The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1067 Political Situation of Planet Seria

1066. Political Bureau of Ceria Planet

The outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Ceria.

This is a beautiful original ecological planet. There are beautiful jungles and mountains everywhere on the planet. All kinds of rare animals run by in groups. The oxygen-rich air makes people feel refreshed after inhaling.

Because in the previous hundreds of years, the Seriya people insisted on not using any technological products to protect the planet from technological and industrial damage.

At least on this point, they did.

However, in such a big environment as the Galactic Republic, especially with all the major corporate giants around, it is not easy to be alone in this situation.

More than ten years ago, the planet Ceria was divided due to the use or non-use of technological products, and it eventually led to two civil wars.

In these two civil wars, the Seriya elder Dole Femi Bangmi, who advocated the technological supremacy movement on the planet Ceria, finally became the winner. With the secret assistance of the arms dealer Yuri Orlov and the Fourth Civilization, he defeated the former Great Elder of Planet Seria and his biggest competitor, Elder Layton, occupied the capital of the planet, Tekaf City, and became the Great Elder. , to rule the entire Ceria planet.

After the war, because the Dawn Star and the Ceria Planet were very close to each other, the two sides also cooperated in various aspects. It is mainly to introduce technology and industrial systems to Planet Ceria.

But all along, the cooperation between the two parties has actually only scratched the surface. On the one hand, although Dole Fermi Bangmi advocates the use of technology, in fact, if his policies are too radical and cause great damage to the planet's environment, his position as the Great Elder will not last long. .

On the other hand, the natural resources of Ceria Planet's industry are really lackluster. Compared with Tatooine, Ceria Planet has very high-quality iron ore. However, in this interstellar era, if you fish an asteroid in the sky and refine it, you can get a large piece of iron, which is of little value at all. At most, it will be more convenient for the local construction of the war planet.

Therefore, the cooperation between the two parties is mainly focused on two aspects. One is the Bangta Ye Pod Racing Championship, and the planet Seria is added as a low-difficulty natural track showing natural scenery. The other is high-tech industrial parks and processing plants, but the fourth civilization is also very cautious about this second cooperation, and is unwilling to cooperate with a partner who has not yet established a relationship with Planet Seria in this regard.

So the planet Ceria developed steadily in this way until the rise of separatism.

When Count Dooku's separatism began to rise, the planet Ceria remained neutral and did not participate in any disputes at all. Then after the war broke out, the Great Elder Dole-Femi-Bangmi wanted to repeat his old tricks and continue to remain neutral, but this was simply impossible.

After the war, the planet Seria belonged to the jurisdiction of the 19th Army of the Republic, and the Fourth Civilization didn't pay much attention to them at first. Then, after Planet Havin was captured and the 19th Army of the Republic was completely destroyed, Severance Tann ordered Lin Nanyi to lead the main force of the Fourth Civilization B Fleet to dock directly on Planet Seria.

After dozens of kilometer-class warships sailed directly to their spaceport and blocked the entire planet with ease, Elder Dole Fermi Bangmi woke up from the dream of neutrality. He lowered his head, desperately Announced to join the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, and signed a treaty with Dawn Planet, becoming one of the vassals of the Fourth Civilization.

However, the Elder Dole-Femi-Bangmi is fine. He had had a lot of contact with the Fourth Civilization and the Dead Angel, and he didn't have much resistance to joining the Fourth Civilization. And according to Lin Nanyi's request, he also agreed to send an expeditionary force to join the Fourth Civilization Army from Planet Ceria as an action to support this war.

But the other elders on the planet Seria didn’t think so. Some elders who still embraced tradition and refused technology began to think that the main reason why the planet Seria was involved in this terrible galactic civil war was Elder Dole. Technology products are used.

Let me ask, if Celia still maintains the technology of the cold weapon era, the two warring parties, the Galactic Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, would not be able to look directly at this place, and naturally it would be impossible to get involved in the war.

Such thoughts began to spread on the planet Ceria, especially when the news came that the Republic fleet raided the Model sector, the governor of the sector, Volgograd-Kanidi, retreated steadily, and the planets surrendered one after another. Those elders who opposed Elder Dole began to move around.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Elder Dor-Femi-Bangmi hurriedly asked the Fourth Civilization for help. He told Tang Xiao that if Planet Dawn did not respond as soon as possible, then the third civil war would probably break out on Planet Seria!


When Obi-Wan Kenobi took the neutral planet Mandalore, took a regular immigration spaceship to the Mordel sector, and then from the Mordel sector to the planet Ceria, what he saw was a week after that Things that happened.

2 doomsday battlefield-class battlecruisers and 10 enforcer-class heavy destroyers are docking around the spaceport in the outer orbit of the planet Seria. This is the fleet of the Salarians!

At the back, there are five A-shaped spaceships with a length of about 300 meters and a flat shape docked. Judging from the position of the formation, these five strange spaceships are obviously not used as main battleships. There are countless small drones circling, it looks like it should be a drone mothership.

Flames were still burning inside the spaceport, and thick smoke billowed out into the icy cosmic vacuum. Dozens of drones that took off from those A-shaped spaceships were spraying fire-fighting foam.

In addition, there are at least 20 wrecks of small spaceships floating around the spaceport, and some distorted Seriya corpses can be seen among them!

Obviously, not long before this, an armed riot broke out here, and it was easily wiped out by the Salarian fleet that came to suppress it. The situation had just been brought under control.

Following the passenger spaceship down, I found that a large number of jackal soldiers were already patrolling in the hall of the space port, and at the exit, there was also a team of Salari warriors checking the identity information of all people entering and leaving.

Obi-Wan Kenobi exchanged glances with his several clone scouts who had undergone plastic surgery and makeup, and then walked to the door first, and handed his forged identification to one of the Salarians.

When he handed over his identity certificate, he raised his hand and shook it. The Salarian soldier was in a trance, and he returned the certificate to Obi-Wan and said, "You can go in if the verification is correct."


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Drone Mothership, Juggernaut Class. 】

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