The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1529 Grand Duke of Dawn (6) [Territory Chapter 3]

1529. Grand Duke Liming (6) [Territory Chapter 3]

Tang Xiao didn't intend to really make the hello and me friendly in his dawn leader, in fact it was impossible. With so many races and so many planets, the interests involved are as complicated as a spider's web.

Of course, this is only the Dawn Territory, which is a corner of the Milky Way. If the Galactic Republic occupies most of the Milky Way, the interests involved will be more complicated, and then the Galactic Republic will be out of play.

Therefore, the contradictions between the Vasari people and the natives of Planet Karl are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are actually many contradictions in the Dawn Territory. But without exception, these contradictions were forcibly suppressed by the Dawn Territory, and the only criterion for the Dawn Territory in these conflicts was who was more useful to the Dawn Territory on both sides of the conflict.

Therefore, it is almost certain that the Vasari will expel or even enslave the aborigines of Planet Karl, and Tang Xiao is also very happy to see this result. And in the future, due to the development of the Vasari people, it is also foreseeable that the tourist planet Karl will gradually become an industrial planet.

Anyway, for the tourist planet, just modify the atmosphere a little bit, adjust the environment, modify the landform, and finally hype it up, and it will be there soon.


Among the territories directly under the Dawn Territory, the third largest star area is the Saiswena star area.

This star area is named after the Cesvenna star area where the capital of the star area, Eliadu planet, is located, and like the Haven star area, the Dawn Territory directly integrated the jurisdiction of the former Galactic Republic's 18th Army to form a large-scale star sector. However, the 18th Army of the Republic was very prosperous at that time, and after the capture of the Eliadu galaxy, the Dawn Territory had no ability to continue to attack, so they only occupied two-thirds of the original 18th Army's jurisdiction.

Star District Governor Ling Liang, she also set a record for the speed of promotion in the Dawn Territory-in just a few months, she went all the way from Army Lieutenant General to Army General and Star District Governor.

All this is due to her outstanding performance in the battle of Eliadu planet. It can be said that if it was not her plan to use stellar flares to isolate Eriadu, and then fight to the death, with the strength of the fourth civilization at that time, it would be impossible to shake the defense of Eriadu planet.

The Saiswena star area, to be precise, is the Eliadu galaxy, which is the core of the strategy of the entire Dawn Territory. Its strategic value even surpassed Dawn Planet itself!

Because the Eriadu galaxy is located in the transportation hub of the middle ring of the Milky Way, as long as it occupies this place, it can advance and retreat. For example, the battle of the Ennako galaxy, which is still in the final stages of work, might not be able to defeat the superior fleet of the 17th Army of the Republic if it were not for the very wide range of strategic maneuvers in the Eliadu galaxy.

It can be said that with the Eliadu galaxy, the Dawn Territory has the possibility to fight for the hegemony of the Milky Way, but if it is lost here, then they are at best a small warlord in a peaceful corner, and can only wait for the Galactic Republic or the Galactic Empire to gradually become stronger , and then slap them to death.

Therefore, in the Eliadu galaxy, the most powerful warship in the Dawn Territory, the Ankron class Titan battleship Xuanwu, was deployed, and all the latest equipment and warships were also deployed at the first time.

As for Eliadu planet, during the restoration and construction of more than half a year, the population has recovered to about 25 billion, and the planetary shield and orbital defense system have also been improved. Two Argonev-class interstellar bases have been completed, guarding the north and south poles of the planet, and the third and fourth interstellar bases protecting the equator are also under construction.

At present, the Dawn Territory still uses the Argonev-class interstellar base as a large-scale armed space station, but in fact, the upper limit of the design of this interstellar base is extremely high. If there are enough resources and time, it can even be built as huge as a satellite, reaching a diameter of hundreds of kilometers!

Once this level has been reached, interstellar bases cannot be built casually, and the gravitational influence with the planet must be considered.

The current defense of the Eriadu galaxy is already at the highest level. The defense system here has been considered in the design, and it can last for half a year under the full attack of the Galactic Republic!

In addition to this fortress planet, there are also many planets with extremely high strategic value in the Sesvenna sector, and many of them are industrial worlds, which means that the Sesvenna sector will become the industrial center of the Dawn Territory.

The first is the Sullust planet, which is the home planet of the Sullust people, and also the headquarters of Solosub, which can be ranked at least among the top 20 industrial enterprises in the galaxy. The industrial capacity of this planet is very large. In the Dawn Territory, it can at least rank in the top five!

Before the fourth civilization opened up the channel of the planet Terminus, the planet Sullust and some surrounding planets fought against the 18th Army of the Republic for a year, which shows their strong strength!

The planet Sulus-Van (Sluis Van) is a planet with a very developed shipbuilding industry. Before the outbreak of the war, it built LH-3210 cargo ships and generous-class communication frigates for the Trade Federation.

After the outbreak of the war, the Sulus-Fan planet and the Sullust planet went up and down, attacking from both sides, and once beat the 18th Army of the Republic very badly. But Wilhof Tarkin also demonstrated his excellent military command ability at that time. After withstood the initial attack, he gradually reversed the situation until the Fourth Civilization intervened.

So after the end of the Eliadu galaxy battle, the Sulus-Fan planet also joined the big family of the Dawn Territory as a matter of course. The planet is currently producing Hell's Angels and Disaster-class battlecruisers for the Salarians.

The Woostri planet (Woostri) was originally a planet that was not very suitable for living, and only a small number of Woostri people lived on it. But on this planet, there is a very valuable thing - the Woostri HoloScan Database (Woostri HoloScan Database)!

The Woosterley holographic scanning data array is the second largest database array in the entire Milky Way. This zigzag structure thousands of kilometers long and hundreds of layers high is a spectacle even in terms of engineering!

The amount of data stored in this database array is second only to the super database array underground in Coruscant. Although the gap between the second and the first is a bit large, in this extremely huge database, there are also all-encompassing records. Gained countless knowledge in the Milky Way!

Before the war broke out, the Worcester Hologram Database Array was the sanctuary of all scholars in the galaxy!

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