The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1032 Jabr Safe (Part 1)

1031. Jabr Safe (Part 1)

"Kururu was killed? When? Where?" Darth Malthael frowned and asked the drunken mercenary in the bar.

"Hi!! Kururu is just a small character, and he couldn't compete with the Spider Venom Gang for territory. Every time he took people out to pick things up, he was beaten to shame, and those subordinates didn't want to hang out with him afterwards." This mercenary was also a Kubiter. When the alcohol came up, the long snake limply drooped on the table, and the saliva flowed down.

It doesn't affect the speech, which is amazing.

"So Kururu was killed by the Spider Venom Gang?" Darth Malthael asked.

"Hahahaha...Of course not, the Spider Venom Gang couldn't take care of themselves at that time! Hahahaha, you are from outside, I'm afraid you don't know, the one who killed separatism." The mercenary said mysteriously.

"Is our planet loyal to the Galactic Republic? Will the Separatists come?" Darth Malthael asked.

"Hahahaha, you don't know about don't know about this...hehehehe..." The mercenary seemed to see the opportunity, raised his hand and made a gesture of giving money, and laughed.

Darth Marthael was also polite, and directly took out a bag of credit ingots and threw it on the table. There were still some black stains on the money bag, and it was the money bag he threw to the ice diggers on Planet Jabul before.

The mercenary's eyes lit up, he greedily pulled the money bag over, and hid it directly in his clothes, then he lay down on the table, leaned over and whispered: "Dude, you found the right person, there are some things that only I know! "

This is too much money, at least a few thousand credits. The mercenary was afraid of Darth Malthael's repentance, so he started bragging, "I happened to be nearby when Kururu was killed! Kill him!" , It’s separatism! I’m sure! I saw robots! Both B-1 and B-2! If you ask people about these things, they don’t even know…”

"Half a year ago? Half a year ago, the separatist General Grievous was launching a sacrificial offensive. The defense line of the Galactic Republic was smashed to pieces. The separatist forces should also be concentrated there. How could it be possible to come here? You also said Now, Kururu is just a small character." Darth Malthael's voice became cold.

The mercenary hurriedly said: "Really! It's absolutely true! Let me tell you... There are some underground rumors, but they are not true, but if combined with what I have seen, it is almost the same!"

"What did you see?"

The mercenary tightened the money bag in his arms. Seeing his appearance, Darth Malthael said coldly, "The money is yours, I won't take it."

Only then did the mercenary say: "Kururu has lost his mind because of repeated failures in grabbing land. I heard that he bought a treasure at a high price on the black market. The guy, their legendary treasure. This is so fucking outrageous, Kururu almost broke his fortune for this treasure! But he doesn’t even think about it, if it’s really a treasure, maybe he can buy it on the black market?”

"What is this treasure like?"

"Haha, you asked the right person! Look, your money was not wasted! You see, everyone thinks that Kururu was wiped out overnight and it was done by other gangs, but I know...he was killed by thousands of people. Killed by a robot! And when those robots left, I saw...haha, I saw it!" The mercenary said mysteriously: "Uhumele (Uhumele)!"

"Ukhumel, whose ship is it?"

The mercenary held the money bag in his arms tighter again, "You won't ask me for money again, will you?"

"If you ask again, it's not necessarily true."

"Okay ok, it's Schurk-Heren, a Yarkora smuggler... this is a Maka-Eekai L4000 Transport, This is a good ship! 66 meters long, thick armor, fast speed..."

"Where is he?" Darth Malthael interrupted him directly.

"New Plympto, now you know where those droids came from? New Plympto is a Separatist planet! Shulk-Heron must have given Separatism something False information, let the separatist robots attack Kururu, and then take the opportunity to take away the treasure!"

"So, it was this Uhumel spaceship that took away the 'treasure'?"

"That's right! Shulk Heron dug out a large coffin from under the ruins. It was at least three meters long and fully enclosed! Then he took the spaceship with him and went around to make sure it wasn't found. , and then left. That thing must be a treasure!"

Darth Malthael said lightly: "One last thing, take me to the ruins that night. Then, you can go."

The mercenary looked at Darth Malthael's gloomy appearance and hesitated.

"You can drive your own vehicle, and I'll give you a ride," Darth Malthael said.

"Okay... I'll warn you! You give me the money, I'll tell you the information, we'll settle it! Don't play any tricks!" the mercenary threatened.

"Money is the least expensive thing for me." Darth Masail said lightly.

An airspeed boat quickly passed by at low altitude, and the mercenary drove his car drunkenly. The driving process was thrilling, but Darth Malthael, who was sitting on the side, was as steady as Mount Tai.

Soon, the airspeed boat came to the edge of a mountain, and there was a building complex in ruins in front of it. Judging from the scale of the ruins, it could accommodate at least one or two hundred people.

"Half a year has passed, the corpses have been searched several times by scavengers, and the rest were taken away by wild beasts, as well as the remains of some robots. Now everyone thinks this place is bad luck, so this place is deserted. "The mercenary waved his hand, "There's nothing to see here, so you..."

His voice was cut short, and at the last moment he found himself seeing Darth Malthael. However, he was clearly standing behind him?

The corpse of the mercenary whose head was twisted 180 degrees slowly fell to the ground.

"The money is yours, I promised it." After Darth Malthael finished speaking, he drove the airspeeder away, leaving only this gradually freezing corpse and the money in his arms bag.


"What are you talking about? Someone wants to buy the 'Jabul safe'? How does that person know that it is in my hands?" Shulk Helun, the leader of the smuggling gang and a native of Yacra, looked at the middleman in the holographic projection and asked with a frown.

"That person paid a high price, 500,000 credits, paid in cash. For someone who can easily withdraw the money, you'd better not ask how he got the information." The middleman said.

"500,000 credits? My new Uhumeler is only 180,000... This money is more than enough to buy a spaceship over 100 meters..." Shulk Helun thought while stroking the beard on his chin , "It's not that there's not enough's that it's too fucking know, sometimes, money is very hot. You know what the buyer is like?"

"My suggestion is that even if you add more money, it's okay, but the deal should be successful. Otherwise... maybe the money is not received, and the life is gone. This buyer..." The middleman shook his head.

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