The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1230: Storm in the North (13)

1230. The Northern Territory (Thirteen)

Knowing about the death of Master Sas-Ting, Tang Xiao laughed unscrupulously and ridiculed wantonly. Light and darkness are destined to be sworn enemies. For the Jedi Knights on the light side, even just hearing their names makes Tang Xiao feel uncomfortable.

But then he gradually calmed down from this dark frenzy, and he said coldly: "It is absolutely impossible for Sas-Ting to go to the planet Kali to assassinate General Dilar, he must have other plans ! Moreover, he should be able to see the Geth helping the Kali people with infrastructure construction on the planet Kali, so he must have some judgment on the origin of the Geth..."

Thorn-Hil pointed to the Galactic Republic fleet that was desperately resisting on the holographic star map, and said proudly: "No matter what Sus-Tin knows, what is certain is that these idiots definitely don't know! Hahahaha!"

"At least this is a good thing for us. As for the reason, we don't need to think too much about it." Tang Xiao said, "However, we must also be prepared to deal with it. If the Galactic Republic finds out about our relationship with the Geth if."

He turned his head and said to the geth individual standing aside: "This fleet of the Galactic Republic has fallen into a trap. Under the electronic interference trap we set up, they will have no chance. Your task is to ensure that at least one of them is captured." 10 battleships... of course, the more the better."

"We'll do it." The geth instance nodded.

Tang Xiao turned to Sang Hill again, and said, "And you... I have done everything I can. If you still fail under such circumstances, you should know the consequences."

Sang Hill quickly knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Please rest assured, my lord, at least half of the assets of the Interstellar Banking Association will surely become our possession!"

Tang Xiao opened his hand, and a breeze suddenly blew from behind Sang Hill out of thin air, which immediately made him feel refreshed, as if his pores were about to relax, but then he squeezed his palm, and Sang Hill suffocated instantly, even Not even a trace of air can be breathed in! !

Looking at the struggling Sang Hill, a sneer appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth, "This time I went to Planet Korriban, and I have thoroughly comprehended the power of death! If you do well, then, I will grant you eternal life! Even if there is only half of the Interstellar Banking Association left, you will serve as the chairman forever and enjoy the glory forever. And if you fail this time... Of course you will not die, your soul will be tortured by me forever !"

Thorn Hill was dripping with cold sweat, and nodded desperately like a chicken pecking rice, "I promise! I promise this plan will succeed! It will succeed!"

"Hehehehe... Very good, very good..." Tang Xiao sneered and turned off the communication.

After Tang Xiao's projection disappeared, Sang-Hil waited for a full minute before recovering. He stood up from the ground and said to the Geth with a grim expression, "Suppress me with all your fleets!" Go up!! One hour! I want to see the destruction of this Republic fleet within one hour!"

The geth individual said indifferently: "One of the warships of the Republic fleet is retreating, and has not opened its shields. As long as this warship is intercepted, they will lose all hope. Our fleet is doing this."

Thorn Hill nodded, turned on the communication on the other side, and roared: "Empty all the spaceports on the planet Megeeto!! Let me take off every fighter jet and every spaceship! Take off!! This fleet of the Galactic Republic, even if it is a single person, don’t even think about running away!!”

"But my lord, some fighter jets and spaceships are the personal soldiers of some high-level and customers..." The communication end was a bit awkward.

Thorn-Hil showed a cruel expression on his face, "Then tell them clearly that the Geth is ours! Or you can do the same for me, or you will be worn by the Geth on the 'Dragon Fang' to become a corpse Puppet! Let them choose for themselves!"

"Yes Yes!"


Under Thorn Hill's strict order, a large number of fighter jets took off again from the planet Mequito.

More than 10,000 vulture robot fighters and more than 200 small and medium-sized spaceships have taken off from the star space port and are heading towards the battle area.

At the same time, the joint fleet of the Fourth Group and the Interstellar Banking Association also launched a crazy attack.

The behemoth-class battlecruiser kept firing, and at the same time accelerated the engine, shortening the distance between the two sides. For bombardment warships like the Behemoth class, this is not a wise choice, but for the current situation, they only want one thing-the destruction of the Republic fleet!

The front muzzle of the behemoth-class battlecruiser began to charge, and under the accumulation of powerful energy, some gravitational distortions even appeared in front of the battleship!

Then, the Yamato Cannon fired!

The powerful plasma beam instantly hit the Republic battleship, causing a devastating explosion!

The remaining more than 70 Sentinel-class heavy electronic warfare frigates are also fully powered! This professional electronic warfare spacecraft is equipped with an enemy-finding disruptor, an energy neutralizer, and a sensor suppression device, which can respectively interfere with the firing of the enemy ship's turret, neutralize the energy in the enemy ship's capacitor, and interfere with the enemy's fire. Control lock radar.

Under the all-round interference of these three electronic warfare devices, the energy generated by the energy core of the Republic battleship is constantly decreasing, and it cannot operate at full power. When the turret fires, inexplicable stuttering and charging failures often occur, and the fire control radar is not working efficiently. Greatly reduced, had to spend more time to lock the target.

There is no doubt that this is the latest electronic warfare frigate developed by the warship scientists of the Salarians from the technology tree of the Emma Empire in "EVE". After obtaining the technical data authorization, the construction will be rolled out immediately.

Sentinel-class heavy electronic warfare frigate, in fact, the construction period is not long, but the biggest disadvantage is that it is expensive.

But the expensive thing is actually not a shortcoming for the Interstellar Banking Association...

So within a few months, they built more than 80 Sentinel-class ships on the planet Mequito in one go! And in the trap setting this time, the Sentinel-class played the most critical role, making the Republic's flamboyant Jaeger-class battlecruisers a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

While the behemoth-class battlecruisers continued to suppress the artillery fire of the Republic fleet, the Geth fleet finally rushed into the battlefield at high speed!

The nimble and fast Geth warships are biting like a pack of mad dogs in the formation of the Republic fleet! They besieged every Jaeger-class battlecruiser in groups and inhumanely. Countless plasma cannons fell, blowing each Jaeger-class into a pile of scrap iron!

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