1291. Reinforcements

"My lord." In the holographic projection, a heroic Chiss general wearing a black uniform of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies, blue skin and red eyes appeared.

She knelt on one knee, facing the Sith Lord in front of her very respectfully.

This general is obviously Severance Tann!

The famous number one general of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies!

"You came about half a day earlier than I calculated." Darth Malthael looked at her and said lightly.

"If you only bring one battleship, then you can shorten the time to the shortest possible time." Severance Tann replied.

"Are you so sure that after you come to the Rendili galaxy, there will still be a friendly fleet, instead of directly falling into the siege of the Republic?" Darth Malthael asked back.

"If that's the case, then I think our cause has failed," Severance Tann said.

"I'm very happy to see your awakening, Tann. Now the planet Lundili is handed over to you..." Darth Masail said, "Destroy the incoming Galactic Republic fleet, and then open the hyperspace channel to ensure The external traffic of the Lundili galaxy. I don't want to see 600 billion starving ghosts when I come here next time."

Severance Tann nodded and said, "My lord, if I hadn't restrained me, the Republic Fleet would soon invade the eastern border of the Milky Way and march towards the Laxus Galaxy."

"That's something that Earl Dooku needs to worry about. All I need is Lundili!" Darth Masail said coldly. The Darkness, the second ship of the Titan battleship, should be almost finished, and it is impossible for Earl Dooku to be helpless."

"I understand, the planet Lundili will be under my command, and it will be as stable as Mount Tai! As long as I am here, the Galactic Republic will never get involved here!" Answered with satisfaction.

Indeed, when Tang Xiao handed over the defense of the Eliadu galaxy to Ling Liang instead of her, she once felt that she was squeezed out of the military core of the Fourth Civilization, but now, the lord directly Rendili planet to her to lead the defense!

You must know that this is the second largest planet in the Milky Way, with a population of 600 billion and one of the three major industrial giants, the Lundili planet of the Lundili Interstellar Power Company!

Even if she is only in charge of defense, the resources she holds are far more than the entire Saiswena sector in Ling Liang's hands!

After fighting guerrilla warfare for several months, Severance Tann felt that she had once again become a pivotal existence in Darth Malthael's heart!

This made her extremely excited.

She lowered her head, unable to hide her excitement, "Master, please allow me to start working immediately. I have prepared 50 T-series tactical robots and 1,000 mid-level officers for this battle. I will integrate these commanders into the defense In the fleet, reorganize the fleet, and after one day, I will launch a counterattack against the Republic fleet!"

Darth Masail said: "You should know that after a day, the other half of the defense fleet that the Galactic Republic took away will almost be able to return to the battlefield. By then, their strength will still be a clear advantage over us. .”

A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Severance Tann's mouth, "I'm here, we are the advantage."

"Very well, then I will stay here for one more day to fight for you. After one day, I will leave and return to the Endor galaxy. You'd better give me a complete Lundili, otherwise, I will let you feel Enough to make you regret the pain of being a human!" Darth Malthael's tone suddenly became cold.

"I obey!" Tann bowed her head in response, and then she said, "My lord, I brought another person here this time. She desperately wants to see you."


"Master Adi Gallia."

Darth Masail frowned slightly, "Adi Gallia?"

Then he sneered, "I'm a little surprised that she hasn't turned into a zombie yet. Let her come here."


Severance-Tann immediately started her own actions vigorously. She began to dispatch new captains and officers to other warships one by one and equip them with T-series tactical robots to make up for the lack of professional knowledge of these people. Core, reintegrate this fleet.

At this time, a shuttle flew over and entered the hangar platform of the Knight-class Star Destroyer where Darth Malthael was located.

Soon, he saw someone on the bridge—Master Adi Gallia.

At this moment, she has almost completely changed her appearance, her originally dark skin has turned purple, and there are even ulcers in many places, and her body exudes a corpse smell.

Darth Malthael didn't speak, just watched her miserable situation quietly.

Her time is numbered.

As a person who was killed by Darth Malthael and then resurrected with the resurrection technique, her final fate can only be gradually swallowed by death like the two Jedi masters Aiden Ward and Green Betty before. , becoming a mindless walking dead.

But how could she actually think of coming to find herself? Darth Malthael was interested.

"...I... can't be reconciled..." Adi Gallia murmured.

"What are you unwilling to do? Don't you want to die? But, you are already dead." Darth Malthael mocked.

"The future of the Republic... can't be seen, I'm not... reconciled..." Adi Gallia's voice was very hoarse, and he had almost lost his original voice.

"The future of the Republic has nothing to do with you. You can go with peace of mind." Darth Malthael said with a sneer.

"No...no...Darth...Sidious...I want to...see his...destruction...I'm not reconciled..." Adi Gallia said.

Darth Masail's brows gradually frowned, because at this moment, he felt the incomparably firm belief deep in Master Adi Gallia's heart!

Indeed, even if he was killed by himself and then resurrected, Adi Gallia never succumbed to the dark side and succumbed to death. Even though her force has been turned into the dark side, she still sticks to her original heart.

Her belief, her persistence, once made Darth Malthael think that she even surpassed death.

And now, she told herself why she persisted so much.

After she saw Darth Malthael unfold before her, the darkness in the heart of the Galactic Republic, killing Darth Sidious became her lifelong belief.

Because of this belief, she resisted the erosion of death, allowing her to persevere to this day.

But now, she really couldn't hold on anymore.

Death is equal, maybe you can delay the pace of death, but you can never get rid of the arrival of death.

It was precisely because of this firm belief in her heart that Darth Malthael fell into thinking.

"I'm not reconciled...not reconciled..." Adi Gallia was still muttering there.

Her consciousness is fading away, but she is still holding on with her last strength.

"I can indeed give you another chance to be reborn." Darth Masail finally decided, he wanted to see where Adi Gallia's faith would lead her to.

"I'm not reconciled...not reconciled..."

"The dark caves on the planet Dagobah, I don't think you can bear it. However, you can go to the planet Taris. There are hundreds of millions of Rak ghouls in the dungeon there. There, it is The boundary between life and death." Darth Malthael said, "Go to the dungeon of planet Taris to understand life and death, if you can finally come out alive, you... will be reborn."

It will be another ritual, a dark one.

The dungeon of Planet Taris is the place where Moore's amulet once slept. There are countless Rak ghouls there, and the entire planet was destroyed by orbital bombing... There is no doubt that this is a dead planet .

Adi-Gallia, will perform her ritual there!

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