The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 105 The King of the Dark Sun

103. King of the Dark Sun

"Complete five sets of bench presses, and then it's time for meals. Meals are 100g protein and 150g white boiled chicken breast. After that, I went to the highest combat command to attend a meeting. The main content was the finalization of the design of the Vengeance-class destroyer and the research and development needs of the new generation of infantry equipment. In the afternoon, go to Dawn Star for 2 hours of meditation, and then attend the meeting of the administrative department in the evening..." T-850 instructed Tang Xiao to roll the iron, and narrated his itinerary for today.

Tang Xiao nodded, and said while starting to bench press: "Master, then call out the personnel list, filter conditions, master level, business negotiation, foreign trade."

[Okay, manager. After the retrieval, there are three results, and the information has been projected into your implanted chip. 】

"Let me take a look..." Tang Xiao checked among the three people, then clicked on one of the names and said, "It's her, send the name to the HR department and let them arrange a wake-up call."

[Good manager. Is there any other requirement? 】

"I'm very busy recently, so I won't meet her in person. Let her get acquainted with the situation of the Fourth Civilization as soon as possible, and soon the representative sent by Hego-Damask II will visit. I need a representative who is professional enough We negotiate."

【OK. Name: Gross Shelbya, 29-year-old female, master business and trade expert, arrange wake-up immediately. 】

"You can become a master at the age of 29. It's really a long time. Well, maybe it's because talent is more important in business negotiations." Tang Xiao smiled, took a deep breath, and devoted himself again In the process of pulling iron.


The central star region of the Milky Way, the planet Naboo (Naboo).

This is a beautiful and livable planet. The vast grasslands and blue oceans constitute countless beautiful scenery. It is also one of the most beautiful planets in the Milky Way.

Planet Naboo is a relatively independent planet in terms of industry and agriculture, and also has its own rich culture and profound heritage.

In this unique environment, the planet Naboo has a population of 4.5 billion. 70% of them are the Gungans who live in the ocean and rarely participate in external affairs, and only 30% are the human race living on land.

At this moment, in the palace of Theed, the capital of humans on the planet Naboo, a grand dinner party is going on.

Wealthy businessmen, officials and celebrities from the planet Naboo, as well as celebrities in the Milky Way, were all in it, and it was very lively. A number of transactions with huge amounts, even enough to have an impact on the Milky Way, were easily concluded between pushing cups and changing dishes.

A human man in his forties with long blond hair was hiding in the corner of the balcony drinking. Although he tried his best to make himself handsome, he still couldn't hide his ordinary face. . And in this way, it made him look like a nouveau riche.

However, everyone who knew him would not equate him with an upstart.

Black Sun, the largest gang in the entire Milky Way, has a history of thousands of years. Their tentacles have penetrated into almost every galaxy in the Milky Way. Even the underworld forces of the Hutts have to shy away from Black Sun.

Alexi Garyn (Alexi Garyn), the current leader of the Black Sun.

Jialin hid himself in the shadows, held a crystal glass, and sipped the fine wine in it, but his eyes fell on several people in the venue.

It was a bald man wearing a gorgeous red robe, and several Neimoidians. At the moment, these people seemed to be arguing quietly, and because of their status, no one around dared to persuade them to fight. Don't even dare to come close.

Moments later, the Neimoidian and the bald man parted ways, the bald man visibly enraged. After he ordered a few words to the attendant next to him, he pretended to go to the toilet, and turned to Jialin's side calmly.

The bald head picked up the wine bottle in front of Galin and poured himself a glass of wine, then drank it down, and said in a low voice, "The Neimoidians from the Trade Federation (Trade Federation) are really deceiving people!!"

"What you just gulped down was the 300-year-old Laltier craft beer. It is your loss that you didn't taste the long aroma. King Els-Veruna." Galin said lightly .

This bald head is obviously the human king of planet Naboo, Els Veruna. He gritted his teeth and said, "I risked going to war with the Gungans and increased the production of plasma mines {note 1}, but the people from the Trade Federation took the opportunity to lower the price! Tell me that the supply exceeds demand! I..."

Veruna raised his hand to swear, but looked around and swallowed the swearing words back.

"Be patient, Your Majesty the King. The turning point will definitely come, aren't we on the right path now?" Galin said, shaking his wine glass.

"I can't calm down, Mr. Garin." Veruna shook his head and said, "The plasma mine export agreement signed by me and the trade union has already made a lot of concessions, but now they want to make an inch!"

"That's why I told you before that it's best to terminate the contract with the Trade Union and cooperate with our Black Sun. If the plasma mine business is handed over to Black Sun, then we can pay the price of the black market , which is definitely much higher than the price offered by the trade union," Garin said.

Veruna's face was a little cloudy and uncertain, "It is precisely with the support of Hego-Damasque II that I can sit on the throne of king. If I cancel the contract is possible..."

"He can support you, but it's just money." Jialin smiled lightly.

"It's not just money! In addition to Hego-Damask II, there is also Naboo's Senator Shev-Palpatine who has also provided help in the economic and political fields."

"If you were really grateful, you wouldn't come to me." Galin sneered.

"It's not a matter of gratitude at all! It's that they are exploiting me and my planet more and more!" Veruna slammed his fist on the balcony railing, "The condition for them to support me as king is to trade with me. The Alliance signed contracts for the export of plasma mines, and helped members of the Trade Federation enter the Galactic Council. But they are getting too much now!"


{Note 1}: Plasma mines are a specialty of the planet Naboo, because the core of the planet Naboo is a very unique plasma, so there are a lot of semi-solid plasma mines in the depths of the planet's ocean.

In "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace", the blue orbs that the Gungans used to throw against the Trade Federation robot army were Booma processed from plasma mines.

This is also the main source of income from foreign trade on the planet Naboo, but most of these plasma mines are in the territory of the Gungans, which is also one of the sources of conflict between humans and the Gungans on the planet Naboo.

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