The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1019 Mon Calamari Civil War (6)

1018. Mon Calamari Civil War (6)

Padmé Amidala thought for a while, and said: "Now we can only take advantage of the opportunity to leave this planet and return to Coruscant. Mina-senator, you and Prince Lee-Charle A government-in-exile can be formed on Coruscant..."

"Is it the same as Aoun Free-Ta, member of the Reynolds planet?" Mina Thiers snorted coldly.

"That's right, just like Aoun Free-Ta... I'm sorry..." Padmé Amidala sighed.

"...Let's go..." Mina Thiers finally agreed.

The clone SCUBA troops immediately began to turn around and rushed towards the surface of the water. The biggest shortcoming of those strange jellyfish was their slow movement, and they were finally left behind. They returned to the Cheer-class assault landing ship.

Although Reeve Tamson ordered his two Disobedient-class light destroyers to intercept them, he still had nothing to do with the thick-skinned Cheerers and could only watch them leave.


Back on Coruscant, Speaker Schiff Palpatine immediately summoned the Republic's Supreme Strategic Command, Master Windu, for an emergency meeting.

After reporting on the situation of the civil war on the planet Mon Calamari and the reinforcements from the Separatists, everyone had a look of worry on their faces.

"One thing is certain, Separatism can actually send hundreds of thousands of underwater robots out within a day or two, which shows that the Quarren people have been working on this plan for a long time." Master Windu said.

"The Galactic Republic must send reinforcements to save my planet!" Mina Thiers said loudly.

"Don't worry, Congressman Thiers, this is exactly what we are discussing now." Palpatine replied with a smile.

"Maybe we need to send more clone troops in," Anakin Skywalker said.

"Maybe there is still underwater combat equipment, but it is too late to train more clone soldiers in underwater combat..." Master Windu said.

Master Yoda, who participated in the meeting remotely, pointed to his head and said, "Think, wake up your memory. Right in front of you, a brave underwater race."

Padmé Amidala raised her head suddenly, and said loudly: "That's right! The Gungans!! The Gungans of Naboo! They are also an aquatic race! And the Booma they processed with plasma mines is underwater Possesses great power!"

"Ah, this is a very good suggestion, Senator Amidala." Palpatine smiled, "But it is not an easy task to persuade the Gungans to leave the planet to fight. I'll deal with it for you."

"I'm going to convince the Gungans!" Padmé Amidala said.

"Except for the Gungans, we are unable to send more troops. The position of the planet Mon Calamari is indeed very dangerous, and we can only use small-scale warships." Master Windu said.

Mina Thiers said: "Then I will stay in Coruscant to form a provisional government. I will not return to the planet Mon Calamari for the time being, Prince Lee Char, you should stay with me."

Who knows that Prince Lee-Char said firmly: "No! I must go back! I want to be with my people!"

"The planet Mon Calamari is likely to have fallen now." Mina Thiers seemed a little unhappy about Prince Lee Char's rebuttal, "Do you want to go back and die?"

"If this is the case, then I have to go back! My people need me!" Prince Li-Char said firmly without knowing where the courage came from.

"No matter what choice you make, I will do my best to protect your safety, Your Highness." Captain Jar-Akbar said.

"You don't have a place to speak here!" Mina Thiers growled in a low voice.

"This is my duty." Captain Akbar also pushed back directly.

"That's it, I will go to the Gungans on the planet Naboo with Ja-Ja Binks." Padmé Amidala said.


As they said, after the army of the Republic retreated and the top executives of the planet's core fled, the morale of the soldiers on the planet Mon Calamari suddenly fell to the bottom, and their resistance also collapsed.

The capital, Deep Coral, fell first, followed by the other cities.

Three days later, Reeve Tamson had captured more than half of Mon Calamari's cities.

"Put all the Mon Calamari into the concentration camp! No one will be left behind!" Reeve Tamson triumphantly issued an order loudly.

The A-Q series of underwater combat robots escorted groups of Mon Calamari, locked them into designated concentration camps, and became prisoners.

"The progress is still too slow!! In the past day, we only occupied one city! It will take at least half a year at this speed to occupy the entire planet! This is simply a joke!!" Riff Tamson suddenly turned around and yelled at Nosori, the leader of the Quarren, who was cruel and moody.

Those two rows of big fangs dangled in front of Nosoril, making him tremble with fright.

"What the hell are you Quarren doing! My robot army is limited! You should move for me! Go to the front line and occupy all the cities for me! Capture all the Mon Calamari!" Reeve - Tamson bellowed.

"The war is over! We have won! There is no need to add more killings now!" Nossori finally mustered up the courage and retorted loudly, "The next step is to negotiate, let Prince Li Char temporarily abdicate, I am the regent of the planet, and the matter is over! I will join the Federation of Independent Galaxies as agreed."

Unexpectedly, Liev Tamson laughed loudly as if he heard some joke, "Regent? What are you talking about! A king is a king, there is no such thing as a regent! And... the one who is crowned should be me, King Riff Tamson!"

"" Nossori was so angry that he was usually eloquent, but now he couldn't even say a word.

"Without my help, you Quarren are still slaves of the Mon Calamari! Without me, you want to win this civil war? Hahahaha! Without me, your ending will be the same as thousands of years ago, being deceived The Calamari are extinct!!" Reeve Tamson grabbed the tentacles on Nossori's chin and said frantically.

"No! It's not that barbaric era anymore! The dispute between the Quarrens and the Mon Calamari should finally be resolved at the negotiating table!" Nossori struggled in pain and said loudly.

"On the negotiating table, you can't win anything... On the battlefield, you can!" Reeve Tamson's face turned grim, "I'll give you one last chance! Send me all your Quarrens Go to the front! Go attack the Mon Calamari! Go take them back to the concentration camps one by one!"

"'s impossible!" Nossori was still fighting.

"Then, you can get lost in the concentration camp too! Hahahaha!!" Reeve Tamson threw Nossori to the foot of the wall, then turned to look at Aidra Ketis and Langdon - Winnerden, said coldly: "Give me your asses! Don't think that you can solve this problem by doing a striptease in Parliament!"

Aedra Katis still had that coquettish smile on her face, but in her eyes, there was a flash of golden light full of murderous intent.

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