The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1646 Brave and Fearless

1646. Brave and Fearless

[Prepare 5 tractor beam generators, I want to take them there. ] James Bond said in his mind.

"They've already left, so you don't have to be so hard on yourself." Nova waved her hand, "And this will make my mind a little quieter."

"You go alone, it's very dangerous. What Voodoo sees is not a good result." Gabriel Tosh said.

"This is the best way. After I get to that place, only if I go in person can I adapt to the situation and find a way to send the message." James Bond said.

"Well, we will also meet you at any time." Nova said, coming to the console and pressing a button, "Come and meet old friends."

Only now did James Bond see a golden spaceship approaching slowly, docking with his transport ship.

There was a shock from the docking bay, and a moment later, two Protoss wearing very simple armor walked in. It was the Dark Templar Sora-Ah and Ola-Khan.

"Protoss?" James Bond was a little surprised. "Protoss willing to move outside is rare. In fact, I think 99% of the people in the Duchy of Dawn don't know the existence of protoss."

"It seems that you have forgotten me, friend." Ola Khan's voice sounded in James Bond's mind.

"So, you were there during the mission where I died." James Bond smiled.

"You are an excellent fighter, not only brave but also wise. It is our honor to experience your sacrifice." Sola-ah also paid tribute to him.

"The four of us will go with you," Nova said.

Standing here can be called the golden lineup of Duke Li Xingming, including Ghost Agent Gabriel Tosh, Ghost Agent Nova, Dark Templar Sora-A, and Ola-Khan. This can be said to be the strongest infiltration and intelligence lineup in the Principality of Dawn. Looking at the entire galaxy, only Quinlan Voss, an intelligence master in the Jedi Order, can possibly compare with them.

However, James Bond shook his head and refused, "I will only act alone, and I will strictly abide by the agreement of the dark broker. This is the only way we can enter that place. We cannot be sure whether the other party has a dark The existence of the Jedi Knights, if any, would be a complete failure if you were exposed."

"What he said makes sense," Gabriel Tosh said.

"He's just an ordinary person, he can't complete such a task!" Nova snorted coldly, "Just a few properly trained clone soldiers can catch him."

"Why should I confront those clone troopers?" James Bond smiled.

Nova's face was a bit uneasy, "You must know that we have spent a huge price to find such a middleman! Once this opportunity is missed, then we can only confront the absolutely superior forces of the Galactic Republic in the Model sector! "

"I believe in the judgment of this warrior, and I am willing to provide you with all assistance." Dark Templar Ola-Khan said.

"We can, on the tractor beam generator, install a positioner," Gabriel Tosh said.

"If you don't want to challenge the IQ of the intelligence personnel of the Galactic Republic, I suggest you not to do this." Nova said coldly, "So this is what I worry about. All our success or failure is now placed on such an ordinary person .”

"I will not waste this opportunity." James Bond smiled, "just as I would never disappoint a beautiful lady like you."

One day later, after negotiating the transaction method with the dark broker, James Bond took five tractor beam generators alone, took a spaceship to the agreed place, and embarked on an unknown journey.


20BBY, ​​on July 27, when the No. 3 star of the Yago-Dur galaxy passed the central star at a distance of 273 million kilometers, because the distance between the two stars was too close, the solar wind radiation on both sides interfered with each other, resulting in a huge radiation storm.

However, the location of this radiation storm is far away from the current positions of the warring parties of the Galactic Republic and the Principality of Dawn, so the interference is not very great. The main reason is that the communication has been affected, and the hyperspace channel is temporarily unavailable.

Gideon Tarkin, the commander of the main fleet of the 20th Army of the Republic, gave an order after thinking about it. All the warships took the initiative to attack in three ways, and once again sought a decisive battle with the fleet of the Principality of Dawn.

After these few days of continuous reinforcements, he already has more than 200 large and small warships in his hands, and has already formed an absolute force advantage over the defense fleet of the Duchy of Liming.

But the swarm drones that took off from the Consul-class aircraft carrier in the Principality of Liming have always been his confidant's big worry! These swarm drones are endless and densely packed, and it seems that they can't finish them. Moreover, they pose the most deadly threat to their own fighter formations, and the V-19 fighter jets are simply targets in front of them! And only the V-wing fighter can barely circle it, but it's not much better.

And once the air supremacy is lost, the plasma rays installed on these swarm drones have also proved that if there are enough numbers, they can even pose a threat to capital ships.

Coupled with the two huge Argonev-class interstellar bases on the outskirts of the Yago-Dur planet, and the huge threat of the opponent's 20 disaster-class battlecruisers, this made Gideon Tarkin always have no confidence in the entire army. Press up and take on Matt Horner.

The fleet in the hands of Gideon Tarkin, as well as the reinforcements that the Galactic Republic will continue to send, will be limited after all. He has already received the news, the good news is that the battle in the Mordel sector has already started, which will involve the troops of the Principality of Dawn, so that they will not go all out to reinforce this direction.

The bad news is that this battle is organized by Kuat Power Shipyard. It is questionable what kind of battle this group of merchants in the Kuat Power Shipyard can fight. What's more, the Kuat Power Shipyard has gone to fight the Model star area, so this also shows that their industrial production capacity must be It is impossible to reach my own direction in a short time.

This is also true of the information received from the governor of the 20th Army, Octavian Grant. The next reinforcement plan is not only a reduction in the number of reinforcements, but also small and medium-sized warships. The only thing that can be counted on is that there are said to be several Defender-class heavy cruiser prototypes participating in the battle.

This prototype ship is said to be the latest heavy cruiser produced by the emerging Sina Fleet Systems Company. This time, two prototype ships were also sent here for actual combat testing. The Sina Fleet System said that if the test results are good, they can also send another 10 prototype ships to reinforce within a month. (end of this chapter)

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