Chapter 846 Young Master Likes Men

  He Ning went to Portugal with Elle and Xiaozhan.

   Originally, He Ning planned to go to Shen's house to see old lady Shen, Ding Qinen and Shen Ye.

   But considering my current status, I guess I couldn’t meet in the past, so I can only temporarily waive it.

   In Portugal, you can only stay in a hotel temporarily.

   He Ning returned the company to Ms. Ning Wan's bloodline Xiao Yao. In order to express her gratitude to Ning Wan, she also gave the small villa she no longer lived in to Xiao Yao.

When    arrived in Puxi, elle reported the news to He Ning: "The third master has been in the team for a long time. He has handed over a lot of power, and most of it has been handed back to Shen Fengshan."

   "He doesn't have much power left in his hands, but in the past few years, he has been trained to become a team that ranks among the best in both individual combat ability and team combat ability."

   "Then, just recently, the third master reopened a company called Shengjing. It has officially opened. The third master is currently working in Shengjing."

   "That means, I can go to him directly?" He Ning asked.

   "Yes. With your current identity, no one in the outside world will guess your identity. When you get to the third master, you can directly give him a surprise!" Elle said.

  He Ning's heart beat faster, he pursed his lips slightly, and there was a smile in his eyes.

   She really hasn't seen him for a long, long time, and hasn't told him yet that she has given birth to another son, the child she shares with him.

   There are many more things she wants to tell him.

  Elle grabbed her collar and said solemnly, "Next time, don't show this kind of daughter-in-law. Do you want to be seen as the original He Ning at a glance?"

   "Cough cough." He Ning coughed twice, did he lose his composure so badly just now?

   "Attention, you can only let the third master know who you are, and you can't let anyone else discover your true identity - otherwise, I'm afraid many people will send you to the United States, understand?"

   "Understood!" He Ning knew the seriousness of the matter.

   "I'm going to work." After elle finished speaking, she stepped on high heels and went to her design company.

  Xiao Zhan is in charge of collecting Shen Jingyu's current materials, all of which are to be prepared for He Ning.

"This is Shen Jingyu's most frequently used car at present, this is his company address, this is the address of his villa... I can't find anything else, he is very concerned about personal privacy. However, Master Ning, what do you want these for? "Xiao Zhan asked curiously.

   Didn't you come back to find He Yiming?

   "Don't do anything." He Ning replied indifferently, it's better that he doesn't know about this kind of thing, so as not to let him get involved.

   She reached out and picked up a photo, it was Shen Jingyu, her expression was a little haggard, even though her clothes were neat and meticulous, her eyes showed a tiredness that He Ning had never seen before.

   Over the years, he has faced too many things.

  He Ning couldn't help but feel distressed in his eyes. He reached out and placed his hand on the photo, touching his eyebrows, and emotions rose in his heart.

  Xiao Zhan opened his mouth: "Master Ning, don't you like this man named Shen Jingyu?"

   When he checked the information just now, he found that there were countless women who liked Shen Jingyu, but he didn't find anything special about Shen Jingyu. In terms of handsomeness and looks, Master Chu and Master Ning were no worse than him.

   (end of this chapter)

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