The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1309 The Third Squadron

1309. Third Squadron

beep! beep! beep! beep! beep! beep!

On Planet Kona, the Fourth Army of the Republic, and the Command Center of the Third Squadron rang a piercing siren.

A red warning light came on in the command center, and all personnel began to evacuate according to the regulations in the combat manual, but even though they had practiced many times, they were still terrified by this time.

You must know that this is the command center, the heart of their entire Third Squadron! An alarm is issued here, does it mean that the heart has been attacked? For a fleet, this can mean catastrophe!

The heavily armed clone troopers immediately entered the command center, and they rushed towards the place where the alarm first appeared while telling the civilian personnel to move away as soon as possible.

The database center was surrounded, all exits were blocked, hundreds of blaster rifles were aimed at the door, and even two clone soldiers carried rocket launchers!

A few clone troopers at the door confirmed the tactics with hand gestures, then hid behind the wall and pressed the door open button with their backhands.

When the door opened a gap, the clone soldiers on the left and right threw a few shock bombs. They have confirmed the situation inside the database center. The angle and rebound of the shock bombs thrown have been accurately calculated to ensure that every inside The corners will be covered by the shock bomb effect.

bang bang bang! After a few muffled sounds, the shock bomb exploded in an instant, and the strong light, ultrasonic waves, and tear gas produced could harm people from every sense.

At the same time, the clone troopers were divided into three teams, with 5 people in each team lined up. The front and rear soldiers were in a tight formation, and the weapons in their hands pointed in different directions from left to right. They entered the database center from three directions: left, middle and right. This is a textbook-style CQB tactic. .

"Team safety."

"Three teams are safe."

"The second team is safe. We found a corpse." Soon the report came from the communication.

After confirming the safety, the personnel of the intelligence department entered the scene, some went to check the database host, others went to check the monitoring, and some came to check in front of the corpse.

Chief of Staff Lieutenant Colonel Guarin and the Minister of Intelligence came to the scene together.

"The name of the deceased is Cejas, a second-level tactical analyst in the staff department. The cause of death is that his right eye was pierced by a sharp weapon, reaching the brain." The intelligence officer took out the terminal and called up all the messages of Cejas, "His last action was Report to Lieutenant Colonel Guarin, Chief of Staff."

"Immediately look up his movement track in the last month!" The Minister of Intelligence said after taking a look at Guarin.


"There is a situation here!" The person who checked the computer came to report, "The record that Cejas visited last is our battle plan! He is checking the battle content of 'Project I'!"

"Sejas doesn't have the authority to view the contents of Project I!" Guarin's face was not very good, after all, the matter came out under his hands, "I need to know who gave him this authorization!"

"Uh... it's you, Lieutenant Colonel Guarin. The computer data shows that you gave him the authorization... three days ago?" The computer engineer was a little puzzled, "but our I plan was not filed three days ago ah?"

The Minister of Intelligence turned his head and said to Lieutenant Colonel Guarin: "Anyway, you are now on the list of suspects. Please leave and return to the office and do not go out. Our people will come to you alone, Lieutenant Colonel Guarin. "

Gualin nodded with an extremely ugly face.

At the same time, on the other side of the command center, inside the third squadron commander's office.

The Commander of the Third Squadron, Alfonso, sat in his seat with a dignified expression, but unlike other civilian officials, he had no intention of leaving at all, and there was a blaster pistol on the table in front of him.

He is a human in his thirties, with some light stubble on his chin and a few ugly scars on his face, making him look extremely fierce.

Alfonso was originally the commander of the local defense fleet of a planet in the Central Star District. Since the outbreak of the war, he has participated in several battles.

Therefore, after receiving the recommendation, the military of the Republic assigned him to serve as the commander of the Third Squadron of the Fourth Army's main fleet.

He looked at the files sent from his personal terminal, and said coldly: "Hehe, separatism? It seems that they are also aware of Project I, and they still managed to sneak in. I think I should also give them a compliment." .”

"They're late." A voice came from the shadows, very brief, as if he didn't want to say a word.

Alfonso sneered, "That's right! They're late! Your master, Master Paulish Radur, has already verified the secret seasonal hyperspace channel, and the main force of the Fourth Army has already set off. If we don’t choose a place, if our Third Squadron, which serves as the strategic reserve, is chosen to find information, then they deserve to be late.”

"The Force, there are no coincidences," said the voice in the shadows.

"What do you want to say? Everything is arranged?" Alfonso frowned.

"At that moment, I felt the dark side."

"You mean, there are forces from the dark side manipulating it? Could it be that the Separatists chose Cejas and our Third Squadron was used as a reserve force, all of which were pre-arranged?" Alfonso was a little unhappy.

"Intuition." The man in the shadow just said one word.

"Hmph, you Jedi knights are never willing to speak clearly. When I was fighting on Mingban planet last year, it was your vague information that caused my warship to be shot down. Do you know that the distance between the shrapnel and the My eyes are only 0.7 centimeters!" Alfonso said, pointing to a scar on his face.

He waved his hand again and said, "Forget it, I just said it casually. However, I didn't expect that the person who betrayed was actually Sejas. You must know that he is a very honest guy, and he has a wife and children at home. He should He should be full of hope for life. Didn’t he think about his family when he sold the information?”

Suddenly he remembered something, and his face changed, "Wait a minute! The tactical analysis team where Cejas is located should not know about Plan I!! No! Who told him?"

"This is your problem." The man in the shadow stepped out.

He is tall and tall, covered with steel needle-like hair, with fangs protruding from his mouth, and his claws are extremely sharp. In the blink of an eye, he looks like a werewolf!

It's just that he was wearing a Jedi knight's uniform, with a metal sword handle hanging from his waist, and he looked majestic.

This is a very rare and very closed race in the galaxy, the Shistavanen. This race has excellent physical conditions. They have dark vision, keen sense of smell and hearing, super fast speed and explosive power. Even without weapons, their own claws can cause fatal damage.

To put it bluntly, they are intelligent werewolves.

Compared with similar Bothans, they are more lethal and have a larger body, with an average height of 1.8-1.9 meters (the difference between a dogman and a problem).

Ethnologists of the Galactic Republic have done research, and they have found traces of artificial modification in the genes of the Histavarrens, but it is impossible to verify which ancient race modified their genes.

Now the Histavalen people live a very closed life, they generally do not contact with the outside world, only a few people will come out.

And this Jedi Knight is one of them - Jedi Master, Voolvif Monn!

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