1439, Coruscant Shock [Let’s read this chapter tomorrow, it’s written slowly, some may not be coded out in time, otherwise wait 20 minutes and refresh]

Hearing the recording in Master Yoda's hands, Schiff Palpatine pretended to be surprised, "Whose voice is this? It sounds..."

He looked at Master Yoda, and the expression on his face gradually became strange, "...It's wonderful, isn't it?"

"Darth Sidious, the chairman of the Galactic Council..." Master Yoda was about to burst into anger, "You deceived everyone!"

"Hehehehehe..." Palpatine grinned grinningly, he no longer concealed it, and his voice became extremely distorted, exactly the same as in the recording, "I think the dead angel told you a long time ago, right? So You have been stepping up surveillance on me, but other than that, you have been unable to do anything. Hahahahaha..."

He smiled triumphantly, "Because everything I do is in line with the Constitution of the Republic! Because you can't openly question the Speaker of the Galactic Republic! Because, you yourself can't be sure, whether the dead angel is lying ...hehehehehe..."

Master Yoda stepped forward step by step, the lightsaber flew into his hand, and swished open.

Palpatine stood on the table with a light jump, his figure was extremely strong, and he was completely different from his usual weak appearance, "And now, you got this recording, it's very good... Back then, it was The Angel of Death killed Lorne Pawan before Darth Maul. He took Lorne's head to claim credit for Darth Plagueis, and at the same time left such a dark chess...very good! Hehehehe, very good!"

Step by step, he adjusted his posture following the steps of Master Yoda, and the look on his face became more ferocious, "Why did you come here alone? Yoda. Because you know that you can't accuse me in the council I... this recording can't explain anything, the only function is to let you be sure that the dead angel is not lying, that's all. Hahahahaha!"

"Wandering for thousands of years, the ghost of Sith. It will be sealed again, just like before." Master Yoda said in a deep voice.

"No, the war between the Sith and the Jedi, is over... Sith, have won everything... Hahahaha! What else can you do, Yoda! You can't leave the Galactic Republic, you can't leave this war You are even more unable to leave, the shadow of Sith!" Palpatine laughed loudly, "This includes yourself, Yoda! The Capitol has been surrounded! Today, you cannot fly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and a powerful bolt of force lightning struck Master Yoda!

Master Yoda was on alert, raising his lightsaber to attract all the lightning in the sky into his own lightsaber, resisting Palpatine's powerful power.

Endless darkness instantly enveloped the entire office, like a bottomless black hole, devouring everything! However, the point of light where Master Yoda is is still standing still! Even though the darkness is raging, absorbing and devouring everything, this ray of light is unwavering!

"You are too weak! Yoda! You are not my opponent at all!" Palpatine grinned grimly, raised his hand, and the two metal statues placed at the door of the office hit Master Yoda like cannonballs.

Master Yoda tried his best to resist Palpatine's attack, and he also used the Force to block the two heavy metal statues.

"Introduce, this is my master, Darth Plagueis." Palpatine said mockingly to one of the metal statues, and then looked at the other, "And this is..."

Click! In the next second, the metal statue was shattered inch by inch, and countless metal fragments shot towards Master Yoda like bullets, and immediately after that, a blood-red sword light pierced the sky as if piercing the sky!


At the same time, a large number of soldiers have surrounded the entire parliament building.

These soldiers are all wearing white polymer and gold combat armor and second-generation full-coverage helmets. Soldiers like this have not been seen in the military of the Galactic Republic in months, and now they are armed again!

Spati clone troopers!

These clone troopers were manufactured on the Coruscant satellite Centax-2, and they were deployed immediately to defend the Capitol from any attack.

On the square in front of the building, Wilhof Tarkin was wearing a military uniform, holding a telescope on a command vehicle to watch the army surrounding the parliament building.

A military officer came over and said: "My lord governor, we have completely surrounded the building. What should we do now? Almost all the major media in Coruscant have come here. The parliament building has become the focus of the entire planet. We should give The media will give an explanation."

"They want to explain? It's very simple. There was an assassination incident in the parliament building, and someone wanted to assassinate our esteemed Speaker. That's the reason." Tarkin said coldly, "Then let the soldiers enter the parliament building one by one and destroy the entire building. Search the building thoroughly!"

The officer was taken aback, "There are offices for almost all congressmen in the building, are we doing this..."

"As I said, search thoroughly." Tarkin turned his head to look at him, his gaze was like an eagle's, making people fearful.

"Yes! Execute the order immediately!" The officer quickly stood at attention and saluted, and said loudly.


At the same time, the Jedi Temple.

Jedi Master Shak-Ti gathered together all the remaining Jedi Knights in the temple. She looked at the sparsely populated Jedi Knights below the stage, who only had more than a thousand members, and she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

She said heavily: "Just now, Master Yoda resigned from all positions in the Jedi Order. Before he left, he temporarily entrusted this place to me to manage."

The audience suddenly seemed to explode, and there was an uproar!

Master Yoda, the elder who has led the Jedi Order for nearly 800 years, actually resigned from all positions and left?

What is the concept of 800 years? All the Jedi Knights present, their fathers, grandfathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-great-grandfathers... counting up to more than 20 generations, the leader of the Jedi Knights at that time was still Master Yoda.

The existence of Master Yoda is almost a matter of course for all of them, as if this is an integral part of their lives, as if they can see the sky when they open their eyes.

But today, Master Yoda, left?

Shak-Ti added, "The reason why Master Yoda left is because he confirmed something before. We have already obtained information about this matter, but we cannot determine the reliability of the source of the information, so we can only confirm it in advance." Precautions were made, but actions were not possible. But now, the intelligence has confirmed it.”

She looked at the crowd under the stands, her expression became solemn, "In this galaxy, there are five Sith Lords that can be confirmed at present--Darth Maul, Earl Dooku, Death Angel, Darth Lilim, and ...Darth Sidious. Among them, Darth Moore was eliminated by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Battle of Naboo 13 years ago, and Earl Dooku and the Dead Angel joined hands to set off a The Separatist movement, which created civil war in the galaxy. But, Darth Sidious...he is the Speaker of the Galactic Council, Shiv Palpatine."

There was a moment of silence at the scene...

Darth Sidious, the speaker of the Galactic Council, Palpatine?

"Is this...really? The supreme leader of the Galactic Republic is the Sith Lord?" said a voice.

Shak-Ti nodded.

"Then since we knew this information before, why didn't we announce it! Why didn't we take immediate measures!?" One of the blood warrior members questioned loudly.

Shak-Ti shook her head and replied: "Because the source of the news is the dead angel. We cannot listen to the words of a Sith Lord who is in separatism and take action against our own supreme leader. If we do that , the consequences are unimaginable... Therefore, we can only strengthen the monitoring of the speaker, and at the same time, send some of our young disciples out of Coruscant. The reason why this news was not announced within the Jedi Order is because the more people who know, the more The more uncertain it is that someone will take a risk and complicate things."

"Then what should we do now? Is Master Yoda going to deal with Darth Sidious? Are we going to support him too?" Another person asked.

Shak-Ti shook her head again and said: "The reason why Master Yoda resigned from all positions in the Jedi Knights is exactly this. Because the information we can get can only be inferred logically, but it cannot be used as an effective one. Evidence. That is, we know that Palpatine is a Sith Lord, but we cannot prove it."

"Are we just waiting to die like this?!"

"This war is a Sith conspiracy! We are actually fighting under the command of Sith?!"

"No! Darth Sidious should be eliminated immediately! He is right in front of our eyes!"

"Listen to me!" Shak-ti raised her hands and said loudly, the audience suddenly became much quieter. Because now, Shak-Tee is the new leader of the Jedi Order.

"We should leave the Jedi Temple immediately, leave Coruscant, and go to the Jedi Temple on the planet Ossos." Shak-Ti said, "Send a message to all the Jedi Knights who are out to find a way to escape."

"Why is this? Why?" There are still many people who cannot accept this result.

"The Jedi temple on the planet Ossos has long been in ruins. Is it possible that now, our Jedi Knights have become the one who wants to hide in Tibet and hide underground? The Battle of Rusan 1,000 years ago completely defeated Of the Sith Empire, it's obviously us!" A female Jedi Knight cried bitterly while covering her face.

"Maybe darkness will cover the sky, but the light will last forever! We only need to stick to our own heart, stick to the light, and stick to the guidance of the original force! We will surely defeat darkness and defeat evil! The war between light and darkness has lasted for thousands of years, and we have experienced Countless tribulations! But in the end, the light will win!" Shak-Ti said loudly.

Anakin Skywalker was also in the audience at the moment. He looked at Shak Ti, who was trying his best to boost everyone's morale, and felt that all this seemed extremely far away from him, but within reach.

He stood here blankly, just saying nothing, as if the noise around him had nothing to do with him.

Your Excellency the Speaker, is the Sith Lord? Darth Sidious? How can this be! Anakin-Skywalker's heart seemed to be pounded continuously by a heavy hammer, making his body tremble a little.

Anakin turned around abruptly and ran towards the door, he wanted to go to the parliament building! Confront Palpatine face to face! If he is really the Lord of the Sith, then he should also make an end in person!

He saw at least a hundred Jedi Knights around him made the same choice and ran towards the door. They all wanted to kill the Sith Lord who had deceived them for decades!

"Everyone stop!!" There was a sudden shout from behind, and Shak-Ti even used a powerful force, "Don't you want to make Master Yoda's efforts in vain?!"

The Jedi Knights running out stopped one after another, and Anakin Skywalker also stopped, turning his head to look at Shak Ti.

"I've said it just now! We don't have any evidence to prove that Palpatine is Darth Sidious! If we act impulsively now, we will fall into his trap instead!" Shak Tie was deeply saddened Said calmly: "Palpatine... is the legal speaker of the Galactic Republic..."

Everyone was stunned.

They also want to understand all this...

That's right, Schiff Palpatine is the speaker of the Galactic Republic who was legally elected through legal elections!

And there is an even more important factor-although the Jedi Order has a detached status in the Galactic Republic, they do not have any administrative power! Even in the midst of war, they still need to accept the appointment of the military of the Republic before they can lead the army.

So in this case, where do they have the position to arrest the Speaker of the Republic?

At this time, someone pointed out the window and said: "A military has been dispatched! There are military and police spaceships everywhere!"

I only saw dozens of spaceships patrolling around the Jedi Temple. It just seems that these spaceships are not only targeting the Jedi Temple, but just patrolling every area.

Not only that, but a large number of soldiers are blocking the streets outside. They prohibit all suspended vehicles from traveling, and even pedestrians are restricted from traveling!

The entire Coruscant has entered into a state of martial law at this moment!

All passenger flights are stopped, all cargo flights must be strictly reviewed and scanned, and all private spaceships are not allowed to leave the planet unless they have a special pass!

At the same time, Coruscant has launched communication control!

For a while, the entire planet was in a semi-isolated state, and other planets didn't even know what happened here! And everyone in Coruscant cannot leave at will!

This also means that members of the Jedi Order cannot leave either!

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