The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1160: Qila and Solo (Part 1)

1159: Qila and Solo (Part 1)

Tang Xiao stood there without moving. He slowly unwrapped the big bag that the boy had stuffed into him just now, and found that there were some stones wrapped in a pile of rags, no wonder it was so heavy.

It is estimated that these two little brats have planned it too. With such a heavy thing in their hands, and being bluffed by that sentence of stolen things, normal people will not throw away their burdens immediately, and they will be stunned for a while.

If this is caught off guard, there is really no way to react immediately and chase them.

He turned over his skirt again and found that it was cut with a hole. He was out shopping this time, so he stuffed all his belongings into the bag, and the girl took it all at once.

He started cleanly and cooperated tacitly. He seemed to be a repeat offender.

He smiled, and found that the pair of little kids had already run away, so he walked in their direction calmly.


Deep in the narrow and complicated alleyways of Corellian Street, only two boys and girls were panting and leaning against the corner of the wall. Although they were very tired, their faces could not contain the excitement.

"Hahahaha, did you see, Han Solo, that guy didn't even react! Hahahahaha!" The girl named Qila couldn't straighten up with laughter.

She looks about 13 years old, with a petite body but developed very early. She has short natural dark brown hair, full red lips, and a pair of watery lake blue eyes. Although her face is dirty, look carefully. Go, but still can see that this is the embryo of a little beauty.

The boy next to him was panting even more, and he slid on the ground, unable to straighten his tongue, "Finally, finally became...that person...that person, I feel, it's not right, it's not right."

This boy named Han Solo looks a year or two younger than the girl, and also has brown hair. He looks quite cute, but his eyes are full of agility.

"What's wrong? Let me tell you, we will definitely send this!" Qila said, "I weighed it on the road just now, there is a big thing in it, and there are a lot of credit ingots, at least 5000!"

"5, 5000!" Han Solo's eyes widened when he heard the number, "How much is the cheapest spaceship sold by Max? How many times is that shabby spaceship changed hands?" G-6 cargo ship."

"12,000! Only 12,000 credits are needed!" Qila was so excited that she turned the pockets in her hands with her backhand and dumped everything on the ground with a clatter.

All I saw were credit ingots, a few business cards, and a metal handle that had fallen all over the floor.

"Wow... developed! This is definitely more than 5000!" Qi La said in a low voice, she lay on the ground and began to gather these credit ingots back together, and at the same time began to count secretly, "One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand , four thousand one, four thousand two..."

But Han Solo picked up the metal handle, a little strangely, "What is this?"

This metal handle is a cylindrical shape with a length of more than 20 cm and a diameter of about 5 cm. The whole body is black. It looks like a mechanical device. There is a hole at the front end, surrounded by more than ten claw-like spikes around the hole, which looks extremely ferocious. .

He looked carefully, but he didn't find anything like a switch in this thing, it seemed to be a handle. He carefully looked in through the hole, but couldn't see anything, "Is this...a gun?"

Suddenly, only a scream was heard, and a black cloud-like skeleton rushed towards his face!

"Ah!" Han Solo exclaimed, and the metal handle dropped from his hand.

But it was caught by another dirty hand, Qi'ra.

When Han Solo looks again, where are the black skulls? He began to wonder if he was hallucinating.

"A total of 7200 credits, this is a huge sum of money, Han!" Qila was extremely excited, she looked at the metal handle in her hand, "This thing...have I seen it before?"

She thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "That's right! Do you still remember the last time we peeked at the Galaxy Holographic Network outside the Heihe Bar? Those Jedi warriors inside used this thing! This is a lightsaber! A lightsaber!"

"Light saber? Jedi? You mean, we stole a Jedi?" Han Solo froze.

"Dream! How is it possible! If that idiot is really a Jedi Knight, we have absolutely no chance of succeeding!" Qila became more and more excited, "If this thing is really a lightsaber, it can sell at least tens of thousands of credits! Absolutely tens of thousands!"

"So we can buy the spaceship tomorrow!" Han Solo was also excited.

"Oh, it's not just ships, Han. We've got 5,000 credits to spend on other things, like getting Max to upgrade the ship's crappy hyperdrive, strengthen the hull, and maybe even Install a holoprojector and holoweb receiver!" Qi'ra was already planning.

However, at this time, a strange voice suddenly came, "Yo~~~~ Looks like a big deal! Han Solo, and Qi'ra."

The two raised their heads abruptly, only to see that in this alleyway, where no one would normally appear, it was blocked by two or three people who looked like gangsters!

The leader was a black man. He was tall and thick, with a fleshy face, and he held a hammer in his hand.

"Hey, Daggis! This is the territory of the white worm, and we have paid protection fees! Mrs. Pixi is not allowed to be black and white!" Qi La suddenly hid the hilt of the lightsaber behind her, and stood up and said.

"Ah, you are not allowed to cheat? Hehehe... Do you know who you stole?" The black man approached step by step with a smirk, "I saw it just now, Dryden Voss of Blood Dawn, respectfully Respectfully invite him to Mrs. Pixi's lair, that is the honored guest of White Worm and Scarlet Dawn, hehehehe..."

"What do you want to do? It's none of your business!" Han Solo said too.

The black Daggis' face became more and more ferocious, "What do I want to do? I will take all of your stolen goods and send them to Mrs. Vixi! Hahahaha, then maybe she can give me a large bounty, and let me I have become an official member of White Worm! Ah yes..."

A disgusted and greedy expression appeared on his face, "I can still ask Mrs. Pixi to hand you over to me...hehehehe, I promise, I will make is worse than death, hahahaha!"

"You..." Qila gritted her teeth, she threw the bag of credit ingots on the ground and said, "You won, the money is yours."

Dargis said with a smirk, "I don't dare to ask for this money. Once the guest is found out, whoever touches the money will die. I just need to arrest you and hand it over to Mrs. Bixi. Maybe the reward will be a little less, but it's safe." It's safe, isn't it?"

Several people blocked Qila and Han Solo in the alley and approached step by step.

Han Solo was sweating profusely, and he began to look around, trying to find a way to escape.

But it's impossible, in the narrow alley, unless you fly into the sky, there is no other way out!

He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "You run from behind later, and I will block Dargis. You should be able to escape the two people behind."

"You don't have to, Han," Qi'ra whispered.

"If you fall into their hands, your experience will be much worse than mine, so be it..." Han Solo said.

"I don't know, but I won't sit still!" Qi'ra gritted her teeth.

"This way..." Han Solo didn't finish speaking, only heard a hum! A blood-red light shines from the side!

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