Chapter 849 You can get out

   And she was the first to complete the mission!

  He Ning defeated the bodyguard, pushed open the glass door, and stood in front of Shen Jingyu.

  Because she completed the task in less than half the time, everyone else was still busy, only she was standing in front of Shen Jingyu.

   Shen Jingyu buried his head in the pile of documents, and in the direction He Ning was standing, only his short hair could be seen.

   She hadn't seen each other for four years, her eyes were fixed on Shen Jingyu's body, and she couldn't take it back.

   That name and the appearance of that person are in my mind a thousand times, and every time I dream back at midnight, they appear countless times.

   He Ning was stunned for a while, then took a step and walked in the direction of Shen Jingyu.

   "Keep your distance." Shen Jingyu spoke, his voice was more mature than before, and two or three points of vicissitudes.

   However, it still sounds incredible.

   He Ning felt that at this moment, her ears were directly connected to her heart, and his voice, oscillating through the eardrum, caused ripples in her heart.

   So she only paid attention to the voice, and didn't care what he said, and kept walking towards Shen Jingyu.

   Shen Jingyu frowned and raised his eyes. This is the most unruly applicant he has ever seen. He has already spoken to remind him, but the applicant has not stopped.

   He raised his eyes and looked at He Ning.

With narrow phoenix eyes and long tails, when she glanced at He Ning, her heartbeat couldn't be restrained. She covered her chest with her hands, and the stars twinkled in her eyes. She even forgot that there were other applicants and glasses outside at the moment. men, and bodyguards.

   Shen Jingyu's brows furrowed even deeper. The candidate in front of him not only didn't stop or step back, he even turned a deaf ear to his orders and was still walking towards him.

  When did your own words become so useless?

   Also, what's that look on "his" face?

   Shen Jingyu has seen a woman being mad at him, but this is the first time he has seen a man be mad at him, and he is still a job applicant!

   He said coldly, "You can get out."

   "Jing Yu..." He Ning could finally speak. When she saw him, she had been immersed in it all the time, and only now did she come back to her senses.

   His beautiful brows and eyes were right in front of him, and the small black mole on his right cheek seemed to be shining brightly.

   Her voice was choked, and there was a mist in her eyes.

   Meeting like this is the moment she has always dreamed of.

   is a scene she has fantasized about for a long time.

   And now, she finally saw him.

   "Jing Yu." He Ning said again, the expressions on his face were admiration, admiration, distress, and surprise, all intertwined.

   But this made Shen Jingyu extremely annoyed. These expressions appeared on a man's face, which made him feel a lot of discomfort.

   However, when he wanted to say it again, his Adam's apple rolled, but he couldn't seem to say it again.

   He didn't like the person in front of him, he even disliked it. He disliked a man who made such an attitude towards him. It was too pretentious and disgusting!

   But he doesn't seem to be really disgusting, it's a kind of strange satisfaction, but he can't let himself accept the feeling of rejection in such a situation.

   This made him unable to react for a while, how to deal with this person in front of him.

  He Ning saw that he didn't resent her, and took a few steps forward. At this moment, she forgot that she was still a man. She only knew that she really wanted to hug him and kiss him.


   The new year is coming, I wish you all the best, activities are of course essential~

   1. Q&A activity

   On the 2.3rd, at 20:00, there will be a rush answer in the group. There are ten questions in total. The first correct answer to each question will be rewarded with 52 book coins, and the prize can be claimed repeatedly.

   If the effect is good, we will continue to add questions later.

   Second, weekly list activities

   Time: 2.4-2.10 at 22:00 pm Screenshot and reward

   The top ten active points can get book currency rewards: the first 2888 book coins, the second 1888 book coins, the third 1314 book coins, the fourth to sixth 888 book coins, the seventh to tenth 588 book coins

   Active points can be increased by tipping, voting, subscribing, commenting, etc.

   All are welcome to actively participate.



   (end of this chapter)

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