The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1661 The Predicament of the Expeditionary Force

1661. The Dilemma of the Expeditionary Force

"Impossible! The shot just now should have hit!" The driver was shocked.

However, it was too late to think about it, only to see a terrifying monster crawling over quickly! This monster has completely lost its human form, and its four feet are on the ground. Only from the twisted and terrifying head can it be vaguely seen that it is the mutant giants wearing a fur coat and holding a rocket launcher.

At this moment, the monster's body was already covered with a large amount of mutated substances. These mutated substances kept wriggling, looking like terrifying muscles! Under the action of a large number of mutated muscles, the monster's strength and explosive power will reach a terrifying level.

And it is very conspicuous that this monster is covered with pustules! The pustules were filled with yellow-green pus, which looked extremely disgusting.

One of the pustules had ruptured, and a disgusting fluid was dripping from it.

"Fire!!" The commander ordered again.

The heavy laser cannons on both sides of the TX-130 Saber tank fired again! At that moment, the monster didn't know if it had a premonition of danger, and suddenly jumped to the side. The two laser beams only hit one shot, hitting a pustule on its body!

I only saw that the pustules exploded instantly under the irradiation of the laser, and countless stinky liquids shot out, and this liquid obviously had a very high boiling point, and was not instantly gasified by the ultra-high temperature of the laser. Heat neutralizes down.

The boiling hot liquid flowed on the ground, sending out bursts of yellow-green smoke, which was full of poison without even looking at it!

"The attack is ineffective! Hurry up! Continue to fire!" The commander didn't finish his sentence when he heard a bang, and the vehicle body vibrated violently.

"It's in our car!"

All I saw was that this monster had already jumped onto the body of the tank. Because of insufficient energy and speed, it did not trigger the deflector shield.

"It's strong acid! Those liquids contain strong acid!!" The driver exclaimed.

That's right, although the armor was not corroded by strong acid, the thick smoke that came out clearly showed what would happen if the human body was contaminated.

But even if you know this now, it's too late...

This monster is already tearing apart the body of the TX-130 with its giant claws! You must know that in actual combat, the TX-130 mainly relies on deflector shields as its defense method. However, the deflector shields of this land vehicle have a high threshold value, which is critical for the speed and energy level of objects approaching. A certain level must be reached in order to activate the shield.

If this threshold is too low, the tank will be unable to move an inch in a complex ground environment.

But in this way, the TX-130 Saber tank will have no resistance when facing these mutated pursuers!

That's right, these monsters are all stalkers!

In the first form of the tracker, although they are equally powerful, even reinforced concrete can be crushed with a single punch, and they also have considerable IQ, can perform basic identification of friend and foe, and can also use rocket launchers, but the face The armored forces against the Galactic Republic are still very weak.

They only used rocket launchers to destroy two TX-130s in the first wave of attack, interrupting the mechanical leg of an AT-TE, and then they were all wiped out by the intensive artillery fire of heavy laser cannons.

The power that can smash reinforced concrete is still very weak in the face of real armored units.

However, as Shirley Birkin said, this is only the beginning!

Those trackers who were turned into a pile of coke by the laser cannon fodder began to mutate one after another. The fur coats on them were just a suppression device to prevent them from mutating due to sudden stimulation during the transportation process and harming their own people.

And now that the fur coats are being burned by laser cannons, there is no longer any limit to the mutation of these trackers!

Because of the high temperature of the laser cannons, they mutate in the direction that can resist the laser cannons! Moreover, unlike blaster rifles, laser cannons are soft kills, so the direction of mutation of these trackers is to grow a large number of tumor pustules on their bodies!

These pustules are like reactive armor. When hit by a laser cannon, they will burst, and then the venom filled with a boiling point of several hundred degrees will neutralize the high temperature of the laser cannon and flow to the ground to avoid the super high temperature. The temperature of the tracker hurts the body.

At the same time, because it was killed by the previous attack, the T virus in the tracker's body thought that it was still not strong enough, so it mutated into a bigger, stronger and more agile!

These mutated trackers have become the nightmare of the TX-130 Saber suspension tank that completely relies on deflector shields for defense!

I only saw that the mutant tracker used its incomparably powerful force to directly tear off a laser cannon on the side of the TX-130! Then hit the car body crazily! The thin armor, which could only defend against blaster machine gun fire, was no longer able to withstand the attack of mutant trackers, and it was dented.

In desperation, the captain opened the hatch and poked his head out to shoot with a blaster rifle, but was grabbed by the pursuers, pulled out of the car, and then tore in two with a bang!

"Roar!!!" The smell of blood stimulated the pursuer, making it even more crazy!

On the other side of Kabo Town, the only AT-TE walking machine of the armored company has collapsed to the ground, thick smoke billowing, and a whole five mutated trackers are absorbing the corpses of those crew members on the ground, replenishing the energy consumed by their own mutations. energy.

They didn't eat with their mouths, but directly covered those corpses with mutated substances, and then directly assimilated the corpses!

After eating enough corpses, one of the mutated trackers lay on the AT-TE walking body and stopped moving, while the other trackers were attracted by another TX-130 tank fleeing at high speed, howling and chasing past.


"General! We finally received the news from the Kabo Town armored company!" The signal soldier ran over quickly and said to the commander-in-chief, Casio Tag.

"Say!" Casio Tag already had a very strong ominous premonition in his heart at this moment.

"They are asking for help, and now there are only 7 TX-130 tanks left!" The communications soldier said eagerly, "They claimed that they were attacked by monsters, and those monsters could not be eliminated, and they became more and more terrifying! Now they are heading towards Katie City is advancing and wants to join the 77th Legion!"

"What? T virus? Is there any battlefield data?" Laszlo Dolittle hurriedly asked.

"No! The tank responsible for the battlefield record was destroyed, and there is nothing about the current battle situation except their verbal description." The communications soldier replied.

"Where's the reconnaissance plane?" Casio Tag raised his voice, asking the team on the other side who was in contact with the reconnaissance plane.

The correspondent took off the earphones and turned back and said: "According to the battlefield situation sent back by the reconnaissance plane, there is no sign of any fighting in Kati City. They are conducting more careful reconnaissance, but the situation is not optimistic."

"It seems that the city of Kati is over... If Kabo Town is included, there will be a huge gap in our encirclement circle in this direction. Originally, our battle in the eastern part of the capital of the planet Anji was not going well. Now If the direction of Kati City is lost again, our entire encirclement network will be in vain." Laszlo Dorit said solemnly.

This also means that Casio-Tag took a huge risk, and the plan to launch landing operations from hundreds of battlefields at the same time was completely bankrupt!

As if he wanted to sprinkle some salt on Casio-Tag's wound, another signalman turned his head and said, "General, just now the battleship Zieg sent a message. They scanned a large separatist convoy briefly before. The signal was lost after entering the range of Kati City, and they suspected that they were delivering supplies to the capital area of ​​the planet!"

"These separatist lunatics! They actually used the T virus on their own planet!!" Casio Tag's eyes were red, and the anger of the failed plan was smoldering in his heart, almost turning him into a building that could explode at any time. Volcano, "Bastard! Let our troops suspend the attack and wait for more troops to land on the ground! Avoid the separatist T-virus biological weapons from causing greater damage!"

"General, we still have a chance." Laszlo Dolittle said, "I think those T virus monsters can only play a role in complex terrain environments, so we need to immediately attack the Kati City area, including Kabo Town. Carry out indiscriminate orbital bombing of large areas inside!"

"But what about after the bombing? If you don't send troops to block it, the separatist transport team can still pass through the bombing zone!" Casio Tag slammed his fist on the console, "And to block the bombing zone, we need more troops! "

"We have no shortage of troops! We just need to temporarily cut off the supply of the capital area. Next, we can take advantage of this opportunity to directly attack and occupy the capital area!" Laszlo Dorit said firmly, "Since we have chosen to quickly If the battle is decided quickly, then it should be carried through to the end! Now it is inappropriate to think about slowing down the pace of attack."

Casio Tag's face was cloudy and uncertain, and the battle situation he was facing was so complicated that what he had learned in the military academy could not give him any guidance at all. Even though he claimed to have studied countless battle cases since the founding of the Galactic Republic more than 20,000 years ago, none of them could tell him what to do now.

The weird T-virus biological weapon made him at a loss. He didn't know what the other party had, how powerful it was, and where its strengths and weaknesses were, so he couldn't make targeted arrangements.

The 77th Legion, which was invested in the Kati City Region, has more than 9,000 people and the entire army is wiped out, but the problem is that the biggest problem with the T virus is its contagiousness! What if the T virus spreads to the rest of his troops?

Therefore, the reason why he asked all the troops to stop attacking and defend in place was the biggest purpose of this. He worried that continuing to invest more troops would make the T virus spread more quickly.

However, at this time, another piece of information made Casio Tag finally make up his mind!

The warship that escorted one of the transport fleets to the Anji system destroyed a sneaky separatist transport ship, and among the wreckage of the transport ship, they found the body of the T-virus biological weapon!

Now the hunter-class battlecruiser has recovered those corpses and handed them over to the scientific research team for research. At the same time, the warship notified the headquarters of the news, hoping that Casio-Tag would pay attention, because this is just a discovered spaceship. God knows how many spaceships from the Separatists quietly sent biological weapons to the planet Anji ?

If such biological weapons proliferated on the planet Anji, then Casio-Tag's only option was to launch a devastating orbital bombardment of the planet, completely destroying the surface of the planet.

But in this way, he can only establish his own advance base in such a barren galaxy. It's not that it can't be done, it's even said that as long as another hyperspace stabilizer is built here, he can also have a solid logistics.

But the problem is that the hyperspace stabilizer is a very large project. Once he gives an order to the rear to start transporting various parts of the hyperspace stabilizer and a large number of engineering ships and scientists, then basically the entire route will serve this thing.

In other words, during this period of time, his fleet will not receive any supplies!

The most ideal situation is of course to be able to occupy the planet Anji, so that his fleet can be replenished and repaired on the planet Anji, and some simple parts required by the hyperspace stabilizer can also be produced in factories on this planet. In this way, the rear transportation will be much less stressful.

Therefore, Casio Tag is still unwilling to destroy the planet Anji unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Yes..." Casio Tag's expression was a bit grim, "Make a plan! Without a complete encirclement, directly attack the capital of the planet Anji! Don't worry about whether it is encircled or not, whether the capital area can get reinforcements So what if they keep adding reinforcements! How can the combat power of a mere planet compare with our fleet!"

"Okay. I will instruct the staff to make an attack plan within two hours!" Laszlo Dolittle replied immediately.

Although deep in his heart, he was very unwilling to launch such an unsure battle. But with the emergence of biological weapons in the Katie City area, and the fact that the army in the direction of Katie City has been confirmed to have been destroyed, he can only carry out such an offensive.

Otherwise, there will be a hole to fill a hole, and it will never be a head.

Of course, Casio Tag also felt that this plan was unreliable. He immediately called a space combat staff officer and ordered: "Let our fleet organize an attack immediately! Try to open a bombing window to be able to attack the city of Katie." Carry out precise orbital bombing in the direction of the large area!"

The staff officer said with some embarrassment: "General, the current rotation direction of the Anji planet, the Kati City area is just opposite to the deployment area of ​​our fleet. We can only invest more warships to force the attack and enter the synchronous orbit." That’s fine. Otherwise, it will be more convenient to bomb after 13 standard hours when the direction of Katie City turns around.”

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