1893. Peak battle

Anyone who is targeted by Darth Malthael and Darth Sidious at the same time will definitely not be in a good mood.

After all, one is the Emperor of the Galaxy Empire and the other is the Grand Duke of the Dawn Principality. It is not an exaggeration to say that their influence and power combined can spread throughout the entire galaxy.

Jon Shen is like this now, he is in a very bad mood.

Although he is not afraid of these two people, it is definitely not a good thing to be targeted by them.

Mother Talzin stepped forward and said: "Darth Sidious has brought Star Destroyers, which are just outside our planet. We are unable to resist..."

Jon Shen glanced at her and said coldly: "Who gave you this illusion that I would be afraid of a few Star Destroyers? Since the Death Angel and Darth Sidious are coming , then I will make sure they never leave!"

At this time, Geszeraine also completed her ritual. She walked down from the altar, and Mother Talzin and others quickly knelt down. Although they could not understand why such a great and powerful Guthzerion would form an alliance with the humble Sith Lord who claimed to be Darth Tenebrous, this did not affect them from dedicating all of themselves to the Queen of the Night. loyalty and obedience.

"Bring them here, and then kill them! Jie Jie Jie Jie..." Guthzeryan let out a terrible laugh with his sharp and unpleasant voice.

Asajj Ventress looked up at Guthzeryan and said: "They all brought powerful masters. If there is a head-on conflict, we have little chance of winning. We must find a way to divide them! Darth Siddy It is certainly impossible for Erth and the Death Angel to join forces sincerely. We need to create a gap between them. For example, we can pretend to form an alliance with one of them and then kill the other together."

Shen Qiaoen said calmly: "Even if they agree to form an alliance with us, who do you dare to believe in the words of these two people? The Necromancer or Darth Sidious? There will still be no change in the final battle. That’s to watch out for each other.”

When Darth Sidious came alone to find Guth Zeryan before, he failed to seize the opportunity to kill Darth Sidious in one fell swoop. Now the arrival of the Death Angel has made the situation more complicated. They In fact, there is no chance of winning.

And the purpose of these two people seems to be very clear, which is to completely eliminate the very dangerous variable Gus Zerlain when they compete for the hegemony of the galaxy. Each of them has a powerful force, so they are wary of fighting with each other, but they have no such scruples against Guthzeryan.

Mother Talzin said: "Don't be so troublesome, just keep waiting. If we can't be found, something will happen to the Death Angel and Darth Sidious as time goes by!"

This is a good idea... Shen Qiaoen thought to himself, but it was still unstable. There are so many secrets on Dathomir, and the longer the delay, the higher the risk that these secrets will be exposed.

So... there is nothing we can do... Now that Gethzeryan has been exposed, let's expose him to the end! This can also hide other secrets!

He said coldly: "The Queen of the Night, Lord Guszeraine, when will you hide because you are afraid of the enemy? Humph! Again, since they dare to come, then let me stay!"

"Hahahaha!" Geszeryan laughed, "Yes! Kill them! Kill them! Hahahaha!!"

Seeing the appearance of the Queen of the Night, Mother Talzin glanced at Shen Qiaoen without any trace.

In the sky of Dathomir, a terrible storm was gathering. The Empire-class Star Destroyer parked on the outer edge of the planet immediately sent the abnormal weather conditions on the planet to Darth Sidious.

"Your Majesty, we have detected an abnormal storm in the southern hemisphere of the planet. Although it is not large, the energy level it contains has reached level 15!" The battleship commander hurriedly sent a communication.

Darth Sidious said coldly: "Tell the coordinates to the Dead Angels. It seems that this is Guth Zeryan challenging us."


"Antilis, Jerrick. During the battle, you must pay attention to the movements of the Nephews at all times! Then act according to the plan!" Darth Sidious arranged again.

"Yes!" The two senior judges responded immediately.

They are not actually the strongest people under Darth Sidious. Under the emperor, Dark Prophet Kadan, Dark Advisor Black Hole, and Darth Vader are the most powerful people. However, Darth Sidious did not bring those people here, because in his opinion, this was just to kill an old witch who he heard might be very powerful. There was no need to kill these few people. Although they were very powerful, they were also The people responsible for the key affairs of the empire gathered together.

However, the result was that he felt a little regretful when he actually faced Guthzeryan before. Because this old witch was so powerful that he didn't dare to confront her head-on, so he ran away quickly.

After all, he had invited the deceased angel to come over for a group fight, and now he went up to start the fight. This would definitely result in a loss of blood.

And in order to blockade the planet Dathomir and lift the table for orbital bombing when necessary, Darth Sidious still recruited five Imperial-class Star Destroyers. At this time, he no longer cared about whether he was alerting the enemy or not.

After receiving a communication from Darth Sidious, Darth Malthael and his party were resting outside a jungle. The witch Charal stood on the top of a big tree, seeming to be reviewing the hometown she had left for a hundred years, while the trial was meditating meticulously. The priestess kept talking in a low voice with the other two women.

Darth Malthael turned off the communication and said: "Guthzeryan showed up on his own initiative. It seems that he wants to fight us head-on."

"Let's rid the galaxy of this scourge once and for all," the priestess said.

Judgment on the side also woke up from meditation and nodded in agreement. On this point, she very much agreed with the priestess. They really thought so.

Darth Malthael added: "However, we still have to be on guard against Darth Sidious taking the opportunity to plot against us. He went to contact Geth Zeryan in advance, which was actually just a wishful thinking. When the time comes, we will It's hard to say what he will do in the battle. Although the few people he leads do not seem to be the top strong ones, there will always be some weird people under him."

What he was thinking about at the moment was the very strange guy who had appeared in the raid in the Model Sector before and could be remotely controlled by Darth Sidious.

"His conspiracy will not succeed!" Judgment said very seriously.

The Sith Infiltrator Red Comet took off into the sky and flew towards the direction of the coordinates at high speed.

More than a thousand kilometers away from the coordinate point, the sensor started to alarm. According to the data message, there was a very violent storm ahead!

Soon, the huge storm gradually became visible to the naked eye. I only saw that in this storm, although it was not large in scale, it gathered extremely powerful power! Countless lightning strikes continuously in the storm, causing bursts of devastating flashes!

However, at this moment, a dazzling beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and hit the center of the storm directly!

Boom~~~~~~! ! ! ! A terrifying explosion suddenly erupted, and flames and dust rose into the sky, reaching an altitude of 10,000 meters! Finally, a burning mushroom cloud formed!

It was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer in orbit that opened fire!

With a single blast of a turbolaser cannon, the powerful storm immediately dissipated without a trace. The entire ground has become like hell, the air is burning, the earth is melting, and there is lava, flames and toxic gases everywhere.

The jungle that originally existed in this place was wiped off the ground! Now all that's left is a fire pit!

Darth Malthael directly let the Red Comet fly into this hell, lowered its altitude, and fully opened the scanner to investigate carefully. Soon, a Lambda-class shuttle also joined the search with a fleet of TIE Interceptor fighters.

"Is she dead?" Darth Sidious asked coldly in the communication.

"I didn't sense her force power, but I think that since she dared to provoke in such a big way, it means that she must have made preparations." Darth Malthael said.

At this time, one of the TIE Interceptor fighter jets sent a message, "Your Majesty! We have scanned an underground space here!"

"Did you hide underground?" Darth Malthael was not surprised.

Battleships like the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, though, are extremely powerful and capable of destroying a planet through orbital bombardment, as the Star Destroyer literally means. But in fact, this is not really about blasting the planet into minerals, but about completely destroying the surface of the planet.

At the same time, because the turbolaser cannon of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer is an energy weapon, it does have limited damage to underground targets. This is a disadvantage.

The Principality of Dawn will specially carry nuclear missiles for orbital bombing on its warships to carry out this task. Nuclear bombs with earth-penetrating warheads will obviously be more effective in destroying underground targets. But there is a limit to the number of nuclear bombs after all. Compared with turbolasers that can be fired almost at will, the effects of orbital bombing can only be said to be different.

"It seems like she is hiding underground like a mouse. Let's go, kill her!" Darth Sidious said viciously.

Two groups of people landed the spacecraft, and then a lot of it was blown down, revealing the underground passage below. After stepping off the spaceship, Darth Sidious and Darth Malthael faced each other. Looking at the not-so-wide underground passage, neither one was willing to go in first.

"Your Majesty the Dead Angel, we won't leave you too far. Once you fight in front, I will come immediately to reinforce you." Darth Sidious pointed to the underground passage, wanting the Dead Angel to go down first.

Darth Malthael smiled and said: "There is your fleet in the sky. At this time, even if we are one step behind, we dare not do any harm to you, right?" He also pointed. Refers to the underground passage.

Darth Sidious made it clear that he would not go down first. He took a step back to make way for the passage and said: "This plan was proposed by you, Your Majesty the Death Angel. I see that you are a loyal subject of the empire. For my own sake, I’m helping you now, but don’t forget. I am the emperor.”

"Then, it's as you wish, my majesty." Darth Malthael, somewhat abnormally, did not continue to argue, but agreed readily.

Then, he led Judgment and others directly into the underground passage.

"I thought you were going to be arguing here all day over this matter." The priestess said from behind.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Darth Malthael's mouth, "Who told you that Guthzeraine must be inside? Can't she come out and ambush after the orbital bombardment? So, no matter whether we are If you go in first, the probability of meeting this old witch is 50%, so it doesn't matter. And..."

His smile was sarcastic and he added: "I feel that these days are definitely not lucky days for my unlucky senior brother."

As soon as I finished speaking, I suddenly heard a burst of lightning and thunder outside! The sound of explosions came intensively! Even in the underground passage, you can feel the earth shaking under that terrible power!

Darth Malthael laughed, "Hahahahaha! Guthzerion, who is good at controlling lightning and storms, seems to prefer fighting outside! Hahahahahahaha!!"

After laughing for a while, he said: "Okay, walk out slowly. Let His Majesty the Emperor play with the beautiful old witch first..."

At this time, outside, Darth Sidious was attacked by Gus Zeryan as expected!

Lightning fell from the sky like raindrops, and Darth Sidious had no time to complain about why it was he who encountered the old witch this time. He quickly gathered a force barrier to resist the countless lightning bolts.

Jerrick, Antilis, and the seven Dark Jedi also defended with all their strength, surviving in the endless lightning.

Darth Sidious was not in a hurry to fight back. He was waiting for Darth Malthael to come out and join the battle.

But after waiting and waiting, Darth Malthael was still grinding and chirping underground, not showing up at all! Darth Sidious was extremely angry and used the Force to shout loudly: "Death Angel!! Come out!!"

However, Darth Malthael still didn't come out.

Gethzerion stood on a hill not far away, opened his arms, and loudly called out the power of the storm with a spell. The lightning was almost endless! In such a situation, if you want to launch a counterattack, it is almost impossible to get close!

Darth Sidious is facing the lightning, and the powerful dark side force is also constantly condensing. The power of such a large-scale lightning attack is relatively scattered, and the threat to him is still limited. But he still wanted to ensure that several of his men would not be killed before they could exert their due value, so he also allocated part of his strength to assist several other people in resisting lightning.

But at this time, Darth Malthael finally arrived! (End of chapter)

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