
Sonya Tag lay on the ground for a full hour before slowly sitting up. In the meantime, Adele Ulan came again and fed her some thick soup, which made her recover a lot. .

Sonya picked up the gauze that had been soaked with various unknown liquids from the ground, and put it on her body regardless of the dirt, as if it was her last pride.

Then she raised her cold eyes and said to Tang Xiao calmly: "Can I go?"

"Of course, you're welcome, Mrs. Sonya." Tang Xiao made a gesture of invitation, but it was not the door, but the direction of the bathroom. "A change of clothes has been prepared. In addition, your son Casio Tagana Bian has also made a choice... He will stay in the Principality of Dawn and study with the Governor of Volgograd-Kanidi, and as I promised, I will give him the opportunity to command the fleet in frontal combat without any grudges. "

Sonya Tagg seemed not to have heard, and just walked past Tang Xiao's eyes with a piece of wet gauze hanging on her body, and walked towards the bathroom.

At this time, a person flew in from the window. It turned out to be Alexia Ashford. Two pairs of insect-like cicada wings sprouted from her back, vibrating in the air at high speed, and led her to fly into the window very nimbly, hovering behind Tang Xiao.

Alexia didn't speak, she just hung there and looked at Sonya indifferently.

Seeing her appearance, Sonya Tag's numb beautiful eyes finally showed a look of disbelief and horror, and she quickened her pace and walked into the bathroom.

It seemed that she didn't dare to stay here for too long. It only took Sanya Tage less than ten minutes to clean up briefly before putting on the clothes Tang Xiao had prepared for her and walking out.

After coming out, the numbness on her face had dissipated, but she still didn't dare to look at Tang Xiao, let alone Alexia, who had insect wings growing from her body. She just lowered her head and said coldly: "What should be done?" I’ve done it too, tell me, what do you want?”

"I have said that the treatment I am giving you is purely for my personal interest and is free of charge. As for your son, as I said before, I let him go and gave him more opportunities to grow. So we agreed The conditions are absolutely essential. But, do you still want to go to the Model Star District to persuade him face to face?" The smile on Tang Xiao's face became harmless again.

This kind of smile makes it impossible for people to connect it with the terrible violence and heinous atrocities he committed before.

Sonya Tag said coldly, "No need. He is an adult and has his own choices. I will arrange to announce the news of Casio's death after I go back."

She paused, took a deep breath, and the towering peaks became even taller. She seemed to muster up the greatest courage, raised her head and looked directly at Tang Xiao, gritted her teeth and said, "Besides, don't think about having any influence on the Tag family. Any unreasonable thoughts! Even if you trample me countless times, I will never give up my bottom line!"

Saying that, Sonja finally couldn't bear to look away again, turned to look at the other side, her body started to tremble, and she said slowly, "One billion empire credits, and the secret hyperspace channel data will be received tomorrow. .In addition...in addition...within 97 standard days, I will come again..."

When she said this, the terrible pain and horrific torture she had experienced before, as well as the endless humiliation, came to her heart one after another. The corners of her eyes were a little moist, but she still gritted her teeth to prevent herself from crying, and turned around quickly. Step away.

After watching Sonya Tag leave, Alexia, who had been hovering behind Tang Xiao, said, "Didn't you tell her? This kind of poison needs to be administered continuously for a long time."

Tang Xiao retracted his gaze and said: "It's not necessary. She will know what she should know... Since she already knows that it is poisoned, she will definitely check it out. With free things, our services naturally do not need to be so good. ,Is not it?"

"Actually, you should have a better way to control her and let the Tagg family serve you. Why don't you do this?" Alexia asked.

"The Tagg family is no better than the Ulan family and Rendili Interstellar Power Company. Their power cannot be used by the current Dawn Principality. Moreover, Sonya alone cannot affect the overall situation of the Tagg family, and may even affect it. It was self-defeating and made Palpatine wary... With his behavior, once exposed, it is impossible to keep Sonya Tagg alive. Only then will we truly lose the Tagg family..." Tang Xiao Leaning back on the backrest, "Why don't you take a longer view?"

"What's the long-term solution?" Although Alexia has a superb IQ, she is very immature when it comes to human nature and politics and cannot understand Tang Xiao's approach.

"The inside of the Tag family is much more interesting than I expected." A cold smile appeared on Tang Xiao's lips, "Starting with Sonya Tag, I don't need to control her mind, I only need to control her body. . Then... we have the opportunity to intervene in the internal affairs of the Tag family and slowly expand our influence. Then, we have the opportunity to truly influence one of the oldest wealthy families in the Galactic Empire... This is far better than taking the risk of enslaving Sonya. It’s much more stable.”

"It's a good plan. I like you more and more." Alexia fluttered a pair of cicada wings, flew in front of Tang Xiao, stretched out her fingers as delicate as green jade and gently lifted Tang Xiao's chin, her eyes still With great pride, "Why don't you continue to consider my proposal? Combine with me... use our best genes to produce better and more powerful offspring..."

The wings on her back retracted, and the skin on her back squirmed and returned to its original state, as white and flawless as gelatin. She fell down, sat on Tang Xiao's lap, and said: "We can spread our descendants to the entire galaxy... By then, we will be the only masters and the only wisdom of the galaxy... This is the true unity. "

Tang Xiao raised his hand and waved, pushing Alexia away with force, and said calmly: "Sorry, I have no interest in children."

In fact, he knew that the offspring Alexia mentioned was actually the T-Veronica virus.

"My 15-year-old body can already meet the conditions for childbirth. However, if you want to wait for my body to develop more maturely, it doesn't take long." Alexia jumped to the other side, completely unaffected by this reason. The influence of force, let’s continue.

"Let's talk about it later." Tang Xiao's tone became colder, "At least now you know nothing about the Force. Your so-called outstanding descendants may not be worth mentioning in front of the Force."

"Have you ever thought that this is the main reason why I want to marry you?" Alexia smiled strangely.

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