The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1483: Lucien Del Rey's Plan (Part 2)

1483. Lucien Del Rey's Plan (Part 2) (Let's see it tomorrow morning)

"Death...destruction...that's great, let the master, destroy this galaxy..." Edra Ketis murmured.

"This is not what Darth Malthael really wants." Lucien Del Rey had to change his words when he saw the state of Aedra Ketis, "He wants to conquer the galaxy, but he doesn't want to destroy it The Milky Way. If the Milky Way is gone, who will he conquer?"

Only then did Aidra Katis's eyes regain some expression, "No!...What the master doesn't want must never happen!"

Lucian Del Rey sighed, and said slowly: "Through the long river of force, I saw many... I saw the fall of Darth Malthael, I saw him being swallowed by darkness and death, and then completely Out of control... Death and darkness swept over everything, starting from the Dawn Star..."

" must not sink, master, you must not lose control..." Edra Ketis said.

Lucien Del Rey added: "Darth Malthael wants to go the deepest path of darkness until he masters the darkness. He believes that only in this way can he break through the shackles between darkness and light and unite the two. For one. He once said that if you cannot understand the deepest darkness and the greatest light, why talk about the unity of light and darkness? He was right. But..."

He laughed at himself, "When he stepped into the deepest darkness, how can he turn back? The original force is not an option to turn left or right in the game, let alone a child's play. It can be changed at will by people. The original force is everything in this universe, from matter to soul... The original force contains the principle of the operation of everything in the universe, and the original force cannot be controlled by people."

"I... want to help the master..." Edra Ketis said.

"Once upon a time, I wanted you to be the last pure land in Darth Malthael's heart, but it turns out that this is impossible. Not only did he not plant the seeds of light because of your existence, on the contrary, he pulled you Into a deeper darkness," Lucian Del Rey said.

"There is still light in Master's heart." Adella Ketis' voice was like a dream.

"Now I know that that light is precisely his greatest ambition." Lucien Drey shook his head and said, "But it will not prevent him from losing control in the future. He will become the source of death and darkness, and the Dawn Star will also It will become the center of the dark vortex until it devours everything."

"I...want to help Master..." Edra Ketis repeated again.

Lucien Del Rey said: "I have a plan, the final plan."

"Plan? You, want to kill the master?" A murderous look flashed in Aedra Katis' dull eyes.

"No, I want him to return to the light." Lucien Del Rey said, "If it can be done, maybe he will be able to understand the other side of the original force. If it fails, then maybe he will Means the destruction of the galaxy."

"Master...Master will definitely master the unity of the force...will definitely, everything in King's Landing..." Edra Ketis said.

"So now, only you can help him." Lucien Drey said, "The connection between you and Darth Malthael is still unmatched by anyone else. Between you and his soul, There is an extremely deep bond. Only you can touch his soul!"

"What should I do?" Edla Katis finally stopped insisting when she heard that her master could help her.

"Let go of your body and mind, let the darkness swallow you up, and... sink into a darkness deeper than Darth Malthael!" said Lucian Del Rey.

"No! I don't want it! I don't want it!!" Edra Katis burst into tears suddenly. Although her face was still dull, there was an incomparable grief coming from the fluctuation of her soul.

Because Lucien Del Rey's words are annihilating her last ray of light!

As Darth Malthael said before, Edra Kattis has not completely fallen into the dark side, so whether she is crazy, cruel, or warlike on the surface, she has not really touched the dark side. soul.

The Force does not lie, so even though she practiced with Darth Malthael in the name of Darth Lilim, her strength still hasn't improved much.

Darth Malthael was well aware of this. That's why, after he conquered death and the valley of the Dark Lord, he called Darth Lilim here to accept the last and cruelest baptism of darkness.

This is also his punishment for Darth Lilim!

But compared to his master's punishment, what was more cruel was the words of Lucian Del Rey! Because of him, Aidra Ketis is going to give up everything! Even give up your own soul!

At that time, will it still be Edra Ketis who wakes up in this endless darkness?

have no idea……

But Edra Kattis had already seen Lucien Drey show her the future through the Force...the future full of death! In this future, even Darth Malthael himself will be swallowed up by death!

"I...will." Edla Ketis said these two words softly, and then spread her hands, giving up all resistance.


A day later, the Red Comet descended on the Valley of the Dark Lord again.

The hatch opened, and Darth Malthael, who was wearing a black robe, came over. He looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar apprentice standing in front of him, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth under the hood.

"Hehehehe... Not bad! Very good! You finally gave up the last insistence in your heart! Darth-Lilim! That is the most useless thing on your body! From now on, you will truly become a pawn in my hand, Conquer this galaxy for me! Hahahahaha!!" Darth Malthael laughed.

"It's my honor... my master." Darth Lilim's voice was low, and even amidst the tremors in the air, it seemed to be coming from all directions.

"Now you need to kill!" Darth Malthael grinned, "Sitting on the planet Ord-Mantel? Guarding the Interstellar Banking Association and the Fourth Group? Hehehehe... No! No need! To Jie Go to the fleet! The northern border of the Milky Way is your hunting ground! Go kill, go conquer!! Hahahahaha!!!"

Dark laughter echoed in the valley of the Dark Lord.


"No!!!!" Anakin Skywalker opened his eyes suddenly and jumped up.

However, at this moment, he realized that he was still on the bed in the dormitory.

He clutched his forehead, feeling cold sweat all over his body.

Another nightmare...a nightmare where everything is destroyed...

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