The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 118 Dad is going to march west

"No need to worry about these."

"When you finish making all the clothes and bags, let the craftsmen and embroiderers master their skills first."

“I also started preparing these workshops.”

“I believe it won’t be long before all of them can be listed and make money.”

"You can complete the garment shop and sewing shop step by step first."

"How much longer will it take now?"

Duan Chun asked.

"Don't worry, young master, please give me half a month."

"My slave must complete the construction of the garment workshop and sewing workshop."

“Just recruit more workers at the same time.”

Yue Luo replied immediately.

And picked up a stack of papers from the desk, which turned out to be the plans she wrote last night...

Duan Chun took one look and was very satisfied. This was indeed a plan devised by someone who wanted to do something.

"Okay, then I'll leave everything here to you."

"If you need supplies and manpower, just go to the landowner's register."

Duan Chun smiled.

"Thank you young master for your trust."

"But young master, there is one more thing...

"You bring back the three Northern Xia Leji."

"My slave has something to say, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

Yue Luo lowered his head and said.

"Say it, you are mine."

"If you have any ideas, just say so."

Duan Chun nodded.

"Young Master, please tell the truth."

"Those three Le Ji, I haven't been in contact with them for long."

"But I discovered that the three of them should be one master and two servants."

"And as the master, Le Ji seems to have a special status."

Yueluo said.

"Oh, where did you see that?"

Duan Chun asked curiously.

"The etiquette of those three musicians is a little weird."

"One of the women must be very respected."

"The two Lucky Girls served her very carefully."

"This is no ordinary official lady."

"That's why I remind the young master."

Yueluo said.

"I know. In fact, I already know their identities."

"You don't have to worry."

Duan Chun smiled.

Still curious in her heart, Princess Bei Xia said that sooner or later someone would rescue her.

Now, Duan Chun wants to know, who has such courage?

After explaining everything to Yue Luo in Tianzi Pavilion.

Duan Chun returned to the Duke's Mansion in a carriage, preparing to discuss it with his father.

Going to visit the farm outside the city tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the mansion to visit his father, he only saw his mother taking care of his young sister in the inner courtyard.

Dad had already left the imperial city this morning and headed outside the city.

"Dad, have you received His Majesty's orders?"

"Are you going out again?"

Duan Chun asked in surprise.

"It was the angel from the palace who came to deliver the message."

"After receiving the order in the study room of the main courtyard, your father put on his armor and left in a hurry."

"Just tell me that I won't be able to come back for a few days."

"Just let me keep an eye on you and don't get into trouble."

Zhang Feng said.

"Oh, grandma doesn't know what dad did..."

Duan Chun realized immediately.

This time His Majesty's decree for Dad is definitely related to the military affairs.

Dad is heading outside the city to prepare, I am afraid he is going to the Western Region...

"Chun'er, your father won't be back in the next few days."

"You must be careful in the mansion and the city."

Zhang Feng reminded.

"Don't worry, grandma, my son will go outside the city to see daddy tomorrow."

"By the way, what happened?"

"It also makes my mother feel at ease."

Duan Chun smiled, cupped his fists and saluted, then turned and headed to the study room in the main courtyard.

He called two or three servants to move all the maps in Dad's study to his courtyard.

Duan Chun needs to study the situation in this world carefully...

Stay in the study and carefully examine the map of the world.

I found that many places were different from those marked on the map.

Because this map is still a map made by the previous dynasty fifty years ago.

Duan Chun knew very well that in ancient times, he was limited by technology.

It is very difficult to make a map.

It is already a great thing for a dynasty to have a map of its own provinces, prefectures and counties.

What's more, this is still an era of war?

The territories of various countries are constantly changing, and the scope of counties and cities in various places is constantly expanding or shrinking.

At most, these maps only help Duan Chun to see clearly the environment of the Dakang Empire, the Daxia Empire, and some surrounding small countries.

After receiving His Majesty's order this time, my father immediately put on his armor and left the imperial city.

Duan Chun had already guessed His Majesty's next plan.

It can also be guessed that when Dad goes out this time, he is most likely to mobilize troops to the Western Region according to the order.

We have officially dealt with the Xirong Kingdom.

The trouble caused by his son is ultimately resolved by his father...

Duan Chun must help his father solve this problem. The only way is to save his father.

No, only if he continues to make great contributions to his father can the Duan family be safer in the future.

Moreover, Duan Chun still has some plans of his own.

After studying the map carefully all afternoon, I drew maps of border areas on the desk.

Duan Chun made a complete plan to deal with Xirong.

Because he knew very well that once a war started on an ancient battlefield, some wars might last for at least half a year.

But this time to deal with Xirong, Duan Chun's advice to the emperor was to besiege rather than attack.

Break off the three trade routes of Xirong, forcing Xirong to rush out of the mountain terrain and take the initiative to fight with the Dakang army.

In order to avoid the damage of Dakang soldiers, Dakang only needs to build fortresses in some key areas.

Bully Xirong Kingdom for not having weapons to attack the city.

Block them in the western mountains and wait for them to cause internal chaos.

Then it will be easy to solve the troubles of Xirong Kingdom.

Take advantage of the situation to push Dakang's territory westward to a thousand miles away...

Then it will take Daddy longer to stay in the western border.

Now, Duan Chun has found three key locations on the map that block the eastern passage of Xirong.

There are also three terrains where soldiers can be hidden and attacked.

If Xirong Kingdom dares to take the initiative to send troops to provoke, Duan Chun can help Daddy solve the troubles in the western border as soon as possible.

Let Daddy come back earlier...

After finishing a plan, the sun has set.

After dinner, Duan Chun asked Taoer to inform Zhang Wu and Zhao Changlong.

Tomorrow morning, I will go to the farm in the imperial city.

But before long, a servant came to report.

Someone from the palace sent a message, asking Duan Chun to go to the Ministry of Personnel to be used early tomorrow morning.

Officially take on the duties of a waiting official...

No way, I have to go to work so soon?

Duan Chun sighed speechlessly. It seems that he will not only report to the Ministry of Personnel tomorrow.

He also has to go to the palace to serve the emperor.

Because the duties of the waiting official in the Ministry of Personnel are to help review various memorials beside the emperor.

Review the memorials submitted from the six ministries of the Secretariat and the Ministry of Shangshu, as well as various places that need to be reviewed by the emperor himself.

Send back some wrong or problematic memorials at any time and resubmit them.

Then submit the memorials to the Jianlisi.

Simply put, it is the daily work of reviewing memorials.

But Duan Chun doesn't want to go to work at all now...

I have to think of a way. I can't stay in Taiji Palace every day, right?

Duan Chun was speechless.

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