1426. Doomed Death

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!!!" Under the starry sky with only one line, Darth Malthael laughed wildly.

He knew that he had succeeded.

Darth Tenebrous, without the slightest aptitude for Sith magic, but possessed unparalleled computing power, and...

Superb lightsaber swordsmanship!

That's right! Although Darth Tenebrous didn't fight directly throughout his life, he was still ranked at least the top three swordsmanship masters in the entire galaxy!

It was also he who trained Darth Plagueis, who is proficient in the seven styles of swordsmanship and is equally superb in swordsmanship!

The vengeful spirit with the body of Tenebrous should also have such sword skills.

And this time, Darth Malthael knew, he succeeded!

He walked up slowly and stood in front of the dying vengeful spirit, watching him gradually weaken under his feet, watching him walk towards death step by step.

Darth Malthael said slowly with that abyss-like voice: "Your body belongs to Darth Tenebrous...this is also your only identity...but one body cannot have two A soul! Kill him, kill Darth Tenebrous! You will be the only one in this body! Only then will you have the meaning of existence..."

"Kill him! Occupy everything from him! Take everything from him! Then...you, will become...Darth Tenebrous..." Darth Malthael's voice seemed to penetrate the soul directly !

The Vengeful Spirit opened his eyes angrily, he was already unable to speak, but he didn't know how much he had listened to Darth Malthael's words, but from his gaze, there was endless hatred and unwillingness.

Before he swallowed his last breath, a burst of life force suddenly came, injecting new vitality into the dying body of Vengeful Spirit.

"Hehehehe! Darth Tenebrous! Accept it! This is, the best gift I can give you! Hehehehe!!" Darth Malthael's gloomy laughter echoed He said, "This is your own body! There is an inseparable connection with your soul! Hahahahaha... Even if you escape to the edge of the Milky Way, you cannot escape the fate of death! Hahahahahaha!!"

Three days later, an inconspicuous Corellian YT-1000 spaceship that underwent various modern modifications took off from the secret hangar platform on Abola Island and disappeared into the vast universe.

Half a day later, a bright red Viking fighter plane also took off from Abola Island, entered the hyperspace channel, and flew towards the Endor galaxy.


"I will die." On an unknown planet, in a seemingly simple house, Darth Tenebrous, who was using the body of another ordinary Bith, said suddenly.

"Everyone will die, including me." Shen-Jon, who was standing aside, said lightly.

Darth Tenebrous stood up and said, "Of course I won't die now, but I have already foreseen my end. Fortunately, I still have you..."

"What happened?" Shen-Jon frowned.

"Hehehehe..." Darth Tenebrous shook his head, "When a Sith master wants to kill you, then you'd better prepare for the worst. Because what he will do will only be worse than yours. The most desperate and worst scenario imaginable is ten times more terrifying."

"Dead Angel?" Shen-Jon said, "What did he do?"

"I don't know, but what I know is that I probably won't be able to escape his pursuit." Darth Tenebrous said, "I can only delay the arrival of this day as long as possible until, we The plan can be carried out smoothly.”

"The situation on Mandalorian is developing as you expected. Soon, this planet will be secretly controlled by us. But even so, our plan is still far away. For example, we haven't seen through the ruins of this boastful person. The mystery contained in it." Shen-Jon said, "If you give up now, then everything will fall short."

"This matter will be left to you to complete independently. The matter of the planet Mandalorian is temporarily handed over to Vizsla the Extraordinary, and Tiber Zane will also need time to settle...you can concentrate on this planet. On the ruins of the temple." Darth Tenebrous said, "I will make some preparations to see if I can delay my doomed death..."

After speaking, he walked towards the door and quickly disappeared into the jungle.


The outer ring of the galaxy, the planet Tatooine.

After the fierce confrontation between the two big families among the Hutts-the Besardi family and the Desilijic family, this planet that was already in chaos has become even more chaotic now.

Almost every day, bloody brawls and fierce gun battles broke out in the streets and alleys of Mos Eisley.

The struggle between the Hutt gangs did not have many battleships and tanks, but more, it was still such open and secret fighting. Although it is not grand, it is also extremely dark and cruel.

Not long ago, an earth-shattering event happened on the side of the Hutts—the nominal patriarch of the Desilijic family, Zorba Desilijic, died of illness.

This is a very normal thing, after all, Zorba is too old. However, the problem lies in the will he left. In the will, Zorba stated that all the property of the Desilijic family will be handed over to his younger brother, Ziro Desilijic-Tiur Let's take care of it!

This will completely stirred up waves with one stone, and immediately caused an uproar among the precarious Desilijic family.

After the return of Zorba, the Desilijic family had originally split. A fierce conflict broke out between the faction headed by Zorba and Kilyak, who had been ruling the Desilijic family before Zorba's return. .

It's just that Zorba is indeed the patriarch of the family in name, so the basic harmony between the two factions is still maintained, at least they both admit that the other party is also a member of the family.

But now, Zorba's ridiculous will is absolutely impossible for Kyliak to accept!

Not only because of the position, but also because, if Zorba dies, then his patriarchal position should be inherited by his son Jabba!

Why would the position of patriarch be handed over to Ziro now? Absurd!

So around this will, the Desilijic family, the largest family of the Hutts, finally moved towards a de facto split.

However, the struggle between these Hutt families did not affect the planet Tatooine. Even in such a chaotic situation, the scale of settlements on Tatooine was still growing.

Thank you son Bai Xiruo for tipping 1500 starting coins! !

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