The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1232 The Shocking Heist (1)

1232 : Shocking Robbery (1)

"Governor Fan Ke and the others have succeeded? But why didn't the news come from their headquarters, the planet Ord-Mantel?" Rush Clovis frowned.

He thought for a while, and then he found a reason for himself, "Well... Maybe it's because the war on Megeeto planet is fierce, and the communication can't be sent... That thing..."

Rush Clovis took a deep breath, unable to contain the excitement in his heart.

Yeah, 'that thing'!

For the planet Megeeto, 'that thing' means three goods: 1. All customer accounts and databases related to the planet Megeeto. This thing cannot be transmitted through the network, because it is very insecure. Each customer's data is individually stored in a very strong and highly confidential memory, and is packaged with a material that cannot be destroyed even if it is directly hit by a turbolaser cannon. Of course, the amount of money involved in customers who can use this service is easily hundreds of millions.

2. The most valuable gemstone produced on the planet Megeeto. Planet Mequito is a planet that produces gemstones. After ten thousand years of mining, the value of some gemstones is simply difficult to measure with money. Any gemstone among them can be sold for a sky-high price if it is put up for auction! For example, in the famous Shadow of Allure, this gemstone will be illuminated by different spectrums, and the inside of the gemstone will reflect the figure of a beautiful woman with a different shape and a slim figure. A family in the inner circle once offered 4 billion credit points, but the Interstellar Banking Association categorically rejected the acquisition.

3. People!

If you go to a random planet outside the inner ring and ask where the headquarters of the Interstellar Banking Association is on the street, then eight out of ten people will tell you that the headquarters is on the planet Algau. This is not surprising, because the planet Argau is indeed the administrative headquarters of the Interplanetary Banking Association, and their senior officials all work on the planet Argau.

But if you go to the core circle within the inner ring to ask, then you will get a completely different answer-Megeeto planet! This is where the Interstellar Banking Association was truly registered and established, and on this beautiful frozen planet, there are those behind-the-scenes bosses who really control the Interstellar Banking Association!

To put it simply, the people on the planet Argau are all social animals, and the people who really control the Interstellar Banking Association are all on the planet Mequito! Then a little farther away, the families of these people live on the planet Mulinster.

Therefore, the most valuable thing sent from the planet Mequito is people!

Those who control the Interstellar Banking Association!

So why did Rush Clovis ask Fan Ke to get these 'things' even at the cost of sending away the entire fleet!

Because the value of these 'things' is far greater than that of an 8th Army!

Now there is news that it has been obtained and is on its way to the planet Scipio! How can this not make Rush - Clovis excited.

He doesn't expect to be able to take over the high-level executives of the Interstellar Banking Association on the planet Mequito, even if he only needs to capture Thorn Hill, then all this will be worth it!

But despite the excitement, he still kept calm, and immediately issued an order, "Notify the Planetary Defense Administration, immediately raise the planetary shield! The local defense fleet is ready to fight!"


The command is executed immediately.

Soon, a light blue light curtain enveloped the entire planet Scipio. At the same time, the defense fleets around the planet also left the spaceport one after another and began to enter the state of combat formation.

On the ground, there is also an army on standby, ready to receive this batch of precious cargo at any time.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the last moment to come.

About half an hour later, a white light flashed in the cosmic space, followed by the figures of dozens of spaceships appearing here.

12 Jaeger-class battlecruisers, 5 AA-9 large transport ships, and more than a dozen other small transport ships, some of which are obviously interstellar shuttles produced by the Interstellar Banking Association!

"Here we come!" Rush Clovis stared at the sensor screen, his heart beating violently.

Judging from the optical images sent back by the sensors, the 12 Jaeger-class battlecruisers were all wounded. To put it seriously, they were in tatters, and they really looked like they had come down from the battlefield.

At this time, the communication was connected, and a man in his 40s wearing a Republic Navy uniform appeared on the screen. He gave a military salute to Rush Clovis and said, "I am Admiral Long of the Eighth Army of the Republic. Ge's adjutant, Prinz, Admiral Longo is seriously injured, and I am currently leading the fleet, I hope you will prepare medical facilities immediately."

"You captured the fleet that McKeeto escaped from? Then what did you get?!" Rush Clovis asked eagerly.

"I have no interest in this! I only know that tens of thousands of soldiers died in this operation that should not have happened! Now the things are here, I don't care if you want them! Prepare medical facilities immediately! "This man named Prinz was not polite to Rush-Clovis, and his words were full of hostility and contempt from soldiers towards capitalists like them.

Rush Clovis was very unhappy, but it also eliminated some of the last doubts, because there was indeed such a tough bone in the Republic Army. He curled his lips and thought to himself, no matter how much trouble you make, you are just a big soldier. Now that you are like this, you probably don't have a family, right?

When you become a family and have the burden of the family, how about talking about the so-called respect with those of us who control capital?

He said lightly: "Okay, thank you General Prinz. Next, please lower your shields and accept the scan of our defense fleet. I promise you will receive the best hospitality."

Prinz snorted coldly and cut off the communication without answering.

Boom! Rush Clovis slapped the communicator to the ground, when was he ever underestimated like this!

Oh no, it seems that there is... isn't that Anakin's guy from before? This guy not only took away my lover, but also made me lose face!

Thinking of these things, Rush Clovis' mood instantly became extremely bad.

In space, the two fleets have already started docking, and the Scipio Planet Defense Fleet began to approach the battleships, and sent a message on the public channel, asking the remnants of the republic to lower their shields and accept the warehouse scan.

Because they knew in advance that this trip was likely to receive spoils, and they saw that it was indeed a battleship of the Republic, so the people of the Scipio Planet Defense Fleet were also very relaxed, and they approached the spaceship carelessly.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred! !

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