The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1781 Mandalorian Warrior Spartan Warrior

1781. Mandalorian Warrior—Spartan Warrior

"This is the way!"

Listening to this impassioned slogan, Jango Fett could no longer suppress his inner excitement. He clenched his fist tightly, hammered his left chest hard, and roared loudly as if he was hoarse, "This is the right way." the way!"

"This is the way!"

"This is the way!"

"This is the way!"

Tang Xiao looked at this group of Mandalorian warriors whose male hormones were already exploding, and rubbed his forehead helplessly. But he was still quite proud in his heart, because it also meant that this group of powerful Mandalorian warriors had given their lives to him.

At this time, Jango Fett and the others finally ended their shouting. He came to Tang Xiao and seemed to have finally thrown away the heavy stone in his heart. He has decided to pay back the humiliation and failure that Caledron suffered!

The Galactic Republic is gone, but the Galactic Empire is still there! The planet Mandalore is still there! The culprit of everything - Extraordinary Vizsla is still there!

These sinners who caused the Mandalorians to bleed like rivers of blood will surely pay the price in blood for what they have done!

This is the way!

"Your Majesty the Grand Duke." Jango Fett now spoke in a very respectful tone, "We are Mandalorians, glorious Mandalorians! We can accept Satine Kryz's humility for survival, and also I am willing to accept the fate of being defeated by the Galactic Republic four thousand years ago...I am even willing to take a step back and recreate the glory of Mandalorian fighting in the mercenary market..."

His eyes are now extremely firm, "However, we absolutely cannot accept the Death Guard bringing war and chaos to the planet Mandalore! We are not afraid of fighting, but we also need to survive and reproduce! The Mandalorian's first big battle The development comes from the fact that Ultimate Mandalore swept away the barbaric customs of the Tao people and established the way of Mandalore! Now, we must not let the Death Guard bring the ghosts of the Tao people back to the civilized world!"

"We are warriors, not beasts! This is the most essential difference between our true Mandalorian warriors and those barbaric Death Guards! No matter what method we use, we will fight to the end! We will definitely remove the Death Guards from this Completely wipe out the galaxy!" Jango Fett said.

"Very good, I look forward to the day when I can rebuild the Mandalorian Crusade in your hands." Looking at his impassioned speech, Tang Xiao couldn't help but nod, "If you want to ask me what my purpose is? Then I must Let me tell you, to defeat the Galactic Empire, I must use the power of the Mandalorian.”

Yes, Jango Fett is indeed the best bounty hunter and mercenary in the galaxy, but before that, he is first and foremost the leader of the true Mandalorians!

"This is the way!" Jango Fett nodded heavily.

"This is your equipment." Dr. Halsey also summoned a B-1 combat robot, and the robot pushed a set of armor on a suspended cart.

All I saw was that it was an old Mandalorian armor. It could be seen that it should be painted in military green, but this armor was full of scars and dents, and even the paint was patchy.

This set of armor has undoubtedly experienced countless bloody storms, crawling out of the extremely cruel mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood time and time again.

Dr. Halsey asked the B-1 combat robot to hand the armor to Jango Fett and said: "According to your request, I have kept this armor as original as possible. It has not been repainted or polished...but I also used Beskar steel to fill in some missing parts for you, referring to other people's armor styles - such as crotch guards and leg guards. In addition, after scanning, I also repaired some cracks and hidden wounds in the armor. "

(Speaking of this, I have to think of the fact that in "The Book of Boba Fett", Boba wore this crotchless armor and stood at the door to shoot at people, and unscrupulously hung his empty crotch on the Frontal... Is this mocking others or showing off one's own big dick? The funniest thing is that there is such a big gap that no bullet has been shot through. And what's even funnier is that Ding Jialin, who has a crotch protector next to him, his crotch He was actually shot twice... all the villains in the novel shot at the armor, right?)

"Thank you," Jango Fett said.

"Next, don't leave in a hurry. I will arrange engineers to equip you with a full set of combat equipment based on each of your combat habits. In addition, if you insist on taking your son Boba Fett with you, I will also need Get him a combat uniform," Dr. Halsey said.

Jango Fett nodded, took his armor, and put it on solemnly.

Tang Xiao didn't want to continue talking to these brothers at this time, so he just left them to reminisce on their own... He winked at Dr. Halsey, and the two left the laboratory.

"How is John?" Tang Xiao asked.

"He still needs some adjustments. He had some heart problems last week, but they have been resolved. Now I have to make sure that his body is in perfect condition. After all, he also wants to go to the planet Mandalore together, which is too far away from the Dawn Planet. If any problem arises, we have no solution,” Dr. Halsey said.

Tang Xiao frowned and asked: "Since it is also the second-generation Spartan technology, why did Jango Fett go so smoothly?"

"First of all, I need to correct you. Jango Fett's transformation did not go smoothly. He was rescued from life and death many times. In addition, although he and John are both second-generation Spartan technology, But they are not the same." Dr. Halsey led Tang Xiao toward another laboratory while making introductions.

"It's different?" Tang Xiao was a little confused.

At this time, they had entered this room, but rather it was Dr. Halsey's personal office. She clicked a few times on more than a dozen sets of complex holographic projection screens in front of her, projecting a large amount of data.

"John is still undergoing a new round of adjustments. Let me give you a brief explanation first." Dr. Halsey pointed to the data and said, "There is no doubt that after I saw these Spartans you gave me After reading the data, I am very convinced that this must be my handiwork. Although I have almost forgotten the previous things since boarding the mothership and entering the hibernation cabin, it is not difficult to see my personal habits and traces. "

She smiled bitterly, "By the way, for this reason, I also found traces of myself in the design data of the Trade Federation's Endless-class super aircraft carrier. How many things did I make back then? What happened? ...Forget it, it's over..."

"Indeed, it is precisely because of this that you can quickly restart the Spartan Project and apply it." Tang Xiao said, "No matter what, this is your own research result. There is nothing better than learning by yourself." It’s quick.”

Dr. Halsey nodded and said: "Okay. But what I need to tell you is that the second-generation Spartan technology recorded in the database cannot be copied rigidly. On the one hand, it is because in the Principality of Dawn In the environment, many basic technologies actually use the system of the Principality of Dawn. If we want to completely copy it, we have to copy all the technology and industrial systems that I used to have in the UNSC... This is naturally impossible."

"Yes, solving the differences in technology, integrating with the existing technology system, and finding alternatives are the biggest problems in our current technology research and development process." Tang Xiao nodded in agreement.

"On the other hand, Jango Fett's genes are not completely human...or let me put it another way, they are not pure human beings." Halsey said, "In his body, he retains some elements from Tao Human gene fragments, and I even found a few genetic keys, are likely to come from the ancient Sith. This also confirms the history of the Mandalorians - they have experienced many racial fusions, starting with Tao The human-dominated population has become racially diversified, and in the process, their genes have become different."

She seemed to be tired of standing, so she walked to the swivel chair and sat down, crossed her legs and assumed a lazy posture, and then explained, "I have studied the history of the Mandalorians in depth, and I can tell you with certainty, The Mandalorian social system of survival of the fittest four thousand years ago was, to a large extent, inevitable for the great integration of races. Because only by maintaining the custom of survival of the fittest can all the failures in the process of racial integration - those deformed babies - be eliminated. Abandoned or killed... Over time, those harmful and incompatible genes were filtered out from the Mandalorian's inheritance. Therefore, there was the extremely powerful Mandalorian at the peak of the Mandalorian Crusade. warrior."

"So, you have modified and adjusted the technology of the second generation Spartan." Tang Xiao said.

"Yes, some changes may not be considered adjustments in your opinion. But for a life, a change of one ten thousandth may have fatal consequences." Dr. Halsey said, "Jango Fei Te's transformation project is no different from John's - carbonized ceramic bone replacement, muscle enhancement surgery, thyroid catalyst implantation, superconducting fiber nerve dendrites, etc. But what was used on Jango Fett was based on his Features and fine-tuned renovation plan.”

"But why would there be a problem with John?" Tang Xiao asked again.

"In a word, he is not acclimatized," Dr. Halsey said. "He underwent modifications at the UNSC before boarding the mothership. Those modification projects are also different from what they are now. In order to ensure that I can continue to do so in the future. As active as he is, I have to fine-tune him as well, adapting his transformation to the materials we have. If I don't do that, maybe just a cut will do him incurable damage."

Tang Xiao nodded as if he understood, and then asked: "What about the transformation of the other Mandalorian warriors? If they want to be mass-produced, what are the possibilities?"

"They were all transformed using the technology of the first-generation Spartans. The extent of the transformation was not that great, so they were relatively simple. Therefore, their physical fitness was not as good as that of the second-generation Spartans, but it was also better than the clones of the Galactic Empire. Soldiers several times. However, I am still very responsible to tell you that when the Spartan project was established, you told me that a large number of Mandalorians were gathered to form a powerful Spartan superpower with Mandalorians as the core. The idea that the warriors are wrong is just not possible,” Dr. Halsey said.


"I told you the answer just now." Dr. Halsey waved her hand, "The genetic fragments in each Mandalorian are different. During the process of racial integration of Mandalorians, there were at least thousands There are races involved...maybe their dominant genes make them look human, but you never know what their recessive genes are. So for the Spartan Project, every Mandalorian, They are all single individuals that cannot be copied. This determines that they cannot be mass-produced."

Tang Xiao frowned, and he suddenly thought of another very troublesome thing.

Dr. Halsey seemed to have read through his thoughts and said: "I know what you are thinking. Yes, most people in this galaxy have the same problem. You should have also noticed that in this galaxy, although the Galactic Empire is now It pursues human supremacy, but in the previous history of the Galactic Republic, it emphasized racial equality. Under this idea, the gap between races is actually very small...unless there are indeed physical differences between the two races. There's a huge difference. So interracial marriages are actually very common."

She stretched out her hands and gestured, "For example, after a human bloodline lasted for dozens of generations, it suddenly intermarried with a Twi'lek and gave birth to a mixed-blood offspring. But this mixed-blood offspring continued After coming back and marrying a human, after dozens of generations, you will actually look no different from other humans, right? However, genes don't lie, and the genetic fragments of the Twi'leks will remain here. Among the recessive genes of a bloodline."

"So what you're saying is that a super-soldier transformation plan like the Spartan Plan is not feasible in this galaxy?" Tang Xiao said, "I somewhat understand why my master Darth Plagueis wanted to What we need to implement is the clone soldier project, not the modified human soldier project... because under this complex genetic condition, only cloning is the only way to ensure mass production."

"From this perspective, you should know how valuable the hundreds of millions of frozen embryos left in the mothership's cold storage are, right? They are all pure-blooded races... This is true no matter which race they are. So I I suggest you, since there is no shortage of people in the Principality of Dawn, it is best to keep these pure-blood racial embryos. At least, until we completely decipher the secret of the frozen embryos on the mothership," Dr. Halsey said. (End of chapter)

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