The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 1918 Sparks (15) [I wish everyone a prosperous future in the Year of the Dragon! 】

1919. Spark (15)

However, just when the bartender was so frightened by the man in front of him that he almost collapsed, several mercenaries on the other side of the bar, who had been disturbed by the Gamorans who had just been knocked away, were furious. They came over and grabbed the man's shoulders and tried to pull him away. He broke it over.

"Hey! You guy! Why are you causing trouble for me!!" The mercenary didn't finish his words, but he immediately felt that it was cold! It was as if what I was grabbing was a large piece of metal! Cold and motionless!

The man turned around suddenly, his movement was very big, and the cloak that was still held by the mercenary was torn with a snarl. Under the broken cloak, there was a metal body!

That simple yet terrifying icy shell, the ferocious metal mask, and the pair of moving, beast-like eyes under the mask! This scene shocked almost everyone!

The mercenary couldn't help but stood there stiffly, because as the war progressed, almost everyone in the galaxy knew about the 'robot' in front of him!

Yes, even on the current wanted list of the Galactic Empire, he is still among the top five. He once commanded the countless robot armies of the Separatists, provoked wars and faced off against the Galactic Republic. Even after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, he still remains. Having resisted on the Salukami planet for three years...

"General Grievous..." the mercenary said this devilish name.

However, the situation with General Grievous was not quite right now. He murmured to himself, "General Grievous... No! Not the general! It's Grievous! Not the general! No!!"

Boom! ! He slapped the mercenary holding him away with a backhand slap!

"It's General Grievous! Run! Run! Has the robot army reached Nashada?" The mercenaries panicked, and some began to run away outside.

"Griffus!! Not a general! Not a general!!!" General Grievous looked like he was crazy and pushed everyone around him away. Then he covered his head and shouted, "Ah!!!" I saw it! I saw it!!!”

"Will the robot... still have a headache?" Some people watching the excitement from a distance were whispering to each other.

I heard General Grievous struggling for a while, then suddenly calmed down. The voice under the metal mask was low and hoarse, as if it was contained on the side of a metal can, "Someone called me... called me... demigod..."

Uh-huh! ! At some point, the two lightsabers he held in his hands suddenly shot out blue and green plasma blades! At the same time, General Grievous's arm split into four hands, and each hand was holding a lightsaber!

Four lightsabers are in hand, exuding a terrifying aura!

At this time, the onlookers realized that something was wrong, and they screamed and started running away! But it's already a step too late!

General Grievous, who had fallen into a state of madness, rushed into the crowd, waving four lightsabers with his four arms like a spiral windmill! Everyone around him will be cut into pieces by the high-speed lightsaber as soon as he is involved!

Tang Xiao opened his eyes suddenly and looked around. It was still night here in the Grand Duke's Mansion on the Dawn Planet. He sat up and turned to look at Adele Ulan who was sleeping soundly next to him. He stood up and came to the window, looking up at the dark night sky and the neon lights of the city reflecting the night sky.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Adele Ulan, who noticed her husband's movements, also opened her eyes. She got up from the bed, with only a veil on her graceful and beautiful body. She leaned gently on her husband's back, feeling the charming breath, "What's wrong with you? My dear..."

"I feel it...hehehehe..." Tang Xiao sneered, "The seeds of darkness are taking root and sprouting one by one! The Federation of Independent Systems is about to come to an end, but Palpatine... he thought he had won. Does he think he can free up his hands to deal with me? Hehehehehe..."

Whenever this topic is discussed, Adele Wulan will hug Tang Xiao tightly, because... this is the feeling of power! This is the chess game with the Milky Way as the chessboard, the planet as the chess piece, and countless lives as the foil!

"You will eventually lead victory...lead us to the pinnacle of the galaxy..." Adele Ulan said intoxicatedly.

"I'm going out for a trip." Tang Xiao said.

Adele Ulan frowned and said, "But... after dawn, won't Mrs. Sonya Tagg be coming for treatment?"

Tang Xiao smiled coldly and said: "Her treatment has ended a long time ago. Now I am just playing. And...the connection with the Tag family cannot be interrupted. Soon, she will see that One day has passed...when we see the Galactic Empire in turmoil...the change in attitude of the Tagg family will be a sharp knife stabbing Palpatine in the back."

"Yes...then I'll drive her back." Adele Ulan said.

"Let her strip naked and kneel down until I come back." Tang Xiao waved, and the black cloak flew over and draped over him, "I won't be out for a long time, only two or three days. Remember to adjust the temperature. The system is turned off. I also want to see how obedient the patriarch of the Tag family is after these years of training..."

The crimson 'Red Comet' Sith infiltrator left hyperspace and came to the core of Hutt space, the most prosperous and chaotic planet - the satellite of the planet Nalheta, the Smuggler's Moon Narshada.

The spacecraft parked on a towering spire, and Darth Malthael, wearing a black cloak, walked out. He went directly to an inconspicuous mechanical workshop, and after secretly showing his authority, Go all the way into the secret door at the back.

Here is a very hidden intelligence station! More than a dozen Salarians were busy with countless data and intelligence. When they saw Darth Malthael approaching, one of the Salarian intelligence officers came over and handed over a piece of information, "This is the information that Nasana has collected in the past three days." What happened in Shada, we also investigated the previous massacre in the Kamil business district and determined that it was General Grievous.”

"Very good." Darth Malthael input the information into his universal tool and turned to leave.

The Salarian intelligence officer added: "General Grievous was in a very bad state. He went completely crazy. In the Camille business district, he fought his way from a bar to the outside, killing at least a thousand people and then surrounded by countless people. He is in great danger if he escapes from being chased.”

"Ah... of course I know..." A cold smile appeared on Darth Malthael's face, "The seeds of darkness in his heart finally sprouted... and the story between him and the Confederation of Independent Systems should also end. ”

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