The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 6 The Empress is Seriously Ill

This guy, at such a young age, could actually come up with such a wonderful idea.

It seems that I need to give him more opportunities in the future.

"King Qin..."

"My son is here."

"King Wei."

"My son is here."

"King of Chu, King of Shu..."

The emperor kept shouting loudly.

"My son is here."

Six princes suddenly stood up on the left side.

Duan Chun saw clearly the young prince wearing a black python robe.

It was the second son of Emperor Dakang, His Royal Highness the King of Wei.

This guy is the one who wants to plot against me!

"Did you all hear clearly what Duan Chun said just now?"

the emperor asked.

"My son, I understand."

The six princes bowed their heads in unison.

"Today, I need you six princes to supervise the disaster situation in the three southern counties."

"You go and discuss it first and each choose a county."

"I want you two to go to a county to supervise disaster relief."

"I want to find the lost relief food."

"As long as we can recover food and provide relief to the victims, I will no longer hold officials from various places accountable."

"Do you understand?"

said the emperor.

"My son understands."

All the princes clasped their fists together.

"Father, please rest assured that I will take my brothers to handle this matter properly."

Qin Wang Kangtong said.

"Well, you go down first."

"Before evening, I want to see your memorial."

The emperor nodded.

He knew very well that officials in various places were not necessarily under the instructions of the princes.

But they are all working for their own prince.

Officials from various places are just some of the pawns.

I don’t know how many meritorious nobles are hiding behind the scenes!

If it weren't for Duan Chun's reminder, the emperor would have almost raised the butcher's knife.

But even if those corrupt officials are killed, disaster relief cannot be accomplished.

The six princes bowed and turned to leave.

The emperor looked at Duan Chun with a smile.

"Chun'er, you helped me solve a big problem."

"Gao Fu, send someone to take Duan Chun to Fengwu Palace to meet the Queen."

"I will go to Fengwu Palace after I finish handling the court affairs."

said the emperor.

"This slave obeys your orders."

Li Gaofu, the chief chamberlain, waved his whisk, and a young chamberlain hurried forward.

"Wei Chen accepts the order."

Duan Chun cupped his fists and saluted, then followed the young chamberlain and walked out of the hall.

Duan Ning also followed his child and took a few steps.

"Duan Aiqing, where are you going?"

The emperor's voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, I am going to accompany my child to see the Queen to arrange a marriage."

Duan Ning turned around and said.

"You idiot, just stay here with me to handle state affairs."

"I still have something to tell you."

The emperor was speechless.

"I obey the order."

Duan Ning reluctantly walked back to the generals' table, once again arousing laughter from a group of generals.

Duan Chun followed the chamberlain out of the main hall and passed through the side hall...

All the way past the heavily guarded inner palace gate.

Walking through the palaces and gardens, we gradually came to the depths of the middle palace.

Duan Chun saw the ancient palace for the first time and couldn't help but sigh.

The Forbidden City in the capital he visited in his previous life was less than half the size of the Dakang Palace.

It was an eye-opener for him...

After passing through two rows of palaces, there is a small garden on one side in front.

Duan Chun saw two rows of maids and chambermaids standing around the small garden.

In the center of the garden, the sound of tidy women shouting kept coming.

Duan Chun's curiosity was immediately aroused. He took a closer look and was immediately attracted to it.

In the garden, there were twenty or thirty female soldiers wearing armor training.

Each female soldier held a spear and advanced and retreated in an orderly manner to practice the battle formation.

Duan Chun could immediately recognize from his memory that this was the Dakang military's drill array.

It turns out that Duan Chun was forced by his father to learn martial arts since he was a child, and he was very familiar with this kind of battle formation.

Duan Chun only saw it after continuing to walk forward through several flower trees.

The person leading the female soldiers in the battle formation was a young female general who was also wearing battle armor.

This young female general was only twenty years old, and she looked heroic in her armor.

Standing next to him was a child about ten years old, also wearing a battle armor.

"Father-in-law, who is that?"

Duan Chun asked curiously.

"Reporting to Mr. Xiao Duan, this is Her Royal Highness Princess Liyang."

"The eldest daughter of His Majesty and the Queen."

"The person next to you is His Highness Prince Qi..."

"Master Xiao Duan, let's go to Fengwu Palace quickly."

"Her Royal Highness Princess Liyang's temper is not very good..."

The waiter seemed a little scared and quickly reminded him softly.

"Okay, let's go."

Duan Chun nodded and looked curiously at the female general who was directing the drill.

Unexpectedly, this female general was actually Her Royal Highness Princess Liyang of the Dakang Empire.

Because on the way to the palace, my father had already briefly told him the situation of the royal princess.

Princess Liyang is your majesty's legitimate daughter. Five years ago, when she was fourteen, she was given a marriage to the eldest son of the Duke of Da Sima Town.

But it is a pity that the Dakang Empire was invaded by the Di Rong tribe from the northwest.

The eldest son of Duke Zhen Guo led his troops to quell the rebellion, but ended up dying on the battlefield.

This marriage has been postponed until now.

Although the eldest son of Zhen Guogong died in the battle, he wanted his second son to inherit the marriage.

However, Princess Liyang did not agree, so His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress were powerless.

The Duke of Zhen is still thinking of ways for his second son...

Now, Duan Chun went to Fengwu Palace to meet the fourth, fifth and sixth princesses that His Majesty had not yet granted marriage to.

Cheap Dad is really capable.

The royal marriage can help you choose one of the three.

Duan Chun knew that it would be difficult to escape from this marriage.

It seems that he can only choose a princess who has a good character and is not strong as his wife.

Following the chamberlain, we arrived at the gate of a magnificent palace.

The chamberlain stepped forward and whispered a few words to the doorkeeper.

A chamberlain quickly entered the palace gate to report to the Queen.

After a while, Duan Chun, led by the chamberlain, entered the gate and walked through the front yard.

Arriving at the door of a large hall.


"It's Duan Ning's child here."

"Let him in quickly."

A woman's voice came from the hall.

"I accept the order and thank you for your kindness."

Duan Chun then stepped into the main hall, but he had just entered the main hall.

He smelled a strong medicinal smell in his nostrils.

Looking up, he saw a beautiful lady with long hair hanging casually on her shoulders, wearing a plain dress sitting on the couch.

There were three maids beside him carrying wooden trays and medicine bowls.

The beautiful lady turned pale, coughed, frowned and drank a large bowl of soup.

"Are you Duan Ning's eldest son?"

"I haven't seen you for many years, and I didn't expect you to grow into a big boy."

"Back then, your mother-in-law was the best sister in this palace."

"It's a pity that she was not lucky enough to wait until the founding of the country."

"Come here quickly and let me take a good look at you."


The queen finished drinking the medicine and looked at Duan Chun with a smile.

"Junior Duan Chun, please pay your respects to the Queen."

"The empress is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

Duan Chun quickly walked over and saluted, then stood in front of the Queen.

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