Chapter 898 Not as good as those people wish

"He Ning fell from the bridge and died four years ago, didn't you watch the news? She took her son and encountered an explosion on the bridge, and even the car and the person fell off the bridge. No-maybe it wasn't before the bridge fell. , they have been bombed to death." Gu Yunchen sighed faintly.

   For He Ning, he also held a bit of affection. When he mentioned it, he couldn't help but feel regretful.

  He Ning's voice choked: "Did Shen Jingyu go to check?"

   "He?" Gu Yunchen snorted, "He won't check. He doesn't remember these things anymore. Let him keep forgetting, it's good for him."

   "He forgot? Has he lost his memory?" He Ning's hands were subconsciously clasped together.

"It can't be said to be amnesia. When he was dealing with the United States, He Ning and An An died, and he was suddenly disheartened. Then, he was shot in the head by an American bullet and was injured. Brain nerves..." When Gu Yunchen talked about these things, there was a sense of depression in his whole body.

He said in a low voice, "He was in a coma for three whole months. Professor Liang and I watched him day and night for three months. Thankfully, he woke up and solved the matter in the United States. It's just that at that time, he We didn't dare to announce his injury to the outside world. But I'm not afraid to tell you now that he's healed, and we have nothing to hide. It's just that his brain was damaged and he almost forgot everything."

   "Alas, at that time, those who were afraid of him wished that he would have some problems and hang up... But Shen Jingyu's fate is too big, not as good as those people's wishes."

   He Ning's heart was hit hard when he heard this.

   It turned out that at that time, Shen Jingyu was actually injured!

   At that time, it was also the most difficult time for her, when she knew that her eldest brother was missing and her grandfather passed away.

   She was always in high tension, and it was An An's presence that made her stronger.

   And at that time, Shen Jingyu had no support around him.

  How did he endure such hardships?

  No wonder Shen Jingyu didn't react when he saw her and heard the name He Ning.

  It turns out that he...forgot everything because of the injury.

"It's also possible that he didn't have amnesia. It's just that the passing of He Ning and An An hit him so hard that he didn't want to face his memories at all, so he closed his heart. Major changes have been buried."

   He Ning felt distressed when he heard it, it turned out that he had been wrongly blaming him.

   Wrongly blamed him for having a new woman and child, so he forgot himself and An An.

   Actually, this is not the case. She should have thought that so many things happened during this period, and the communication between the two sides was not smooth, so there were so many misunderstandings.

   At that time, how heartbroken and helpless he should be.

   "Why, what do you want to know about this?" Gu Yunchen saw the young man opposite, with tears in his eyes, as if he was very distressed and worried for Shen Jingyu.

   "I...I just want to know. After all, Shen Jingyu is the person He Ning cares about. I had no intention of seeing Mrs. Shen today, and found that she seemed to be in poor health, so I was a little worried."

  Gu Yunchen shook his head and said, "After Shen Jingyu's injury was healed, we injected him with the serum left by He Ning, and his body recovered quite well."

   (end of this chapter)

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