The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1501: Anakin's Mother (Part 2)

1501. Anakin's Mother (Part 2)

"...Annie! Annie...Annie..." A vague voice sounded around.

This voice is so weak, so bleak, but yet so warm...


Along with this voice, a figure gradually appeared, dressed in ragged clothes, tall but very thin, she seemed to be over 60 years old, but in fact she was only an old woman in her 50s.

At this moment, she seemed to be wandering in the endless darkness, wandering around but couldn't find her way, and in desperation she could only keep calling her son, "Annie! Annie...where are you?...Annie..."

"Mom!!" Anakin Skywalker opened his eyes suddenly, and he saw that he was still lying in his bedroom.

Just now, after he finished what he was supposed to do, he returned to his dormitory in a strange way. He suddenly felt tired, leaned on the bed and fell asleep for some reason.

After thinking for a while, he stood up directly from the bed, opened the door and walked out.

Outside the door, I happened to see a few clone soldiers carrying the corpses of Jedi knights out, and in the distance, there were corpses lying around everywhere. Most of them are clone troopers, but there are still many of them, Jedi Knights.

Looking carefully, most of these corpses were known to him, and many of them had spoken to them just a few days ago.

That's right, here is the Jedi Temple...

The Occupied Jedi Temple!

The once magnificent and solemn holy place is now devastated, the interior has been severely damaged, and even the flames in several places have not been extinguished. Some fire robots are spraying water and insulation foam, but these things can only make the temple become more messy.

Suddenly, there was a plop from the side, and it turned out that a clone soldier who was carrying the corpse threw the head of the dead Jedi knight on the ground. The soldier tilted his head to look at the corpse, and suddenly became furious without warning, "What is this smell! What is this smell!! Why does your smell of being scorched by a lightsaber smell so bad!! Ah?!"

As he spoke, he suddenly pulled out his blaster rifle, and aimed at the corpse with a burst of fire!

Anakin stared coldly, raised his hand, and a powerful force directly knocked the soldier away, and then hit the solid wall with a thud, click! It was the sound of bones breaking.

The clone soldier fell limply to the ground, already a corpse.

Ignoring these clone soldiers whose mental state was extremely unstable due to accelerated growth, Anakin Skywalker quickly walked out of the Jedi Temple and took off in a shuttle.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Anakin was restless, and his head was filled with his mother's call. He entered the coordinates of the planet Naboo on the dashboard, even his fingers trembled, and he almost pressed the wrong button.

The shuttle flew to the planet Kira, only to see that several huge space ports have been newly built here, dozens of hunter-class battlecruisers are parked here, and there are hundreds of large and small battleships and more transport ships around. The shuttle is busy everywhere.

Several V-19 Torrent light fighters flew over, [This is a military restricted area, please show your identification code. 】

"Get out!" Anakin Skywalker growled deep in his throat.

[Follow orders! 】The few V-19s turned around and left, apparently the scanning system had recognized the frighteningly high level displayed by this shuttle.

After the second round of charging, the shuttle started the hyperspace engine again, and disappeared into the universe with a burst of white light.


On the planet Naboo, a shuttle flew directly into the atmosphere.

Almost without slowing down, it flew directly to the target manor. Before it could stop, the hatch opened, and Anakin Skywalker, who was wearing a black cloak, jumped off and ran towards the gate of the house.

However, as soon as he stepped into the gate, his steps froze instantly!

"...Annie? Is that you? have you grown so big?" An extremely familiar voice came.

"Mom! You..." Anakin Skywalker subconsciously wanted to rush up and hug his mother, but the next second, he restrained the strong emotion in his heart, turned his head and roared in one direction, "Darth- Marthael!! Get out of here!!"

"Hehehehe..." Accompanied by a sinister laugh, the figure of Darth Malthael appeared on the other side of the room, and beside him were two robots with only the upper body left.

"Sorry my master, my arms are not flexible enough to crawl with both hands..." C-3PO said lying on the ground.

"What did you do to my mother!!" Anakin Skywalker exclaimed.

"As you can see, I resurrected her," Darth Malthael replied with a smile.

"You call this a resurrection?!" Anakin yelled, pointing at Shmi-Skywalker.

I only saw Shmi-Skywalker's complexion improved a lot, and he clearly recognized Anakin who had grown up now, but her eyes were still dull and lifeless.

"Isn't it?" Darth Malthael opened his hands, "My understanding of life has been improved again, so your mother is getting closer and closer to the real resurrection."

"The understanding of life? It is the understanding of death!" Anakin said loudly, "You have always been lying to me! You turned my mother into a walking dead!!"

"Is it the walking dead, you can judge for yourself?" Darth Malthael sneered, he raised his hand and made a casual gesture, and then Shmi-Skywalker actually followed him and made the same gesture.

"Stop!!" With a swish, Anakin Skywalker opened the lightsaber, "I won't allow you to continue playing with my mother like this!!"

"Then what will you do? I gave you the choice, Anakin." Darth Masail said with a sneer, "Now is the time, come with me. Become my apprentice, I, will Teach you everything about life and death! With the power to control life and death, you will be able to resurrect your mother with your own hands!"

"It's like the 'resurrection' of Master Adi Gallia and Green Betty, isn't it?!" Anakin Skywalker retorted.

"Annie... the dead angel is a good man, he resurrected me..." Shmi-Skywalker said blankly.

"I told you to stop!!!" Anakin Skywalker yelled hysterically with all his strength, and he appeared in front of Darth Malthael in an instant, stabbing directly with the blue lightsaber!

However, his furious sword was directly blocked by an invisible barrier!

"Open your eyes and take a look, oh no, you should use the Force." Darth Malthael mocked, "Isn't your mother standing in front of you alive?"

"She's dead!!!" Anakin yelled frantically, slashing at Darth Malthael with sword after sword.

Thanks to Time 697 for rewarding 588 reading coins! !

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