159. PY Trading

At the same time as the fleet of the Fourth Civilization set off, a crucial meeting was being held in Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, which could even be said to pave the way for the end of the Republic.

Galactic Parliament Building.

This is a mushroom-shaped building. The huge circular dome has a diameter of 2 kilometers, and the height of the entire building is more than 1 kilometer. This building is very strong and can withstand planetary level blows. In other words, when the firepower that can destroy this building comes down, basically the whole of Coruscant will disappear.

In Coruscant, where every inch of land is expensive, it can even be said that every inch of land is precious and expensive, but there is still a huge square covering an area of ​​one million square meters around the parliament building. The square is very empty, except for some small outbuildings, there are also some separate parks, including Equality Park, Justice Park and so on.

On these parks are erected hundreds of humanoid statues representing the founders of each of the Inner Circle planets in the Galactic Republic. Of course, it is also very ironic, because although the Galactic Republic claims to be fair and just, those poor and backward planets in the middle ring and outer ring are not even qualified to have a statue in the parliament square.

Inside the parliament building, on the 12th floor of the planet representative office.

Francis Underwood adjusted his suit for the last time, smiled at Claire Underwood beside him, and pressed the doorbell of the office in front of him.

The door opened silently, and Schiff Palpatine, dressed in fine clothes, greeted him enthusiastically, "Oh, I've been looking forward to your arrival since morning, Mr. Francis and Ms. Claire."

"I'm flattered by your enthusiasm, Senator Palpatine." Francis said very appropriately.

"Hahahaha, I'm flattered when you say that, Mr. Francis, come here, please sit down." Palpatine kindly helped Francis to the sofa, and he must first Sitting down, he sat down and said with a smile: "It seems to me that you are the greatest thing to do for the planets in the impoverished outer ring star region of the Milky Way. In comparison, I am far inferior. gone."

"This is also because our lips and teeth are closely related. After all, we are also an outer ring planet. So, since we have the ability, then we should help others more, at least have more friends, right?" Francis said in the same way. .

"Yeah, I also hoped to help you a long time ago, but it turned out to be self-defeating. The Galactic Council failed to pass the motion of the dawn star to enter the council. I really feel guilty, and I can only do my best to give you some compensation Already." Palpatine said, "After the people in the previous Trade Union wanted to follow Mrs. Madam, I used some relationships to prevent them from taking any further actions. I hope it can be helpful to you."

"Hehe, it's no wonder that the trade alliance died down after that. It turned out to be the help of your Excellency, and we are very grateful." Francis replied with a smile.

Palpatine changed the subject, "After that, Ms. Claire became famous in the outer ring star area, and even the Dawn star also benefited from it, and signed mutual assistance contracts with several planets one after another, which I sincerely admire. I heard that you are helping the Semiles develop new fighter jets?"

He began to hide his knife in his words, and he was showing off his intelligence network.

Francis smiled, "We are just a group of war refugees who have lost their memories. We are lucky enough to rely on the production lines on some colonial spaceships to have certain industrial capabilities. So we can only try to take out some usable things and go to In exchange for the necessities of our lives, so that we do not go hungry."

"This is what it should be." Palpatine nodded, "The previous incident taught the Trade Federation a hard lesson, which is really satisfying. Later they found me, hoping to give you some compensation with practical actions. But I put The decision is left to you, the person responsible for the last assassination was the secretary of the trade union regional director Lune Harkow, how to deal with that guy who eats inside and outside depends on your opinions."

"Oh? So what do you think, Mr. Senator?" Francis asked back.

Palpatine opened his hands and said very generously: "It's up to you."

The smile on Francis's face gradually faded and became extremely serious, "I will never, never forgive me for hurting my wife! Since then, I have sworn that I will make this person pay the price! What's more, this is In Coruscant, the heart of the Galactic Republic! Such a thing is tantamount to declaring war on freedom and democracy!"

But he changed the subject, "But I'm very glad that the Trade Union found its way back, investigated and dealt with the real culprit in a timely manner. Let's stop this matter with this secretary. I demand that she be dealt with strictly, and that the Trade Union A public apology is needed."

Palpatine smiled, "The Trade Federation is willing to lease an AA-9 large cargo ship to Dawn Planet for a symbolic rent of 10,000 credits per year. And it can sign a trade cooperation agreement with you. In this way, you will have It’s better to help those outer planets, isn’t it? But I suggest that you can be more harsh, and don’t let these capitalists bleed, they won’t have a long memory.”

"What I need most is a public apology," Francis said.

"I will convey it for you." Palpatine nodded, "Okay, let's talk about the next thing. Do you know about the planet Marathal?"

"Is it the Enterprise Alliance that wants to increase the fuel tax on the planet Marathal? Coruscant has been talking about this recently." Francis nodded.

"Actually, the root cause of this matter is that the Galactic Republic wants to levy taxes in the Outer Rim Star Region. What do you think? Mr. Francis." Palpatine crossed his hands and propped his chin, his eagle-like eyes stared at Francis.

Here comes the topic... Francis secretly cheered up. Tang Xiao had already told him all about Palpatine's plan, position and process, but even knowing this, facing a politician of Palpatine's level, Neither should ever be taken lightly.

He shook his head, "It's a good thing that the Galactic Republic wants to collect taxes in the outer ring star region, but the Republic also needs to shoulder the corresponding tax responsibilities. In this regard, it is absolutely impossible for the current speaker, Phoenix Valorum He did, he was just a coward."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear you comment on Speaker Valorum like this." Palpatine shook his head a little unhappy, "We should help him."


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Galactic Republic Parliament Building. 】

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