The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1191: The Price of Freedom (Part 1)

1190. The Price of Freedom (Part 1)

As soon as the huge body of Thor's mecha appeared on the battlefield, it immediately shocked the rebel fighters.

You must know that there are huge war weapons. For example, the Galactic Republic AT-TE tactical assault walker with a length of 22.02 meters, a height of 9.57 meters, and a width of 5.7 meters is a common huge weapon on the battlefield.

But the size of Thor's mecha is even larger than the four AT-TEs arranged in a square shape! !

Of course, there are bigger ones, such as the SPHA-T self-propelled turbo laser cannon, which is 140 meters long, but this thing is invisible to ordinary people, and even the Galactic Republic produces very little. No other meaning, just distressed, the cost of such a set is higher than that of an Arquitects-class light cruiser, and it is not that useful on the battlefield. Up to now, the Galactic Republic has only built 100 of them. Didn't know such a thing existed.

And now standing in front of these rebel fighters is such a huge monster with a length and width of nearly 20 meters and a height of 24 meters! For them, this is also the biggest war machine they have ever seen!

The shape full of industrial cold and ferocious atmosphere, the thick armor visible to the naked eye, two dual-mounted particle accelerators on the hands, two sets of 8-mounted missile launchers on the shoulders, and four hideous Punisher artillery on the back!

That's right, it's not the J-1 proton cannon in the rebel intelligence, but four 250mm Punisher cannons!

Since he planned to dig a hole for the rebels, General Kalani naturally made a full set. After the first few tests, the two J-1 proton cannons were temporarily put down and refitted into four Punisher cannons. Armor's modular design makes such replacements very simple.

The rebels thought that THOR was a semi-finished product, so that they needed to import the J-1 proton cannon to complete the final assembly. Little did they know that Dr. Zhang Jiarui came to grab the order with the finished product!

After the initial shock, followed by an adrenaline rush, Saw Gerrera yelled, "Fuck me!! Kill this THOR!!"

In fact, without him needing to speak, the rebel fighters on the battlefield bravely charged forward!


At this time, Zhang Jiarui also just woke up from the shock.

When the container disintegrated, the cruel battlefield was reflected in the cockpit through the sensors, and the panorama was projected around him.

The wreckage of several AAT armored assault tanks was lying sideways and burning, and the only remaining AAT was still desperately engaged in a large number of rebel Swoop-G hoverbikes-its firepower was difficult to focus on those hoverbikes. However, the bazookas launched by the rebels continued to explode on the tanks.

In the back, the trick MTT personnel carrier that released all the combat robots is slowly retreating, but the rebels have no intention of letting them go, and they continue to fire rocket launchers and EMP grenade attacks.

The phalanx of the B-1 battle robots has been smashed to pieces. After the initial stage, most of the battle robots who don't know how to hide and only know how to move forward and shoot are quickly wiped out.

In the sky, all the HMP robot gunboats were shot down, leaving only a few vulture robot fighters still fighting the only ETA-2 fighter jets.

Zhang Jiarui had never been on a battlefield before, such a battlefield full of wreckage and corpses, full of flames and thick smoke shocked his mind immediately.

boom! ! A rocket landed on the Thor mecha, and the shock absorber damper completely resolved the vibration of the cockpit, but the alarm from the operating system still woke him up from the shock.

"The rebels? Since you want to play Thor's idea, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Zhang Jiarui roared, "If you want to blame, blame you for falling into the trap of General Kalani!"

He slammed the fire button on the joystick, and the Thor's Hammer Particle Accelerator Cannon on the arm of Thor's mech fired instantly!

boom! ! ! ! ! A violent explosion exploded in front of the explosion, and the area around the center of the explosion was tens of meters away. Several hoverbikes were instantly scattered by the explosion.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Zhang Jiarui drove the Thor Mecha down from the large truck, and the particle accelerator in his other hand fired again.

boom! ! ! The attack fell through, and the hoverbikes driven by the Rebel fighters began to scatter.

But it doesn't matter! There are two double-mounted particle accelerator cannons on the arm of Thor's mech, and the four barrels fire in sequence!

boom! boom! boom! ! The continuous bombing blew up the hoverbikes of the rebel fighters.

"Rush over! Launch! Launch!!"

"For freedom!" The rebel fighters shouted loudly, and fired the bazooka in their hands immediately after loading. The rockets directly hit Thor's mecha with their long tail flames, without even needing to aim.

But when the smoke from the explosion dissipated, only a lot of scorched and dents appeared on the thick armor of Thor's mech, and it was not penetrated at all!

On the contrary, Thor's mecha keeps firing particle accelerators!

boom! boom! boom! The continuous bombardment caused continuous explosions on the ground. The explosions were so powerful that even if they were within 30 meters of the explosion range, not to mention a direct hit, the result would be that people and motorcycles fell apart!

The continuous firing made Thor's Hammer Particle Accelerator overheated due to the continuous firing. Zhang Jiarui pressed another button, and the cooling system he personally designed started to work, and a large amount of coolant was turned into mist and sprayed over to start cooling down.

A burst of white smoke rose from the air valve behind the arm of the Thor Mecha, making the Thor Mech even more like a demon in the fog.

But it wasn't over yet, Thor's mecha fell to its knees, lowered its height to increase its ground contact area, and then the four Punisher cannons on its back stretched out those four terrifying barrels!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! Shelling! Continuous bombardment!

explode! Constant explosions! !

The area that was bombarded in front of Thor's mecha has completely turned into a sea of ​​flames! !

Afterwards, Thor's mecha stood up again, and continued to attack with the cooled particle accelerator cannon.

boom! It was another shot, and the two hoverbikes were instantly destroyed by the explosion. The other hoverbikes running around in a panic crashed into rocks and trees in a hurry, and the pilots screamed and flew out.

"Kill!!!" Saw Gerrera took the blaster rifle and fired at the Thor's mecha, but the Thor's mech would not even call the police for such an attack.

He jumped onto a hover motorcycle and rushed towards Thor's mech at high speed.

Thor's mecha was facing him at the moment. He rushed behind the mecha and found that he was not even as high as the soles of his feet. He gritted his teeth and took out two EMP grenades and threw them directly.

Hey~~~~! The invisible electromagnetic pulse spread out immediately, but Thor's mecha remained motionless. It turned its body a little, and aimed at the other side with a bang, and it was another shot!

boom! ! Thor's Hammer Particle Accelerator fired just a few meters away from Saw Gerrera. The loud sound of the cannon and the fierce muzzle hurricane instantly blew Sor Gerrera away. It was full of the roar of cannons, dizziness.

"What is this?" Anakin Skywalker, who was driving the ETA-2 fighter jet in the sky, felt a burst of fear when he saw this terrifying mecha.

But he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately swooped down with the fighter jet, and the laser cannon aimed at Thor's mech and fired a burst of fire.

But the ETA-2 is just a light fighter after all, and this series of laser cannon bursts is like scratching an itch for Thor.

Immediately afterwards, the 8-unit missile launcher on the shoulder of Thor's mecha lit up for a burst of fire, and 16 cluster anti-air missiles rose into the sky, exploding a large barrage of barrages in the sky!

Anakin-Skywalker sensed the danger and began to dodge ahead of time. However, in the atmosphere, the maneuverability of the fighter was still a bit poor. In the dive state, he failed to pull up immediately and avoid the hundreds of meters range of barrage.

The wing of the fighter that couldn't dodge was rubbed by a piece of shrapnel, and immediately lost its balance, and could only make an emergency landing by driving.

Over there, the battle has been extremely fierce, and the rebels who are only equipped with light weapons can't cause any damage to Thor's mecha. After consuming hundreds of rockets, although the main armor belt of Thor's mecha has suffered a lot of damage, the overall structure is still intact, and it does not affect the combat in the slightest.

The desperate rebel fighters could only take the risk of rushing over. On the one hand, they judged that the Thor's mech was too big to be able to take care of the immediate area. , Only those EMP grenades are left.

But it's not easy to break through the fire blockade of the two double-mounted Thor's Hammer Particle Accelerator Cannons! The action of Thor's mecha is not as clumsy as it looks on the outside, at least the operations like turning around are still very smooth. Zhang Jiarui controls the mecha without aiming, and shoots wherever there are many people, all relying on the shock wave of the explosion to kill.

The rebel fighters rushed to the close position of Thor's mecha one after another, and began to throw EMP grenades.

But if you throw this kind of grenade, it can only fall under the feet of Thor's mecha, and the electromagnetic pulse generated after it explodes will not really threaten the mecha.

On the one hand, it is because the energy level of the Thor mech is too high, the armor is too thick, and the electromagnetic pulse cannot penetrate; on the other hand, the weapons produced by Tyron Heavy Industries have fully considered the situation of dealing with EMP weapons. Grenade is not a problem.

Of course, the main reason is... Regardless of the overall appearance of Thor's mecha, it seems to be a short and thick little pier, but this thing is 24 meters high! The pair of short and thick mechanical legs are more than 8 meters long. If you drop an EMP grenade on the ground and blow it up like this, can it reach 8 meters away?

Anyway, the leg structure of Thor's mecha is all mechanical transmission. You EMP likes to explode, and it has no effect at all.

In the cockpit, Dr. Zhang Jiarui has gone crazy!

Driving such a huge weapon of war to open Wushuang on the battlefield, the feeling is not much different from playing a game. All he needs is to keep pressing the button to blow up all the moving targets.

As for the brutality of these rebel fighters who were blown to bloody flesh and limbs, the adrenaline-fuelled Zhang Jiarui has not thought about it yet.

Seeing the rebel soldiers rushing over, Zhang Jiarui only felt it was amused. He felt happy and laughed out loud, "Hahahaha!! Do you think I really didn't consider the situation of being approached by infantry!? Hahaha Haha! Are you underestimating the IQ of our Tailun Heavy Industry engineers? Come, try this!"

He opened a cover next to it, and there was a red button under the cover.


"Retreat! Retreat!! This is a trap! This is a trap!!" Stella Gerrera was also on the battlefield, but she was trying her best to persuade those rebel fighters to evacuate here as soon as possible.

However, few of the rebel fighters who were already red-eyed were willing to listen to her. She could only watch them attack THOR like moths to a flame, and then be killed by the opponent's powerful artillery fire.

This is not fighting, not at all! This... this is a massacre!

Lukes Bontry stared blankly at the slaughterhouse, watching the huge mech killing all directions, watching the rebel fighters being killed continuously, his face was pale and trembling.

boom! ! There was another explosion, and a severed arm landed right on the glass of the suspended truck next to Lukes, with a snap, then gradually slid down and landed at Lukes' feet.

Plop, Lukes fell to his knees, "'s not like shouldn't be like this! I...I'm fighting for freedom, I'm a freedom fighter! It's not like"

He watched the killing of Rebel fighters, many of whom he knew. More than once they got together, attacked those separatist robots, talked loudly about freedom, and yearned for a better future...

But now... they're all dead, they're all dead!

And... because of himself, because of the information he gave!

This is a trap... I killed them... they died because of me...

Such thoughts kept lingering in Lux's mind, beating his fragile heart.

He saw that Stella Gerrera was carrying a soldier who was almost burnt all over, put it in front of him, then threw him a medicine box and said loudly: "You are here to treat the wounded! I will save people !"

After finishing speaking, she didn't talk to Lukes again, turned around and rushed into the battlefield full of gunpowder.

"It me, save" The wounded man lying in front of Lukes kept screaming, but the burned area on his body had exceeded 95%, and there was no way to find it. to a complete piece of skin. There was a smell mixed with the smell of barbecue and burnt smell...

Lukes vomited out with a whoosh when he smelled it, and the vomit was all on the wounded. The wounded let out a more horrific scream. Lukes was completely confused, he didn't know what to do, he just kept apologizing, apologizing...

"Retreat! Retreat!!!" Stella shouted while helping the wounded.

At this time, Zhang Jiarui had already pressed the red button...

I only saw the shoulder armor of Thor's mecha open, revealing the honeycomb-shaped launch holes below, and then... launch!

Thank you for the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by Wishing for the Remembrance of Flowers! ! Thanks to Daszana for the 600 starting coins! ! Thank you for the 588 reading points rewarded by the high-ranking lord of Tadarim! !

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