The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1313: Star Wars of Semiles (1)

Chapter 1311 I changed it yesterday, if you didn’t understand it before, you can go and have a look...

1313. Semiles Star Wars (1)

Kona Galaxy, on a satellite of Planet Four.

A few kilometers away, the wreckage of the crashed shuttle is billowing thick smoke. Because of the low gravity environment here, the air is very thin, so the thick smoke does not rise, but spreads towards the surroundings like a flood, forming a Unique sight.

In the sky, several V-19 fighter jets are slowing down and circling around.

Gabriel Tosh was hiding behind a rock, his consciousness somewhat blurred. From the very beginning, he was seriously injured by the dark side force hidden in Sejas' body, and then he confronted Wilf Munn, the werewolf Jedi master, and his injuries were compounded.

Finally, add that he fell down with the shuttle, and it almost killed him.

But he must persevere!

Tosh took out a syringe and stabbed it directly next to his wound. This is a first-aid injection developed by Umbrella Pharmaceutical Group based on the combination of T virus and bacta fluid from this world, which can accelerate the growth and healing of wounds. , but the side effect is that it may overgrow, such as growing something else.

After a while, the wound began to heal visible to the naked eye, but the loss of physical strength was still irreparable, and the power of the dark side had always made him dizzy, and he still couldn't use his spiritual power normally.

"The message... must be sent back." Tosh muttered, "And, deeper, darkness..."

He observed the flight trajectories of those fighter jets and carefully adjusted his position. He must now make sure that that werewolf-like guy didn't come, and if he came, he wouldn't have any chance.

As time passed, the energy in the stealth combat suit became less and less. Once the temperature regulation system loses energy, even with the protection of spiritual energy, he can only survive in this low temperature environment for less than an hour at most.

Tosh could vaguely feel that the werewolf was also investigating around this satellite, but he also knew that, as a Jedi knight who was going out with the army, he couldn't stay here for too long.

However, Wilf Munn's patience seemed to be greater than he imagined, and Tosh also overestimated the time he could last under the serious injury.

Consciousness, gradually going away...

In the haze, he seemed to feel that he was surrounded by a mass of warm energy, and then he didn't know anything...


"All, Hieglar battlecruiser formation! Assault on the Republic's flanks! Tsk tsk tsk tsk...the one that defeated them was the Arquitens-class light cruiser." Among the flagships of the Semirs Defense Fleet, Admiral Trench kept giving orders , commanding the fleet to resist the attack of the Republic fleet.

But at the moment, he was extremely anxious, slapping his palm with the pointer constantly, walking up and down on the bridge.

Following his change of formation this time, the Higra-class battlecruiser began to exert its speed advantage over the Jaeger-class battlecruiser, and launched a surprise attack on the flanking Arquitens-class light cruiser formation. He tried to use Tian Ji's way of horse racing Eat part of the opponent's troops first to make a good start for the subsequent battle.

However, the commander of the main fleet of the Fourth Army of the Republic, Admiral Davis, is in command, and he is also making various responses. He began to adjust his formation, but he did not let the Arquitens-class light cruisers retreat to get cover, but let them continue to outflank, getting farther and farther away from the battlefield.

His purpose is very clear, he wants to eat my light cruiser formation, yes, but you have to accompany them around the battlefield first. Even if the light cruiser formation will still be eaten in the end, it's hard to say what will happen to the frontal front at that time.

At the same time, he ordered the formation of the Jaeger-class battlecruisers to continue to press forward, and let each of the Jaeger-class form a temporary combat team under the cover of those small and medium-sized warships. A giant net.

This is to rely on his own strength to force Admiral Trench!

The group of naval officers that the Galactic Republic grew up on the battlefield is completely different from the fat-brained bureaucrats at the beginning of the war.

Even Lieutenant General Jane Dodenner and Lieutenant General Scarred, who are currently being hanged and beaten by Severance Tann in the Rendili galaxy, actually put them on other battlefields, they have enough Ability to win - it's hard to say how powerful it is, but unless you can reach Tann's level, you will have to break a few teeth to eat them.

Sure enough, as bright lights lit up on the battlefield, the hypermaterial electromagnetic gun in front of the Cole-class battlecruiser fired!

But this time, 20 Cole-class ships fired a volley, but still had little effect. Only one Jaeger-class shield was broken, and they began to retreat urgently under the cover of other warships. At the same time, a large number of fighter formations also swarmed in and began to attack all the separatist warships that might attack the Jaeger-class ship.

Don't think that the Galactic Republic's Tactical Research Institute, the Naval Academy, and the Supreme Strategic Command all have nothing to eat, even if they can't keep up with the fourth civilization in terms of technological progress, but for old opponents like the Cole class , They also developed a whole set of plans to fight.

Now when the Galactic Republic is confronting the separatist fleet including the Cole-class battlecruiser, the Martha-class missile heavy cruiser, and the Sowa-class aircraft carrier, they often adopt a relatively flexible formation tactic.

To sum up, in a word, small teams make big detours and use fighter jets conservatively.

Although the Cole-class battlecruiser's supermatter electromagnetic gun is powerful, it has two biggest shortcomings-slow charging and slow projectile flight speed. Of course, the slow flight speed is relative to energy weapons, but on the scale of the space battlefield, the supermaterial electromagnetic gun of the Cole-class battlecruiser is indeed still a bit meaningless.

Under such circumstances, the Republic Fleet dispersed its warships in small formations, forcing the Cole class to constantly adjust its position to aim, and then expose its flanks to other warships here.

At the same time, in order to fill the problem of scattered combat power brought about by small-scale operations, the commander of the Republic Fleet will use fighter groups more cautiously. Let these fighters mainly play the role of series and cover. Under such tactical thinking, the Republic Navy began to carry more multi-purpose fighters and interceptors, and less bombers.

In this way, the previous strategy of commanding fighter jets to swarm up was changed when the Republic fleet bullied the Confederate Fleet of the Independent Galaxy with few fighters, and the overall combat capability of the vulture robot fighters was not as good as the combination of the Republic's pilot + navigation robot.

It is equivalent to this, the formation of the Republic Fleet will be very large, but because of the existence of the huge fighter group, you still have no way to really defeat them one by one. This also puts higher demands on the commander of the Republic Fleet.

Maybe such a tactic doesn't seem so terrible now, but you have to know what the battleship is now lying on the industrial star ring of the Kuat Power Dock, which is being assembled under the work of countless engineering robots.

Imperial-class Star Destroyer and Knight-class Star Destroyer!

Even now, with the superior force and reasonable tactics of the Republic Fleet, even Admiral Trench felt extremely pressured.

Now the range of the Republic Fleet has reached tens of thousands of kilometers! With such a scattered formation, even their powerful Argonev-class interstellar base is a bit overwhelmed.

"General, the warships of the Republic are advancing from the U-8 direction, and they are still expanding their formation." The T-series tactical robot standing next to Trench said.

"Take off, fighter formation. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk republic warship in U-8 direction." Although Admiral Trench couldn't see the expression from his spider face, he could tell from his dignified tone, This kind of combat mode of seeing each other's tricks is actually not the rhythm he wants.

The four huge take-off platforms of the Sowa-class aircraft carrier unfolded one after another, and the densely packed fighter jets took off like a swarm of bees!

CF/A-17G, the latest ghost fighter and the latest triple robot fighter of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy flew out in groups, accompanied by a larger number of vulture robot fighters, swarming in that direction.

Approaching the battlefield, the Wraith fighters turned on their cloaking devices one after another, and after approaching each other, they first fired a salvo of Gemini II antimatter missiles!

Immediately afterwards, the triple fighter and the vulture fighter were strangled with the V-19 Torrent fighter of the Galactic Republic!

Now the stealth technology of the ghost fighter has been cracked by the Galactic Republic. All of their fighter jets are equipped with the latest radar that can detect the ghost fighter. The fighter must completely rely on the passive situation commanded by the flight control center of the rear battleship.

A Jaeger-class battlecruiser in this direction immediately launched electronic interference, and at least half of the missiles lost their targets instantly and began to fly around. At the same time, the DP-20 gunboat guarding the side was also fully fired, with 8 dual-mounted multi-functional turbolaser guns and 6 quadruple-mounted close-in anti-laser cannons firing crazily. It is also the best!

Under the attack of the DP-20 gunboat, more than a dozen vulture robot fighters were instantly blown into fireballs.

More fighter jets of the Republic began to arrive from other directions, and countless explosions and fireballs exploded in the U-8 area, and the battle became more and more tragic.

Admiral Trench is very determined to prevent the Republic from continuing to implement strategic maneuvers. He invested 500 ghost fighters in this wave! At present, compared with the V-19 fighter jet, which has been improved many times, it still has a big advantage compared with the V-19 fighter jet with little modification space. The fighter jets of the two sides fought frantically for more than half an hour. Finally, Davis, the commander of the Republic Fleet, came The general felt that the loss in the U-8 area was too great, so the small formation of battleships was retreated.

He won a little bit, but Admiral Trench still didn't have any smile on his face.


On February 35th (remind again, there are 10 months in "Star Wars", each month has 35 days, and there are another 10 days of Boxing Day, 360 days a year), the Confederation of Independent Galaxies finally sent reinforcements.

A formation consisting of 1 Shenyi-class destroyer, 5 Rukrihook-class battleships and 5 Behemoth-class battlecruisers arrived at the planet Semirth.

The screen in front of Admiral Trench flickered, and a woman with pale complexion, no hair, and dark eye shadow appeared, although she looked weird but full of exotic charm.

Asajj Ventress! Count Dooku's favorite dark disciple.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Are you the reinforcements, Ventress?" Admiral Trench greeted with a trembling chelicera.

"No more." Ventress said coldly, "Now our fleet is very limited, and the Republic is still active on several battlefields in the east. Therefore, we must use this strength to defend the planet Semiles , or, buried with the planet."

"Then I'm very grateful for your coming, tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench replied indifferently.

"Don't worry, Hatch people. I can't kill me in this battlefield." Ventress smiled coldly.

"Tsk tsk tsk... I will send you the battle plan." Trench got straight to the point.

"Leave it to the person next to me." Ventress pointed to the person standing beside her, "Leave the battleship to your command, that's indeed what Count Dooku arranged. But me, you'd better leave me alone."

Standing behind Ventress all the time, the man in black robe took a step forward and nodded at Trench, "General Trench, long time no see."

"General Ulu-Ulex, tsk tsk tsk..." Admiral Trench nodded.

Uru-Ulex, also considered to be one of Tang Xiao's older men, had killed his master Green Betty at the Battle of Bespin at the beginning of the war, surrendered to the Fourth Civilization, and then used a The identity of the Dark Jedi who betrayed the Republic has been fighting for the Fourth Civilization until now.

He also enjoyed all the glory and wealth because of this. After all, there were not many useful people in the hands of the Fourth Civilization at that time, and he was quite useful as a Jedi Knight.

At least now Ulu-Ulex is wearing a battle suit made of the best biological materials, with precious gemstones inlaid on the belt, and a rare red fur cloak, which is what he used to wear when he was a Jedi Knight. Things you never even think about.

I don't know how much power these things brought him, but at least they brought him vanity and satisfaction.

And here, the battlefield of Planet Semiles is where he continues to dedicate his strength to the darkness, and then allows himself to gain more wealth and power!

"According to the orders of Governor Tang Xiao and Earl Dooku, I will fully cooperate with you in the battle, General Trench. And I always believe that victory will definitely be on our side." Ulex said with his head raised.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk . , tsk tsk tsk..."

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