The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 961: Become Shen Jingyu's side

   Chapter 961 Become Shen Jingyu's side

  He Ning now only knows that Shen Yaozong and Xie Yichen are divorced, but he doesn't know that Xie Yichen was sold to the dark market by Shen Yaozong.

   Hearing that it was Xiao Yao's business, she did not refuse, she agreed, and asked Xie Yichen to give him an address.

   The address given by Xie Yichen is a bar.

   This is normal. Many people talk about business in bars. Many bars also have private rooms specially decorated for business.

   He Ning changed his clothes and went straight over.

When    got there, Xie Yichen greeted her and took her to a private room.

   "What do you think about cooperation?" He Ning sat down and asked directly.

   "Master Ning, in fact, I've always felt sorry for you in the past. Alas, it's all my fault that I was obsessed and led astray, causing you to worry and myself..." Xie Yichen said in a low voice.

   He Ning was playing with the necklace around his neck, and was not at all interested in Xie Yichen's cry.

   If she had realized the mistake earlier, why would she have waited until now?

   For Xie Yichen's outfit, she has seen through it long ago, and she has seen enough.

   Moreover, tonight she didn't think Xie Yichen had anything good to look for herself.

   He Ning came because he was afraid that if he didn't come, Xie Yichen would go to Xiao Yao.

   Instead of letting Xiao Yao face these things, it’s better to face them herself.

   "I'm going to get you a bottle of good wine, Master Ning, I will never go against you again in the future. Just treat you as having a lot, and forgive the mistakes I made before." Xie Yichen said flatteringly.

After   , she backed out.

  He Ning sat as calmly as before, and didn't seem to be vigilant at all.

  Xie Yichen ran to He Manni immediately and said, "Sister Manni, that Chu Ning is here. She's in the private room. She doesn't seem suspicious at all, she thought I really wanted to apologize to her."

  Hermanni said, "Let's go, let's take a look."

   She walked in front, Xie Yichen followed closely behind her, and walked towards the private room with her.

  When the door opened, He Manni saw He Ning at a glance.

   She was still sitting there with that calm look, short hair and a simple T-shirt, looking very handsome.

   But her appearance immediately reminded He Manni of He Ning, the woman she hated so much that she wanted to cramp and dig her skin, the woman who stole all her happiness!

   "Sister Manni, this is Chu Ning. It's He Ning's friend. He really looks a bit like He Ning." Xie Yichen said in a low voice.

  There is no need for Xie Yichen to continue scolding, He Manni was already burning with anger.

  If it wasn't for He Ning, she would have been Shen Jingyu's side long ago, so why is she still living in a place like this, relying on wine and laughing?

   It's just that everything can't go back to the past, and it's really He Manni's biggest regret in her life that she can't kill He Ning with her own hands.

   But now, being able to personally kill this man who looks like He Ning and is He Ning's friend can make up for it a little.

  Hermanni walked towards He Ning swayingly.

  She has a very plump figure, and when she wears special nightclub clothes, she looks extremely ostentatious and eye-catching.

   She sat down in front of He Ning and said with a smile, "Master Ning, I'm here to apologize for Yichen."

   (end of this chapter)

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