The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 149 The struggle between the prince and the noble family

Duan Chun quickly took it and read it carefully, his eyes widened immediately.

"Qi Wenyuan, the governor of Yunhai County..."

"Hide the account books of Qin Changdong, the governor of Yunhai County, who embezzled military pay, smuggled sea salt, and smuggled commercial goods in the Imperial Capital."

"Intend to give it to the eldest prince's family..."

Duan Chun was extremely surprised.

"Yes, they are biting each other and want to snatch the private profit of Yunhai County."

"The governor Qi is sent by the eldest prince."

"General Qin is from the Wei Wang family."

"Yunhai County is located on the seashore and is an important commercial shipping location for Dakang."

"They have been planning there for two or three years, and they can make millions of taels of silver privately every year."

"This time they are fighting each other, but they have implicated the master."

"Your Majesty has received the news, but he is concerned about the face of the two major families."

"So he just asked the Shenji Mansion to act secretly."

"Now, the Wei Wang has sent someone to kill Qi Wenyuan."

"And your majesty also secretly killed Qin Changdong under the pretext of the eldest prince."

"The general doesn't know about this, so the master should not interfere in the secret letter."

"Your Majesty has already made up his mind."

Gan Changyuan said.

"Junior knows."

"Fortunately, I haven't had time to check the Tanhua Xitou of Cangshan."

Duan Chun nodded and said.

"Master, don't waste time on such things."

"His Majesty knows everything."

"Now we are just watching them making a fuss."

"If His Majesty wants to take action, he must wait until they have made enough trouble."

"His Majesty will send someone to investigate this matter."

Gan Changyuan said with a smile.

The two of them talked in secret in the hall for a whole morning.

Duan Chun had questions that he didn't understand, so he asked carefully.

And Gan Changyuan answered every question, which made him understand many things that he didn't understand before.

"Thank you, Uncle Gan, for clearing up my doubts."

"Junior has completely understood a lot."

"Wait for Uncle Gan to hand this memorial to His Majesty."

"After I am done, I will immediately return to the Imperial Capital to report to His Majesty."

Duan Chun stood up and said with a smile.

"Master, just do your own thing."

"Remember the four requirements proposed by Gan."

"Let it go, but also be prepared in advance."

"When the master is not at the farm, Gan will help the master to keep an eye on everything here."

Gan Changyuan smiled and clasped his fists.

He already understood many things that the new master had to do.

While he was surprised, he was also very excited!

After staying at the border for more than ten years, he was indeed a little bored.

If he continued to live like this, he wanted to say goodbye and leave.

He could live in seclusion in the wild with his servants, fishing all day long.

But the appearance of this new master immediately made him find what to do in the second half of his life...

Looking at Duan Chun's back as he strode away.

Gan Changyuan's face was full of smiles, and he didn't say all his words.

I'm afraid the future of this new master will not be as leisurely as he thought.

His Majesty will definitely use the master!

The master doesn't know how to face more storms in the next step.

These, he should help to plan secretly.

Aristocratic family...

I was excluded by you and could not enter the court, waiting at the border for eleven years.

Now it's time for you to pay your debt!

Gan Changyuan's eyes suddenly showed a cold look...


Duan Chun returned to the farm and kept thinking about what Gan Changyuan said on horseback.

Duan Chun understood his four suggestions very well.

Establishing his own aristocratic family power, but different from the traditional aristocratic family.

It is not a difficult task.

He has many technologies that have never appeared in this era.

Any one of them can win an ally.

But how to choose an ally must be carefully considered.

First, His Majesty must be turned into his umbrella.

First solve the crisis that Wanhua Tower and Tianzi Pavilion will be targeted by the aristocratic families after making a lot of money.

He also has to find a way to provide protection for his major industries in the future.

Then His Majesty must make money with him...

Secondly, there are the troubles brought by the improvement of military equipment.

He still didn't think too much about it, thinking that relying on his father's military farm.

He can ensure the confidentiality of military technology.

Now it seems that he is still inexperienced with the ancient system.

Fortunately, Gan Changyuan reminded Duan Chun early, so Duan Chun had time to solve these problems.

It took more than two days to return to the farm.

Duan Chun looked around, made suggestions everywhere, and watched a large group of young soldiers carrying materials.

Helped to quickly build workshops...

Ancient buildings, no, ancient workshops were very simple to build.

The farm was surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the materials were ready.

Moreover, there were two to three thousand soldiers left in the military camp, so Duan Chun only needed to send Zhang Wu and Zhao Changlong to the military camp to say hello.

Gan Changyuan immediately sent a battalion of soldiers to help.

The workshops of Yuxiang Farm, especially the glass workshop, have been quickly built.

The first workshop, as the wooden shed was built, took only three or four days.

A wide new workshop appeared in front of Duan Chun...

Duan Chun personally deployed some stoves and construction areas in the first flow workshop.

Just wait for the furnace to be fired tomorrow, and the first car of materials will be fired into the first batch of glass in the world!

For this reason, Duan Chun used charcoal pencils to draw the pattern and size of the glassware every day before going to bed these two days.

And gave the pattern to the mold craftsmen to prepare in advance.

Just waiting for tomorrow's official start of work.

Early the next morning, Duan Chun rode a small fire and hurried to the outside of the valley.

From a distance, he saw a row of newly built workshops on the side of the river valley outside the valley.

It was already surrounded by dense crowds.

On the side of the first workshop that had been built, black smoke was coming out of the chimney.

The stove had been built and was trying to light the furnace.

Countless people were standing there, looking eagerly at the colored glaze that their young general had mentioned.

How should it be fired?

As Duan Chun and the guards arrived, everyone saluted respectfully with their fists.

"Meet the young general."

Duan Chun waved his hand to signal everyone to skip the ceremony, jumped off the horse and walked quickly to the workshop.

A large group of craftsmen from the glass workshop were already standing outside the door.

There were also mold craftsmen with tools.

He led the craftsmen into the workshop and looked at the three blazing furnaces.

There were also three large firing troughs on the furnaces.

Duan Chun was very satisfied.

"Major General, the furnace has been built."

"It is burning and heating now."

"The materials have been delivered."

The workshop manager hurriedly reported.

"Then let's get started."

"Are the molds and all the tools ready?"

Duan Chun asked.

"All are ready according to the instructions of the major general."

"The blowpipes and quenching tables are there."

"All the molds are ready too."

The manager replied.

Duan Chun looked at the three furnaces being heated and the quenching tables that had been built.

One by one, the blowpipes specially made by the blacksmith shop.

Everything he could think of was ready.

But he was not professional in making glass, he just liked to watch videos on his mobile phone in his previous life.

He had only seen some methods of making glassware by accident.

Next, we can only cross the river by feeling our way forward.

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