The Emperor's Son-in-Law

Chapter 69 Two peaches kill three warriors?

"Lu Zhongguo, the Young Superintendent of the Department of Ceremonies, pays homage to the Crown Prince of Changguo."

"Young Master, you are finally here."

When the red-robed chamberlain saw Duan Chun, he immediately stepped forward, bowed his hands and smiled.

"It turns out to be Mr. Lu."

"My prince is just here to receive the envoys from various countries."

"I just happened to hear the noise in Jing'en Hall, so I thought something happened so I came to take a look."

"I didn't expect Mr. Lu to be here. I wonder what happened here?"

Duan Chun asked with a smile.

Looking at the young eunuch of the Department of Ceremonies, he was particularly curious.

Because now, Duan Chun has gradually understood the branches of power of the eunuchs and servants in the palace.

The Chief of Ceremonies is the most powerful department of internal servants around His Majesty.

For example, Li Gaofu, the chief chamberlain, serves as the chief supervisor of the ceremonial department.

The duty of the Supervisor of Ceremonies is to announce decrees for His Majesty, serve personally, and help organize memorials and draft decrees.

Even when the emperor was tired, he could help the emperor review some less important government affairs.

It can be said that it exists like the emperor's secretary room in the inner palace!

Now Duan Chun understands all the layout just now.

It was His Majesty's arrangement that gave way to Lu Zhongguo...

"My young master came just in time."

"By your Majesty's order, I have come to envoy Xiliang and Xirong."

"There is also the reward given to His Majesty by the Nanmin envoy."

"Young Master, please take a look..."

Lu Zhongguo said with a smile.

The two young chamberlains quickly stepped forward and handed the wooden plate in their hands to Duan Chun.

Only then did Duan Chun see clearly that on the two wooden trays, the wooden tray on the left contained two golden crowns and two sets of gorgeous python robes and jade belts.

On the wooden plate on the right, there are two jade seals and two gold volumes.

"Is this the crown and robe, as well as the royal seal and the golden book of names?"

Duan Chun guessed, but he immediately understood His Majesty's thoughts.

Because he could see clearly that there were only two sets of royal robes, crowns and jade seals on the two wooden plates.

And in the main hall, there were three missions from small countries...

Your Majesty has made it clear that two peaches will kill three soldiers!

This is the knowledge Duan Chun learned from history when he studied liberal arts in his previous life.

Three barbarian missions, two sets of royal seals...

Your Majesty's purpose is to bring these three small border countries into trouble.

His Majesty's thoughts are probably that it won't be long before he wants to send troops to the west.

Duan Chun still doesn't know the situation of the three barbarian countries in the west.

"Young Inspector Lu, since it is His Majesty's will."

"Then please, Mr. Young Supervisor, continue to comply."

Duan Chun looked back at the countless angry looks in the hall.

He would like to see what is happening with the three barbarian missions now?

His Majesty asked this young eunuch Lu to come and announce the decree, and it seems that His Majesty's purpose has been achieved.

"Young Master, now that you are here."

"Just help me calm down the anger of the envoys from various countries."

"This is His Majesty's decree. Please take a closer look..."

Lu Shaojian smiled and took out a roll of edict from his sleeve and handed it directly to Duan Chun with both hands.

"Young Master, Your Majesty asked you to come."

"Of course His Majesty has his thoughts."

"This slave is just announcing the decree, and the fun will follow."

"My young father-in-law has to come to open the show."

Shaojian Lu whispered in Duan Chun's ear, and then...

Once again, he stuffed a small scroll into Duan Chun's sleeve.

Duan Chun was completely speechless. He opened the edict and took a casual look.

This is just a decree from His Majesty to confer a royal title, and he wants to pass it from three small countries in the west.

Select two kings to become kings with different surnames granted by the Dakang Empire.

Just now, the members of the envoys in the palace were very excited. They just wanted the Dakang Empire to issue one more edict.

Duan Chun handed the decree back to Lu Zhongguo, and then opened the small scroll he stuffed.

"Duan Chun, I asked you to deliberately provoke a dispute between the three kingdoms of Xiliang, Xirong and Nanmin."

"It is because of their existence in the Western Region of Dakang that I have always had a problem in my throat!"

"We must get rid of the eager gaze of the three countries in the west, so that I can fully prepare the army for the Northern Expedition."

"This is Dakang's plan to unify the world!"

"I can give you a permission, in which the two countries will be set as kings."

"Their annual tribute can be changed to one every three years, and Dakang will give them full salaries and various business conveniences."

"You only need to provoke a dispute among the three countries according to this condition and let them fight each other."

"This time we will deal with Nanmin first, and Xiliang and Xirong will take care of it slowly."

"After this is done, I can rest assured about you."

After reading His Majesty's secret letter, Duan Chun already understood His Majesty's entire plan.

Lu Zhongguo just announced a decree to establish two princes in the three western kingdoms.

And the conditions His Majesty gave him were even more powerful than the decree just now.

It can even attract the attention of the three major Western barbarians.

The annual tribute is exempted and changed to one every three years...

The Dakang Empire gave the two princes generous salaries and convenient business and trade conditions.

What's more important is that once you get the imperial edict from His Majesty the Emperor of the Dakang Empire.

They no longer have to worry about being constantly threatened by the Western Legion of the Dakang Empire.

After all, from now on, no matter what, we are all our own people.

This is an incredible reward for the three barbarian countries!

"Young Master, do you understand?"

Lu Zhongguo asked softly with a smile.


"Please ask Mr. Lu to watch from the sidelines."

"Wait for me to handle this matter."

Duan Chun quietly handed the secret letter back to Lu Zhongguo, then turned to look at the three barbarian envoys in the hall.

At this time, all the eyes in the hall were focused on him.

"Your Majesty, be careful."

"The slave is waiting aside."

Lu Zhongguo lowered his head and retreated to the side of the hall with his two chamberlains.

In the center of the entire hall, Duan Chun was the only one left, receiving the curious looks of dozens of barbarian envoys.


"Envoys from various countries, I am Duan Chun, the prince of Dakangchang Kingdom."

"Now I am working in Honglu Temple. According to His Majesty's order, I came to Jing'en Hall to entertain all the envoys."

"Young Master Lu just issued an edict that your Majesty will establish two Dakang vassal states in the western region."

"Do you know what benefits will come from becoming the King of Dakang?"

Duan Chun looked at everyone with a smile and asked.

"Of course I know, to become the vassal king appointed by His Majesty Emperor Dakang."

"From now on, we and Dakang will be our own people."

A middle-aged man in strange clothes stood up and said.

"Becoming the king of Dakang, we Xirong will definitely abide by the laws of Dakang."

"I will never go against Dakang again."

"I heard that the Dakang vassal kings don't have to pay tribute to Dakang every year."

"Our prince can still receive the annual salary from the Dakang Empire."

A man from the Xirong delegation stood up and said with a smile.

"Anything else?"

Duan Chun looked to the other side.

"Becoming the Dakang vassal state, I, Nanmin, will not have to worry about any threats in the future."

Another envoy stood up and glanced at the Xirong envoy and said.

"That's right, now our Dakang country is getting stronger and stronger."

"But the chaos in the Western Region has never subsided."

"Today, His Majesty the Emperor convened the envoys from the three countries to come here."

"In order to quell the war in the Western Region, I conferred two royal titles on the two kings."

"Once the king's title is confirmed, the Dakang Empire will waive your annual tribute and change it to one every three years."

"At the same time, as you imagined, your king will be given a salary."

"And open up trade routes and waive high customs duties."

"I wonder what the three missions think?"

Duan Chun said loudly with a smile.

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