The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1102: A New Beginning

1101: A New Beginning

21BBY, September 1, Eliadu Galaxy.

The hyperspace storm that lasted for more than three months finally subsided, and the hyperspace environment around the Eliadu galaxy was finally ready for large-scale fleet navigation.

Almost immediately, the Galactic Republic assembled 50 Jaeger-class battlecruisers on the planet Dacanel, and more than 30 Arquitense-class light cruisers directly broke into the Eliadu galaxy.

At the same time, the long-prepared support force of the Fourth Civilization also entered it.

Unlike the Republic reinforcements, which were almost all battleships, the fourth civilization reinforcements were dozens of Raz-class heavy engineering ships, and hundreds of Javelin-class missile frigates, Brown Bear-class heavy destroyers, and Guard-class air defense destroyers.

This kind of configuration is completely on the defensive, and continue to rush to build more defense systems, and build more Argonev-class interstellar bases as targets.

The fleets of both sides fought a fierce battle in the space near the Eliadu satellite.

The planetary shield of the Eriadu satellite is still intact and can continue to operate. This time it has also become the key to the fourth civilization's support for Eriadu's line of defense.

The two fleets engaged in a fierce exchange of fire.

And in the midst of the sky full of wars, an award ceremony with the sea of ​​stars as the background and the flames of war as the embellishment is going on.

General Xian Hui, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Fourth Civilization, and General Qi Jian, Chief of Staff of the Fourth Civilization, stood in front of the stage, looked at Ling Liang who was standing upright with a solemn face, and said solemnly: "Major General Ling Liang, During the battle of the Eriadu galaxy, the hyperspace storm operation was successfully planned, which provided the best conditions for the occupation of the planet. In the process of occupying the Eriadu satellite and the Eriadu planet, he made suggestions and commanded well, Successfully achieved the combat objectives. According to the research decision of the Ministry of National Defense of the Fourth Civilization and the Supreme Military Command, you will be promoted to General of the Army of the Fourth Civilization!"

"Yes! I will live up to the cultivation of my motherland!" Ling Liang stood at attention and saluted, and said loudly.

Qi Jian nodded and continued: "According to the order of Tang Xiao, the supreme leader of the Fourth Civilization, the governor of the Dawn Star, the Fourth Civilization will use the jurisdiction of the 18th Army of the Galactic Republic as the core to establish a third star area, Saiswena. The star area, the capital of the star area, the planet Eliadu. And you, will become the governor of the star area!"

Ling Liang was taken aback when he heard the appointment, "Governor?"

"That's right, Lord Tang Xiao hopes that you can lead the overall situation of the Eliadu galaxy more comprehensively, and don't let him down, let alone the people." Qi Jian said.

Ling Liang nodded, stood at attention again and saluted, and said loudly: "I will, and I will fulfill my mission!"


After occupying the Eliadu galaxy, the Fourth Civilization immediately adjusted its administrative divisions.

Following the Volgograd-Kanidy Model Sector and the Haven Sector established under the jurisdiction of the Republic’s 19th Army, a third sector, Sesvenna Sector, was established. The name of the star region is taken from the name of the sub-star region where the Eliadu galaxy is located.

Major General Ling Liang of the Fourth Civilization Army was named General of the Army because of his outstanding performance in the battle of the Eliadu galaxy, and to the surprise of many people, he was directly appointed as the governor of Sesvenna Sector.

Although nearly half of this star area is still under the control of the Galactic Republic, there is the full assistance of the industrial world planet Sullust and Sossrob Corporation, as well as the planet Marathal, A A planet with relatively developed industries like Planet Gema.

At the same time, there is also the commercially developed planet Aiatu 6, the planet Terminus, the traffic hub in the outer ring, and the martial planet Tibrin.

It can be said that the power equipped for Ling Liang is very, very powerful. Especially the Sullust planet, which is the number one powerful industrial world on the outer ring of the Milky Way. Although the Southrob Company has no affiliation, it has already formed a close alliance. This is a super enterprise second only to the Fourth Group in the Fourth Civilization.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Fourth Civilization A Fleet, Matt Horner, left all his fleet to Ling Liang to defend the Eliadu galaxy.

And he himself became a polished commander. Under Tang Xiao's order, he re-established his own A fleet in the Haven star area. And soon, Matt Horner ushered in the most important appointment - the appointment of Admiral Matt Horner as the Commander-in-Chief of the Fourth Civilization Navy!

After the death of the former Navy Commander-in-Chief Igor Zavalov, the post of Navy Commander-in-Chief, which has been vacant, has finally been confirmed!

In addition, the young general Major General Lin Nanyi, who performed well in the previous battle, and the newly awakened Air Force General Malcolm Granger (Major General Malcolm Granger) will return to Dawn Planet to carry out further study and training. Train and prepare to receive new fleets ready to help the front lines.

General Granger is an air force general from "Command and Conquer: Generals". Because he is good at using air force tactics, he was directly transferred to the Navy of the Fourth Civilization. Like Ling Liang, he studied space combat command and served as fleet commander Join the fight.

At the same time, the Army Department of the Fourth Civilization also started a series of personnel transfers.

Army lieutenant general Cheng Shitao was promoted to army general after recovering from his injuries, and went to the planet Haven, where he was promoted to the vice-governor of the Haven sector and the supreme military commander of the sector.

Army Major General Xiao Guanghua, because of his outstanding military exploits on the Marathal planet, was promoted to Army Lieutenant General, and went to the Eliadu star system to command the army troops in the Sasvenna sector.

Army Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui, and Laser General Tang Wensi, who had just awakened and joined the Fourth Civilization Army, returned to Dawn Planet together to form a new army unit.


During the new round of personnel appointments and the re-division of military and administrative regions in the Fourth Civilization, one person seems to have been forgotten...

However, this is not the case.

Outer Rim of the Milky Way, Port Parmante...

A Lambda-class shuttle broke away from the hyperspace channel and flew over the extremely large shipbuilding base and space dock outside Parmante Harbor.

Here, it can be seen that dozens of Shenyi-class destroyers are being built, and they have begun to take shape. And there are hundreds of Behemoth-class battlecruisers, the basic structure has been laid, and countless robots and engineering ships are busy on these battleships, making these terrifying battleships gradually take shape.

The shuttle flew to the central platform of the shipbuilding base according to the guidance, and a small hangar entrance opened. The shuttle flew in slowly, landed smoothly in the hangar platform, and folded its wings upwards.

The hatch opened, and Fourth Civilization Admiral Severance Tann walked down, but her expression was not very good.

Guided by a protocol robot, Severance Tann came to a command center, where Earl Dooku, the supreme leader of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, was waiting.

Seeing Tann approaching, Count Dooku laughed loudly, "Welcome, General Tann! Here, I will hand over to you the sharpest blade that our Confederation of Independent Galaxy has just forged! Only you can You are qualified to accept this sharp sword and destroy the warships of the Galactic Republic for us and bring victory!"

"Then, I'm already here." Severance Tann said lightly.

Earl Dooku's city will not be affected by such rudeness, anyway, Severance Tann's bad temper is well known to everyone, just like her genius command ability.

He spread his hands and said, "Then, you are welcome to board your new flagship—the second ship of the Conqueror-class battleship, the Destroyer!"

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