ning should change his identity." Chu Ye said After finishing, people took out a stack of information.

   That is the new identity and passport, all complete.

   The name on the passport is: Chuning.

   The person in the photo has short hair and straight eyebrows. He is completely a young man, but upon closer inspection, he looks like He Ning.

   The gender is clearly written: male!

   In other words, not only changed her identity, but also changed her gender!

   He Ning couldn't help but stunned, but she likes this identity!

   "This is the safest and safest way." Master Chu said that for his daughter, he also had good intentions.

  It was also mainly because of his identity that Da Lala appeared in the Dragon Empire, which was too conspicuous. His face and legs were not easy to hide, so he couldn't find He Yiming in person.

   (end of this chapter)

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