The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1384 Fighting On Delong (4)

1384. Fierce battle against Andron (4)

The Galactic Republic has completely obtained the air supremacy in the atmosphere of the planet Onderon. Now, except for a small number of vulture robot fighters who are still relying on ground air defense firepower to resist, the entire sky is no longer owned by the planet Onderon.

Hundreds of transport ships assembled in orbit outside the planet began to restart their engines, enter the planet's atmosphere, and transport a huge amount of troops and supplies down.

The landing operation of the Galactic Republic army on the planet Onderon has been fully launched, and at this moment, a combat staff officer also came over and saluted and said: "General Skywalker, we have established 15 landing sites around the city of Izzy, divided into three encircle the city in one direction, please issue an order for the next action."

"The landing site is 30 kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Izzy! There are a large number of civilians staying in the city, try not to use long-range heavy firepower, and all fire support is done by air power!" Anakin Skywalker said loudly, "All AT-TE walkers All landings are suspended! Use TX-130 as the assault force, and directly assault the city!"

"Yes!" An army general next to him immediately conveyed the order.

Anakin went on to say: "The first batch of landing troops should not exceed 200,000. First, ensure sufficient supplies! Then we need to attack the city as soon as possible, and the follow-up troops will continue to increase!"


"The command at all levels remains unobstructed, and one cheerer class is arranged to enter the atmosphere in each of the three landing directions, as an intermediate command center! This ship stays in extraterrestrial orbit, and serves as a high-level command center to coordinate the overall situation!" Anakin continued to order.

He has already experienced hundreds of battles, and he is also handy in terms of combat command. The combat deployment was quickly arranged, and the officers at all levels below also began to arrange the major combat units under them according to the combat plan formulated in advance. Anakin and the others, as Jedi knights, only need to issue general combat orders in the subsequent battles.

After all, the expertise of the Jedi Knights is not in specific tactical and strategic command, but in force and foresight. They can use the foresight of the force to ascertain the dangers that the current battle plan may face, and they don't need to carry out specific commands by themselves.

As for this battle plan, Anakin Skywalker didn't feel anything unusual, and the Force didn't give him feedback about the crisis.

But even so, he still always felt that something was not quite right.

This feeling doesn't even come from the Force, but a purer and more instinctive intuition.

But now, it is no longer the time to care about this.

He said to Ahsoka-Tano: "Ahsoka! You go to the direction of the North Route Army and lead the army to attack. I will go to the direction of the West Route Army." Now it is in the battle meeting, and naturally he will not use the little ghost head Go call Ahsoka.

"Okay." Ahsoka Tano nodded.

"You are also like me. You have experienced countless battles and fought independently. You are fine!" Anakin encouraged.

"I won't have a problem, maybe I will enter the city's core one step ahead of you." Ahsoka replied.

Anakin nodded with a smile, and turned to the dream sisters again. He hesitated for a while, and he had nothing to do with the two twins of the force, so he said: "You two sisters stay here and sit in town, the first task To ensure the safety of our transport ships."

Naturally, it is impossible to drop all the transport ships in this landing operation, and their fleet is still assembled in orbit outside the planet.

Now Wilhof Tarkin is taking his flagship and the five Jaeger-class battlecruisers to conduct orbital bombing on the Dirksen satellite, so there are only 6 cheerers around this huge transport fleet. The first-class assault landing ship still has the power to fight.

And even if it is the Cheer-class, three ships must be separated to enter the planet's atmosphere to support ground operations, so only the last three Cheer-class ships will stay here to protect those transport ships.

The protection of these transport ships is also very critical.

Luna-Meng nodded politely and said, "We will protect the transport fleet."

Anakin Skywalker nodded and said loudly, "Go!"

He took a few guards, together with Ahsoka Tano, to the hangar platform, and flew towards the surface of the planet on the LAAT/I assault transport ship.

The bridge instantly became much quieter and more empty. Luna-Meng and Luna-Huan looked at each other, and there was something strange in their eyes.

"Sister, sister, should we find a way to get rid of these transport ships?" Luna Huan said looking at the neatly arranged transport ships outside the porthole.

Luna-Meng shook her head and said, "I can't find a reason to do this, and this will make us have nowhere to stand in the Republic."

"That's right..." Luna Huan came to the window, took a breath on the glass that could even withstand the firing of turbolaser guns, and then drew a cross in the direction of the transport fleet, "The Governor said, Planet Onderon will fall sooner or later, so could he just ignore it? If so, it would be no fun at all."

"It's not his style to give up this planet without doing anything." Luna-Meng said, "So, we just need to wait now."

"Sister, you know that waiting is what I hate the most." Luna Huan pouted and kicked the bulkhead lightly.

There was a smile on the corner of Luna-Meng's mouth, "However, I found some problems. For example... when you knew that the invasion of the Republic was coming, don't you think that the civilians on the planet Onderon, living Are you having a good time?"

"I don't know about these twists and turns." Luna Huan shook her head, she found that her sister seemed to want to explain, and quickly added, "I don't want to know this either! I just want to know, when Let's make a big fuss! Either in the republic or in separatism."

"It shouldn't be too long." Luna Meng tilted her head and said flatly.


At the same time, the highest power core in Izzy City - the Temple of Unity.

"General! The army of the Republic has begun to land!" An officer came over and said to the supreme military commander of Planet Onderon, General Ankenat-Tandin.

After the regent Sanji Rush was executed by General Kalani, General Kalani declared the planet Onderon to be under martial law as the former king Ramses Dundup refused to return as king.

In this state, General Kalani, the supreme commander of all military forces on the planet, naturally became the supreme ruler of the planet, and Akhenath Tandin became his deputy.

But then General Kalani went to the Dirksen satellite to preside over the battle there, and the Onderon planet was handed over to Akhenath-Tandin to manage.

And General Tandin originally commanded the planet's Royal Guard, which is the most powerful military force except for the robot army of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies. In addition, he has followed since the Ramses-Dundup era The three generations of veterans around the king are naturally more qualified to manage this planet than General Kalani.

However, General Tan Ding was not happy with such a position that made others covetous. On the contrary, he only felt strong pressure.

Just like now, the Galactic Republic has finally begun to land, and he must lead an army to fight back!

"Can you know the number and deployment of the Republic's army?" Tandin asked.

"Relying on three Cheer-class assault landing ships, the Army of the Republic has established landing sites in the north, west and south of our city. The nearest place is 30 kilometers away from the city. Judging from the number of transport ships that have taken off and landed, they have already At least 100,000 to 200,000 people have landed, and this number is increasing every minute." The officer said, "However, the Republic Army did not use heavy artillery for long-range attacks except for targeted bombing with fighter jets."

"They finally know how to leave the last hope for the civilians." General Tan Ding said.

"However... in the face of the Republic's offensive, our army in the city is only 50,000 combat robots and 300,000 soldiers. Among them, 200,000 were just recruited in the past two months, and the training is seriously insufficient. I think, we don't have any Can't resist for too long..." said the officer.

General Tan Ding's eyes were extremely firm, "We must resist to the end! Let the Republic know that we Onderon people are not soft persimmons that can be flattened and rounded at will!! Don't forget what we have lived under the rule of the Republic life! Although I did not agree with Sanji Rush’s overthrow of the old king Dundup, it does not mean that I can accept the Galactic Republic! I believe that the vast majority of people think so too.”

He turned his head and stared into the officer's eyes, and continued: "There are some things that you don't know at your level... Ondron Planet was one of the forward bases of the Mandalorian Crusaders during the Mandalorian War 4,000 years ago. It is a planet that has long been blacklisted by the Republic! Even though we later joined the Galactic Republic, their policy towards us has always been exploitation and restrictions! Under the rule of the Galactic Republic, we can only maintain a state of starvation forever That’s all! It’s true that Sanji Rush is an idiot, but why was he able to successfully launch a coup at that time? It’s because the people have long since abandoned the Republic!”

"I understand the general. We will launch the most resolute resistance according to the predetermined plan!" The officer immediately stood at attention, gave a military salute, and said firmly.

"Set up defensive lines on all traffic arteries in the city, and avoid places where residents gather as much as possible! Our only goal is to drag! General Kalani, he has his own counterattack plan!" General Tan Ding threw his fist violently and said loudly, "The Republic wants to conquer us! Never!"


boom! boom! There was a violent explosion, and two TX-130 Saber-style suspension tanks broke into the city of Izzy. The two heavy-duty laser cannons on the tanks directly irradiated the armored vehicle in front, causing a violent explosion!

Following the two tanks, the soldiers of the Republic from the rear rushed up in groups. They were divided into hundreds of combat groups, some entered the surrounding buildings to control the commanding heights, and the other continued to advance along the road.

The combat organization of these natural soldiers of the Republic is already decent. Although they are still far from the clone soldiers, they are at least qualified soldiers.

Advance in groups, cover alternately, hide in every place on the road that can be used as a cover, and then keep advancing.

And General Tan Ding's Onderon planetary army also set up heavy lines of defense in several traffic arteries in the city according to the combat plan, trying to resist the attack of the Republic army as much as possible.

In the sky, hundreds of Republic fighter jets hovered like countless hungry eagles. As long as they found a target, they would immediately dive down, drop deadly bombs, or use blaster cannons to straf.

The anti-aircraft firepower in the city of Izzy is firing almost non-stop, and the sky above the city has long been shrouded in countless flames, day and night.

Anakin-Skywalker waved his lightsaber and walked forward quickly. In front, Onderon's army used laser fences, sandbags, and vehicle wreckage to build a line of defense to block the intersection. Hundreds of blaster rifles fired wildly at this side, but these blaster beams couldn't hit Anakin at all, and the lightsaber swung at high speed instantly bounced back hundreds of blaster beams!

A few muffled groans came from behind the position, and the soldier who fired was instantly killed by the blast energy beam he fired.

Immediately afterwards, Anakin jumped high and directly crossed the 5-meter-high bunker, and then fell heavily on the firepower point of the Onderon army behind the bunker!

boom! ! A powerful wave of force spread in all directions, and hundreds of soldiers here were immediately thrown off their feet by the blow. Under the powerful force, most of the soldiers even fainted in mid-air!

Anakin raised his hand to grab it, and the blaster guns in the hands of the soldiers immediately flew out and fell to the side. He looked coldly at the Onderon soldiers who hadn't fainted but were just stunned, without saying a word.

These soldiers were also very knowledgeable, and they all lay on the ground and raised their hands to surrender.

Swish! Swish! With a flash of the lightsaber, the piled up bunkers were cut off immediately, and more soldiers of the Republic flocked to take away all the surrendered Onderon soldiers, while continuing to move forward.

"On the west side of Fifth Avenue, there are troops setting up anti-tank guns there. There are about 200 of them." The information transmitted by Stella Gerera came from the communicator.

"Go to Fifth Avenue! Others, continue to attack in this direction! Send some tanks over!" Anakin immediately made combat arrangements.

Behind him, a company that looked obviously stronger and fiercer than the other soldiers agreed loudly. They carried guns and walked towards Fifth Avenue with ferocious smiles on their faces.

This is a new commando selected by Anakin Skywalker. He named this unit the 2nd company of Riptide to commemorate Rex's clone army, the 501st Legion, the Riptide Company. .

"But you must pay attention, there are civilians gathering on Fifth Avenue! You need to evacuate them all, otherwise heavy casualties will be caused!" Stella said again during the communication.

"I'll pay attention." Anakin finished speaking lightly and turned off the communication.

There was a gunshot from a building in the distance, and then a soldier ran over and said, "General Skywalker! Someone in the building over there shot at us and threw Molotov cocktails. Two brothers were burned!" "

"Send a combat team over there! Be careful not to hurt civilians!" Anakin said.

"General, it's not what I said. If we really have to control civilians and civilians every step of the way, we will not be able to drive out the separatism until next year!" said one of the people in the Torrent 2 company.

Anakin-Skywalker showed displeasure on his face, "I said so! Don't hurt civilians!"

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