The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 29: Be a good official and make money

"As you command, mother-in-law."

Duan Chun picked up this Household Pawn Ticket, and now he knew what was going on with his family?

This also shows that Dad is not a corrupt official, otherwise given his power and status.

Isn't it easy to get a thousand and eight hundred taels of silver at your fingertips?

Hey, it seems that if you want to live comfortably, you need more than just power.

You still have to make money on your own...

Duan Chun sighed in his heart and put the household receipt in his arms.

I have to think about new ways to make money again.

"Chun'er, the food will be ready soon."

"Just stay at grandma's place to eat. Your dad won't be back tonight."

"Also, after the young lady from the Yu family was brought into the house."

"You can't make a mistake. Now His Majesty is planning to marry you."

"You must not cause too much trouble, understand?"

"Anyway, Tao'er and Xing'er are still in your courtyard."

Zhang Feng reminded with a smile.

"I understand, Auntie."

"The kid knows what to do."

"Let's go back to eat dinner."

"There are many things to do tomorrow, and I have to prepare in advance."

Duan Chun smiled and stood up and saluted.

After saying goodbye to his mother, he walked towards his courtyard.

Are you thinking about how to make money in the future?

But what left Duan Chun speechless was that in his previous life, he majored in literature at university.

After graduation, I applied for an administrative position in the company.

In addition to writing official documents and sorting out some rules and regulations and assessment standards.

He actually doesn’t know much about business…

How to make money, he is not sure yet.

You have to be a good official and you have to make money.

Hey, I thought I could enjoy happiness after traveling through time, but it seems that he thought too much.

Back in the backyard of her home, she watched Tao'er and Xing'er busy helping her change clothes and wash up.

"Myolie, go find the housekeeper."

"Just say that I have something to ask him."

Duan Chun said.

"As you command, young master."

Myolie turned and left.

Until Duan Chun changed into a comfortable robe and sat in the main hall enjoying the dinner served by Tao'er.

Looking at the three dishes and one soup on the table, although the meals in this era are not as varied as in the previous life.

But fortunately, it tasted good. As Duan Chun was eating his dinner, he saw a middle-aged man running hurriedly outside the lobby.

"Duan Fu has met the young master."

The butler saluted politely.

The housekeeper Duan Fu is a tall and thin man in his forties with scars on his face.

Duan Chun clearly remembered that this Uncle Fu was once a personal guard captain under his father.

He saved my father's life several times on the battlefield.

However, during the war, all of Uncle Fu's relatives were gone, so his father stayed in the house as the housekeeper.

On the first day when the Duke's Mansion was established, Uncle Fu had already helped his father manage the mansion.

Duan Chun just learned from Auntie that Uncle Fu personally manages all the shops in Changguo Palace.

After all, Dad doesn’t have the time or the inclination to do this.

And the stepmother is Mrs. Yipingaoming, the queen's sister.

You cannot personally manage the family property.

Only this Uncle Fu knows the current situation of Changguo Duke's mansion best.

"Uncle Fu, sit down."

"I have something to ask Fu Bo."

"What's the situation in some of our stores?"

Duan Chun asked with a smile.

"My young father-in-law, why do you think of asking these questions?"

Fu Bo asked doubtfully.

"The younger generation has grown up gradually, and today is the first time to serve in the court."

"That's when I realized that my father's salary was only this little."

"We still have to support the entire Duke's palace and the old ministry."

"If this continues, the Duke's Mansion will soon be unable to make ends meet."

"That's why I came to ask Uncle Fu."

Duan Chun smiled.

"My little father-in-law has finally grown up!"

"If my husband knows this, he will be very happy."

"Don't hide it from the young master."

"In these years, the old slave has been running around helping Madam take care of all the shops."

"But this old slave only knows how to fight, who cares about this?"

"The income of shops is getting less and less now..."

"Moreover, there are many black-hearted guys who are secretly greedy for ink."

"The old slave has told Madam several times, but Madam can't take action..."

Fu Bo sighed and replied.

When Duan Chun heard this, he immediately realized that something big was going to happen to the shop in the Duke's Mansion!

"Uncle Fu, please speak slowly."

"What's going on here?"

Duan Chun asked quickly.

Xing'er and Tao'er brought hot tea, and Uncle Fu told him what he knew.

Inform Duan Chun in detail one by one...

Since the founding of the Dakang Kingdom, my father has been granted the title of Duke of the Founding Chang Kingdom.

His Majesty personally granted Duan Ning a street in Shangxuanfang in the Imperial City.

On the street of Shangxuanfang, Changguogong Mansion has more than 20 shops and seven workshops and courtyards.

But my father was not good at management, and for eleven years he had to scrape together money to support his old family members.

Only ten of the more than twenty shops were sold, and only three of the seven workshops and courtyards are now left.

All ten shops are leased to merchants, and only rent is charged.

The three workshops are also all blacksmith workshops, and all of them are worked by my father's disabled old men.

Helping to make some ironware, horseshoes and farm tools to survive with difficulty.

However, as the number of wounded soldiers from Dadi's old army returned to the Imperial City from the northern battlefield increased.

In the past few years, the three workshops have been losing money almost every month.

Therefore, the Duke of Changguo's mansion can only pay money to support the workshops...

After Duan Chun's biological mother died of a difficult birth, the queen betrothed her sister to her father.

This brought two embroidery workshops as dowry.

It was also because the two embroidery workshops had good business that the Duke of Changguo temporarily maintained the situation.

Those who embezzled money that Uncle Fu mentioned were the old people of the Zhang family who owned the two embroidery workshops.

It was difficult to manage Auntie, and Uncle Fu was even more powerless.

In the past two years, the business of the embroidery workshops has gradually deteriorated...

"So that's what happened..."

Duan Chun understood the current situation of the shops in the Duke of Changguo's mansion.

He knew the reason in his heart.

"Young Master, these things."

"It's not easy for me to take care of them. Madam also thinks that those old people are from the Zhang family."

"So now, in addition to the old master's salary and the output of the fiefdom."

"The income of the mansion is getting less and less."

After Uncle Fu explained the situation in detail, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"I understand the situation."

"Please trouble Uncle Fu to send the account books of each shop in the past two years."

"Send someone to send them to me, and I will see what happened in them?"

Duan Chun said lightly.

"Young Master, I will have someone send all the account books in a while."

"Young Master will grow up and take over the family business."

"I can't wait to be happy!"

Uncle Fu's eyes were red in an instant.

"Uncle Fu has worked hard over the years."

Duan Chun nodded and continued to ask about the personnel of all the shops and workshops in the Changguo Mansion.

The more he understood, the more worried he became.

Fortunately, my mother told him about the current financial situation of the Changguo Mansion.

There is still more than 100 taels of income left every month. If this continues...

Dad keeps sending more injured old subordinates and relatives to the workshop.

And the Zhang family of A Niang's embroidery workshop continues to embezzle.

Within two years, the Duke of Changguo's Mansion will really be unable to make ends meet!

He must solve this situation as soon as possible and come up with a way to make money.

Three blacksmith shops, two embroidery shops...

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