
Eight Porter MK.II rescue boats were half-dragging and half-dragging, leading the Predator-class heavy supply ship towards the huge mothership Glory.

In the flagship of Vigo-Kash-Garulan, the core leader of the largest gangster in the galaxy, Black Sun, one of the nine Vigos, there is an atmosphere of despair.

On this spaceship, everyone is a well-known underworld tycoon outside, and Garuran can even decide the life and death of a planet with a single sentence! This is not a lie, just with the huge fleet of more than 150 spaceships he brought, the planets in the outer ring star region can only be slaughtered by him.

But now these vicious people outside can only helplessly watch their spaceship being dragged away bit by bit.

They can survive until now not because of how vicious and powerful they are, but because someone has taken a fancy to their spaceship!

Cash Garuran's breathing began to become rapid, his well-developed chest muscles were rising and falling like two rocks, his eyes were a little red, and the two tentacles on the back of his head were waving wildly.

This mafia boss who dominates one side has completely lost his sense of proportion!

Seeing the figure of the huge mothership outside the window getting bigger and bigger, finally occupying the entire view outside the window, and no longer seeing any starry sky in the universe, Cash Garuran rushed to the porthole, slapping the porthole frantically, "No! No! No!! Make them stop! Make them stop!!!"

stop? it's out of the question.

The exit of the huge hangar of the Glory mothership slowly unfolded, and the light blue light of the energy field reflected their frightened expressions. They could even vaguely see groups of figures gathering in the hangar!

Garuran frantically rushed to the other side of the porthole, looking at the distant starry sky. That was where his backup fleet was fighting. The spaceship could not be seen at this distance, but the explosion flames that exploded from time to time in the starry sky could be seen.

"Save me!! Come and save me!!!!!!"

A flash of red lightning flashed by, and turned continuously at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye. Several bursts of blast energy beams accurately hit the energy node on a spaceship of the Black Sun Fleet! This more than 40-meter-long spaceship has long been overwhelmed, and this attack immediately caused a violent explosion!

Sitting in the cockpit, Tang Xiao's eyes were a little red. The pleasure of killing made him want to stop, and his dark side force seemed to be absorbing the power of killing, making him stronger!

Cash Garuran's frenzied screams seemed to pass through space. Tang Xiao glanced in the direction of the mothership, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Streams of black smoke spun and flew around his body, revealing distorted human faces...

With a cruel smile, he pushed the joystick, and the red comet instantly reached an acceleration of more than 3,000 G, and instantly turned at an unimaginable angle, leaving behind all the blast energy beams and missiles fired towards him.

Then aim at a CR-70 frigate that is fighting fiercely with the cobalt alloy-class heavy frigate for a violent bombardment!

"That red fighter jet! Get rid of him!!" On Hei Sun's spaceship, the panic-stricken crew members yelled loudly as they watched the terrifying fighter jet.

"Can't lock! He's too fast!!"

"This speed and reaction are simply..."

"He's coming! He's coming! Fire! Fire!"

No matter what they did, they couldn't lock the figure of this fighter jet, and even if they gathered all the artillery fire from several surrounding spaceships to form a barrage, they couldn't even touch a single hair of this red fighter jet!

On the contrary, after the fighter plane easily destroyed all the vulture robot fighter planes they released, it began to cooperate with its own fleet to fight, and went around to attack the weak engines of the spaceships. This made their spacecraft have to allocate part of the energy supply to the additional shield protection, and once they relax, they will be dealt a fatal blow by this fighter!

Coupled with the fleet of 72 spaceships of the Fourth Civilization, it not only has a 315-meter-long Hammerhead-class cruiser, but also a cobalt-alloy-class heavy frigate and a revenge-class light destroyer. These firepower is no less than that of the CR-70. The firepower of the large spaceship far exceeds that of the Hei Sun's support fleet, and the battle soon became one-sided!

Black Sun's support fleet was originally intended to be used as a backup, and Garulan's IQ had never thought of making this fleet really play a role. Now Tang Xiao drove the red comet to completely divide the formation Come, and be destroyed one by one by the powerful firepower!

Finally, the spaceships of the Black Sun Support Fleet, which were left with only a dozen or so ships, began to turn around and flee in all directions, without any fighting spirit anymore.

But in short distances, how could these spacecraft outrun the red comet? Tang Xiao soon overtook him, and then aimed at the engine with a violent attack! There were also a few ships that wanted to lower their shields to jump into hyperspace, and the Gemini missiles penetrated the engine directly, causing the energy capsule to explode, and directly exploded into fireballs!


Cash Garuran stared blankly through the porthole. It was an endless square. Among them, a large number of transport ships and engineering vehicles are coming and going to transport materials, and piles of goods and ammunition are placed on the loading and unloading platform, and then are divided by large mechanical arms.

Here is the hangar of the super-large mothership that he covets.

But no matter how many fantasies he had about this mothership, all he had left was fear!

Before the eight rescue boats dragged his spaceship into the hangar, they tried to turn off the life support device of the spaceship, but the spaceship's technicians tried their best to stop them, so that they would not die so ugly.

Then the rescue boats dropped their spaceships to take care of the remaining five CR-70 frigates that were paralyzed outside. They 4 this time in a group of four, directly towed those frigates back to the hangar, and placed them side by side with the Predator-class heavy supply ship.

After that, some human soldiers led thousands of B-1 battle robots over, opened the cabins of the five frigates and walked in, and quickly lifted out the corpses.

Those frigates did not have the powerful mainframe computing power of this Predator class, and they were also severely damaged in the previous explosion. The life support device was immediately turned off by the rescue boat, causing all the crew members who survived the explosion to suffocate and die. die.

Scattered resistance came from the few B-1 battle droids carried inside those ships, which were used by almost every organization in every corner of the galaxy.

Soon, it will be my turn for this ship!

Garuran smashed the porthole of the spaceship madly, roaring like a beast, but that was all...

The sound of electric welding guns began to appear in the hatch door of their spaceship...

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