The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 872: Of course we are the most handsome

   Chapter 872 Of course we are the most handsome

   However, Shen Jingyu had already strode away.

   Miyazawa felt that Lord Shen did the right thing.

  Hold on, don't be fooled by the male fox spirit, you are the good Lord Shen.

   The phone dinged.

   He Ning pressed it down, and was talking in a calm voice: "Ningning, didn't you go to find Dad? Did you find it? Is he as handsome as me?"

  An An interjected: "There must be no."

   "Then did he ask us? When is he coming to pick us up?" Pingping continued to ask.

  Ann interjected: "He forgot."

  An An was the same as when she was a child, she was very uncomfortable with Shen Jingyu. The father and son were together, and they had endless vinegar.

  Although he was still too young at that time, he must have forgotten about competing with Shen Jingyu for jealousy, but this feeling was etched in his bones.

   Pingping is different. He has never seen his father since he was a child, so he has always had a strong longing for his father.

   He Ning responded quickly: "Soon, he will come to pick you up soon. Of course, we are the most handsome at Ping An An!"

   The two little buns let out a contented hum.

   That's for sure, how can he be handsome if he hasn't come to pick up his dad for four years?

   He Ning felt that he might still need time to fight this time.

After returning, she moved out of the hotel and into a villa arranged by Chu Zhuohang.

  It is really inconvenient to stay in a hotel for a long time.

  There are arranged servants in the villa, and it is more convenient for the three of them to settle down together.

   When he went to work the next day, He Ning brought two lunch boxes.

   This is the love bento that she got up early in the morning and made with her own hands. In the past two years, she has often cooked delicious food for Ping An An, and her cooking skills have also improved a lot.

   She hummed a song, put the food in the lunch box, and carried it out carefully.

  Xiao Zhan shook his head at He Ning's back with a hopeless face when he saw it.

  At noon, after He Ning was hot, he specially sent a copy to Shen Jingyu.

   "This is for you." He Ning put it in front of him and looked at him expectantly.

  Shen Jingyu never eats things of unknown origin.

   Because of his allergies, he needs to avoid a lot of things.

   And the symptoms of his insufficiency of taste can't taste what he can't eat.

  Always, his dietary requirements are very high, but he always has no taste.

   So at present, Miyazawa is in charge of arranging his diet.

   "It's delicious, you can try it." He Ning's eyes shone brightly, she knew that he always had bad food and had a bad stomach, so when he brought meals today, he specially prepared an extra serving.

   Shen Jingyu looked at her starry eyes and picked up the chopsticks.

   He originally just wanted to take a bite. For some reason, he just didn't want to see disappointment in her eyes.

   He Ning stood in front of him with a smile on his lips as he watched him eat.

   Shen Jingyu took a bite, although he still could not taste the taste.

   But oddly enough, he doesn't seem to reject the diet in front of him very much.

   Usually he eats just to fill his stomach, but today, unknowingly, he took the initiative to eat half of the lunch box, and he still had no idea.

   When Gong Ze pushed open the door and came in, he saw Shen Jingyu eating and He Ning standing in front of him with his hands behind his back.

   At first glance, this thing was prepared by He Ning!

  Who knows if she has poisoned Master Shen!

   Gong Ze rushed in and swept Shen Jingyu's remaining half of the lunch on the ground: "Chuning, what are you doing?"

   (end of this chapter)

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