The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1381 Fighting On Delong (3)

1381. Fierce battle against Andron (3)

The judge nodded, seeming to appreciate Stella's opinion, and she asked again: "Then what if the Galactic Republic army landed? What would you do?"

"Of course..." Stella Gerrera wanted to answer without hesitation, but she stopped when she was about to speak, she thought for a while, and then said slowly, "I can't tolerate the planet Onderon, Ruled by a robot from the Separatists! I will, help the Republic! Bring down General Kalani!"

"General Kalani, did he do something wrong?" The trial seemed to turn into a curious baby, asking another question.

"It is dragging our planet into the abyss of war! It is constantly recruiting troops to prepare for war! It wants to let us shed the last drop of blood in the war!" Stella Gerrera said loudly.

The trial was a bit strange, "Shouldn't we be preparing for war in the face of enemy invasion?"

"Planet Onderon shouldn't be the enemy of the Galactic Republic! It was Sanji Rush who launched a coup before and murdered the old king Ramses Dundup to make the planet fall to separatism!" Stella said.

"But turning to separatism has increased the population of Ondron by 4 times, its industrial output by 11 times, and its per capita income by 3 times. Isn't it good?" the judge continued to ask.

"But!" Stella Gerrera wanted to argue, but she stopped immediately, just shook her head and said, "So, we only need to save the people in front of us."

"I like your current thinking very much, but from another perspective, it is obvious that you are just avoiding it." The judge said.

Stella didn't answer, just looked to the sky.

"Maybe you will escape from fate, but fate will not escape from you." Judgment said again.

"You are not a Jedi Knight." Stella Gerrera asked back, "but your strength is stronger than every Jedi Knight I have ever seen... Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to save a man," replied the judge.

"Then at least we have the same goal now. Where is the person you want to save?" Stella Grera seemed relieved, she finally didn't have to answer the questions that she couldn't answer during the trial.

"He's still safe now, so I'm not in a hurry to save him." Judgment replied quietly, "Before that, I want to see more..."

"What do you want to see?" Stella asked.


Just as he was talking, suddenly a piercing air defense siren sounded over the city! At the same time, the lights of all the buildings in the city went out at the same time!

It was the Energy Control Center who directly enforced the blackout!

"The Army of the Republic is coming! Hide!" Stella Grera said loudly. She immediately led the rebel fighters under her to run towards the stronghold set up in a hidden place in the corner of the city.

Along the way, she was also contacting other branches, telling them to stop their actions, and wait for the situation to become clear before deciding how to save people.

There are hundreds of meteors falling from the sky in the sky, but these meteors did not fall directly to the ground, but turned abruptly at a height of several thousand meters from the ground, flying towards the direction of the city at high speed! The sound of the engine and the sound of breaking through the air resounded through the sky!

"It's a Republic fighter!" Seth exclaimed loudly from behind, and everyone quickly took cover.

At the same time, the sky over Izzy City was instantly covered by countless anti-aircraft firepower! A large number of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft missiles that are usually hidden in the city have pulled off their camouflage and fired dense firepower into the sky.

Stella and the others ran along the shadows of the street. On the top of the building above them, a quadruple-mounted blaster cannon was firing crazily. The four barrels fired in turn, blasting countless red Blaster beams shoot into the sky!

On the ground, several Destroyer robots rolled over, then found suitable shooting locations, stretched their bodies, and then fired continuously at the sky with the two dual-mounted blaster machine guns in both hands.

Judgment grabbed Stella's arm and led her around a turn and ran the other way, Seth and the other Rebel fighters following closely. Under the guidance of the trial, they avoided those anti-aircraft fire points and ran towards their destination.

Just after running 2,300 meters, a missile suddenly fell from the sky and exploded directly on the quadruple anti-aircraft gun on the top of the building just now!

boom! ! ! A huge explosion was set off immediately, the top of the building was directly flattened, and countless rubble and debris fell like raindrops.

boom! boom! boom! ! Explosions were also heard from other parts of the city.

Looking up at this time, you can't see the situation in the sky at all. The only thing you can see is the blast energy beams, laser beams and missile tail flames flying around, and you can't see the fighter jets flying at high speed at all.

boom! boom! boom! The sound of explosions became more and more intense, and it was no longer known whether it was the explosion caused by the fighter jets attacking the ground, or the death explosion after they were shot down.

The only thing they know is that the city of Izzy is under attack, a brutal attack!

Under the leadership of the trial, Stella-Gerella and the others returned to their secret stronghold without any risk. This is an inconspicuous warehouse. They hid in the basement of the warehouse to prevent being affected by the bombing of the Republic fighter jets.

"Those bastards of the Republic! They started bombing right away!" Seth yelled angrily, "There are civilians in those buildings!!"

"They don't know this, and these fighter jets are attacking military targets." At this time, Judgment spoke on the side of the Republic again.

"But it is inevitable that civilians will be affected." Stella Grera's face was also very ugly.

Judgment looked into her eyes and said seriously: "I said, fate will not escape."

Stella was a little puzzled, but at this moment, her communicator suddenly rang. She looked at the frequency band of the call, her face changed suddenly, and then she pressed the button to connect to the communication.

The miniature projection device on the communicator projected a small holographic projection screen. In the screen, a young man with a handsome face and a firm expression, and slightly disheveled hair appeared in the projection.

"Anakin Skywalker... You finally came here with the Republic Fleet." Stella Gerrera said in a deep voice, but she didn't seem to be very happy.

"I said that I will come back. And I will completely solve the problem of Onderon planet, eliminate the separatist forces, and return Onderon planet to the people." Anakin-Skywalker said firmly, "This Once, we will have the power to defeat any enemy! And, I also hope to get your help."

"Is that why you bombed our city?" Stella Grera asked coldly.

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