The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 117 Situation Development

115. Situation Development


"It seems that our managers have done a good job. They don't accept surrender. This is a good demonstration." Francis Underwood looked at the ghost fighters that were besieging the Black Sun pirate spaceship on the screen and smiled laugh.

"What does Tang Xiao mean by sending us this video?" Claire asked with a frown.

"I just said, demonstration." Francis said: "He is also reminding us how to stand."

"So what's your answer?"

"I think the Fourth Civilization is becoming more and more a suitable investment object."

"So, you plan to offer your loyalty?" Claire smiled and walked over, leaning on Francis' shoulder.

"The so-called loyalty is just an illusion entrusted to the weak by the strong, and I don't need such an unnecessary burden." Francis patted the back of Claire's hand, "But this doesn't stop me from wanting to be an excellent prime minister of the empire." .”

"Are you beginning to believe Tang Xiao's words?"

Francis and a book in his hand, smiled and replied: "I think we can really try it. This will be a process full of twists and turns, but the result is also extremely wonderful."

He put the book on the table, on the cover of the book was written "Use Power with Care, Remain Humble", and in the column of the author, it was Naboo Planet Councilman, Heev Palpatine.

But at this moment, Francis' smile seemed a little meaningful.


The outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Sojourn.

Darth Plagueis stopped his research and waved his hand. The medical robot 11-4D took away a pile of unknown biological organs and experimental vessels in front of him.

Plagueis looked at the holographic image that appeared in front of him. Dozens of Wraith fighters were besieging a CR-70 frigate.

His eyes quickly fell on the black sun logo on the frigate.

"Vigo-Kash-Garulan, you really disappointed me. Black Sun is nothing more than that." Plagueis said to himself coldly, "Forget it, let's make friends with Tang Xiao Just for fun, I just got my hand out and looked up about 'Bando-Gosa'."


Planet Murkhana.

"What did you say? Annihilation?! Not even a living creature left?!" Viggo Cash Garuran's roar echoed in the luxurious villa, and the strong Twi'lek smashed everything in front of him. Everything was smashed to pieces.

"My lord, we have only received part of the battlefield images. It seems that the opponent is using a standard heavy fighter, and its performance is very good, almost comparable to the military products of the Galactic Republic!" A subordinate held a holographic projector tremblingly. Said.

"Why would a colony that opened up wasteland in a remote area have such an advanced fighter!? And I've never seen such a model!" Garuran roared.

"I don't know...My lord, we need to investigate. Moreover, the Generosity-class frigate of the Interstellar Banking Association appeared in the Endor galaxy before. I don't know if there is any deep meaning..."

"Could they be a dark game supported by the Interstellar Banking Association?" Garulan pondered. "Recently, the leader, Mr. Garin, seems to be planning to take action against the Interstellar Banking Association. It seems that we should ask him."

"Master Garuran, now we should..."

"Check it out for me first! I want to know the origin of that colony in the Endor galaxy! Before that, let's hold back for now and don't be reckless. Since the opponent has a standard fighter jet, it means that they have a considerable degree of industrial strength. Underestimated. But..."

As Garulan spoke, his eyes became extremely ferocious, "The person who provokes our Black Sun, even if you are the chairman of the Galactic Council, you must keep your head for me!"


Planet Tatooine.

In a desert, a robot covered in iron armor, which looked hideous and weird because of its rough welding, stood motionless under a sand dune.

"Jason Statham, is the supply point you mentioned here?" A Bothan with a scar on his face came over. It was the desperado Gardula invited, Magtan-Scar .

A red light flashed under the robot's steel helmet, and it replied dully: "It's just under the sand dune. When the weapon was buried, the sand dune was 50 meters away. Now it has moved over."

"Bastard, we've run out of ammunition and food, and you fucking asked us to dig a sand dune!!" Magtan-Scar roared.

"It is precisely because you have run out of ammunition and food that you need to dig this sand dune. According to my calculations, if you cannot dig the sand dune within two hours, your physical energy will continue to be lost due to lack of water, and you will eventually die. In the desert," said the robot Jason Statham.

"So when will our Santa Claus, Yuri-Olov, come back!?" Broderick Gravel asked beside him.

"He said that he will return to Tatooine with hope. So before that, the only thing you can do is to survive." Jason Statham said: "I will help you."


Hutt space in the Milky Way, the base camp of the Hutts, and the planet Nal Hutta.

"The behavior of Jabba and the Desilijic family has crossed the bottom line! Not only did he destroy my property in Tatooine, he even privately dispatched the warships of the Hutt fleet to Tatooine! I request the Great Council to punish Jabba's Be punished for your actions!!" Gardullah the Hutt stood in front of the stage of the Hutt Great Council, calling loudly.

"That's enough, Gardullah of the Besardi family, your accusation is groundless. Even because of your sabotage of the Bonta Night Pod race, you have caused us a huge economic loss." A skinny man on stage Rough, the Hutt who looked like he should be very old said slowly.

"I said, this matter has nothing to do with me! It was decided by the Bossa people! Even I am looking for them now!" Gadulla distinguished.

"The Great Council of Hutt has made a decision. This matter should be resolved between you and Jabba. The warships of the Hutt fleet have returned to their station from Tatooine and will no longer interfere in this matter." Another darker-skinned person on the stage The Hutt said to Gardulla, "Don't be ignorant, Gardulla. This is already our tolerance for you."

Gadulla moved his fat body and climbed outside the parliament building, looked back at the magnificent Hutt Great Council, and cursed a few times in the Hutt language.

Then, with a muffled grunt from her nose, she climbed onto her spaceship and flew into the distance.

In the spaceship, Gardulla turned on the communication and said dejectedly: "The Great Council of Hutt rejected my request, and Hego-Damasque II also interrupted my funding, and now Tatooine is powerless. "


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Hutt Gardullah-Besadi. 】

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